Top 100 Star Photos Leaderboards (May, 2022)

Top 100 Star Photos May 2022.gif


As Local Guides, it’s often amazing which of all of our great photos on Google Maps is the photo having the most views, which I call our star photo, and this post is all about such stars. It’s an update on the Top 100 Star Photo Leaderboards post of 1 February, 2022and contains a set of leaderboards that as well as showcasing the star photos of well over 200 Local Guides, it presents a very detailed objective analysis of their performance, and you too can join in! At any time you can see the star photos of participating Local Guides and others by visiting the Local Guides, 2022 Star Photos post and to see why so many Local Guides love participating on the leaderboards, just hit this link.

And you don’t have to be a “top gun” Level 10 with millions of views to participate!

The leaderboards have been specifically designed so that Local Guides at any level can participate, and you’ll see many do. So whether you are an entry level Local Guide or from a small town or village, or a top level Local Guide from London, New York, Paris or New Delhi, you can join in and it’s simple to do! You’ll find all the information you need and more here.

Is this a competition?

While there is an inherent competitive element within them, the aim of these leaderboards is to motivate us, help us to think about and monitor our contributions and performance, and show us how to improve and make better contributions so that we achieve better results, all in a fun and enjoyable way! If this can be done then these leaderboards will have achieved their objective; mission accomplished!

So what can you learn from these Leaderboards?

You can learn a lot by the very detailed and objective analysis of the star photos of the hundreds of participating Local Guides including, for example, what type of places and what type of photos seem to get the most views.


Reading the leaderboards

Briefly, this is what you need to know about the leaderboards in this post. For more details see the leaderboard documentation:

  1. Local Guides included in the leaderboards must check their entries for any errors. If you should find an error then add the details in a comment on this post
  2. Because photo view counts for individual photos is private data, it has always been the responsibility of participants on these leaderboards to provide the updated view count (star views) of their star photo. Previously this was done by way of a comment on the leaderboards post but now it is done by way of the data entry system.
  3. around sequence numbers indicate that this is the first time that the Local Guide has participated on the Top 100 leaderboards.
  4. An asterisk (*) shown after a Connect Username indicates that that Local Guide is a Connect Moderator.
  5. Double asterisks (**) shown after a Connect Username indicates that that Local Guide is a Googler.
  6. A ? in a cell indicates that the value cannot be determined for the respective Local Guide.
  7. Selecting any of the Connect Usernames will take you to that Local Guide’s Connect Profile.
  8. Hovering over any of the Maps Category entries should show the name of the relevant Place of Interest.
  9. The star photos of @MattGatlin , @Mo_TravelleerX and @Theatreperson are featured on the leaderboards and when hot-linked, selecting the Maps Category will take you to the respective Local Guide’s star photo.

1 - Top 100 Star Photos Leaderboard of All participating Local Guides (May, 2022)

No Local Guide



Star Views

Date Uploaded

Maps Category


1 @MortenCopenhagen 10 26,889,047 2020-10-15 Fine Dining Restaurant Storefront
2 @amankkush 6 19,550,193 2019-08-19 Monument Photo of Building
3 @MattGatlin 10 18,216,142 2018-04-10 Steak house Storefront
4 @PennyChristie * 10 17,704,324 2019-03-12 Department Store Storefront
5 @JordanSB * 10 16,974,677 2019-11-15 Convenience Store Storefront
6 @AdrianLunsong * 9 16,670,589 2021-03-31 Art Gallery Photo of Building
7 @ThatJimRyan 10 15,682,199 ? Children’s clothing store
8 @Thomson200 8 14,273,033 2015-08-01 High school Photo of Building
9 @Herve_Andrieu 10 13,448,169 2019-05-27 Department store Storefront
10 @Briggs 10 13,328,340 2017-04-28 Cake shop Storefront
11 @MajidMadadi 10 12,558,335 ? Private hospital
12 @MaxPlusFood 8 12,217,154 2017-08-02 Department store
13 @Chuan_Chee 10 10,630,926 2019-10-21 Airline Other
14 @JonBekkevoll 10 10,541,581 2018-01-20 Department store Storefront
15 @Rezgar 10 10,541,581 2018-03-01 Movie theater General internal photo
16 @TorM * 10 9,618,829 2019-01-01 Shop Storefront
17 @ValeriaA_ 9 8,852,370 2018-03-17 Cultural center Photo of Building
18 @Obaidur_Rahman 8 8,556,027 ? University
19 @Brian_D 9 8,338,629 2019-10-23 Restaurant External seating area
20 @Jean-IgnaceBE 9 8,296,231 2019-05-28 Furniture Shop Storefront
21 @JuanMamani98 8 7,852,510 2020-03-12 University General internal photo
22 @LaloPadilla * 10 7,631,725 2019-03-28 Buisness Center
23 @AdamGT * 10 6,601,418 2018-03-15 Home improvement store Parking area
24 @DFX 8 6,495,929 2019-04-29 Chinese Restaurant Naming sign
25 @gadgetguyz 8 6,378,761 2017-08-25 Mexican restaurant Internal seating area
26 @R10R 8 6,320,573 ? Shoe store
27 @Martin_Whitehead 8 6,256,807 2019-04-01 Toy store Storefront
28 @LuigiZ * 8 5,678,682 2017-07-01 Italian Restaurant Internal seating area
29 @Terrypg 9 5,496,218 2018-12-15 Dept. store Storefront
30 @AlexanderKudrin 10 5,402,368 2017-02-05 Кинотеатр Photo of Building
31 @AT_Rome 9 5,026,859 2016-03-01 High School Photo of Building
32 @Goodytom 5 4,963,990 2016-12-23 Pub External seating area
33 @JorgeSanchezMtz 8 4,830,352 2016-08-15 Garden center Storefront
34 @ysaadat 7 4,744,866 2017-11-02 Pizza restaurant Storefront
35 @AZ_2021 10 4,657,089 2021-04-06 Fast Food Storefront
36 @heyrye 7 4,485,374 2018-02-14 Restaurant Internal seating area
37 @Atizol 9 4,356,237 2021-09-15 Furniture store Storefront
38 @pabloferro 8 4,305,046 2017-10-30 Asian Restaurant Naming sign
39 @Muhammad_Usman 10 4,299,090 2019-04-06 Historical landmark Park or Garden
40 @avadhoot141 9 4,051,088 2019-01-30 Plaza Photo of Building
41 @JaneBurunina * 9 3,940,715 2018-10-25 Store Galleria General internal photo
42 @Gezendunyali 9 3,932,251 ? Monument
43 @YasumiKikuchi 10 3,806,298 2019-09-29 Fountain Park or Garden
44 @Indahnuria * 10 3,750,906 2018-01-01 Home goods store Storefront
45 @Theatreperson 8 3,622,641 2017-01-15 Jeweler Storefront
46 @PrinzRoland 8 3,495,540 ? ?
47 @gulgi 8 3,489,865 ? Bicycle store
48 @dbateser 9 3,477,615 ? ?
49 @chillfiltr 7 3,414,967 2019-07-11 French restaurant Naming sign
50 @oviabhi 9 3,294,303 ? Botanical garden
51 @JuwarniPawuh 10 3,241,500 ? National park
52 @Rex_Roscoe 8 3,122,215 2020-01-21 Italian Restaurant Internal seating area
53 @TheLifesWay 9 3,021,816 2016-02-01 Restaurant Naming sign
54 @LudwigGermany * 9 2,941,213 2019-11-01 Airport
55 @Chacho 9 2,811,172 ? Furniture store
56 @amandhayal 10 2,676,260 2018-04-27 Sweet Shop Storefront
57 @Wintask 9 2,657,816 2019-03-25 Pub Internal seating area
58 @Robert24 7 2,566,067 2018-09-03 Bank Photo of Building
59 @PrateekAgarwal 8 2,491,196 ? Chinese restaurant
60 @AlekseyGapeev 6 2,422,842 ? Hospital
61 @TravellerG 10 2,420,002 2016-01-10 Tourist attraction Other
62 @ValentinaCaldito 8 2,320,701 2015-03-05 Grandes Almacenes Storefront
63 @turaibalazs 9 2,263,597 2014-07-15 Bar Internal seating area
64 @tony_b 8 2,130,507 2019-02-01 Hardware Store Storefront
65 @kessc 10 2,092,224 2016-12-15 Emniyet Müdürlüğü Photo of Building
66 @JokoEats 7 2,091,687 2016-02-01 Pizza Storefront
67 @Sagir * 10 2,086,249 2017-11-08 Mall General internal photo
68 @RohitGahlot 9 2,079,279 ? Fast food restaurant
69 @Teana_K 9 2,046,526 ? Thai restaurant
70 @aRvInD-Gr 8 2,018,722 2018-04-30 Biryani restaurant Meal or beverage
71 @Calvin 8 2,013,907 2017-01-04 Chinese Restaurant Naming sign
72 @QueBall 8 1,985,125 2020-07-01 Department store Storefront
73 @kasunaaa 9 1,895,316 2019-04-01 Florist General internal photo
74 @ModNomad 10 1,859,733 2018-03-07 Train Station Naming sign
75 @Dave26 8 1,845,948 2019-03-01 Recycling Centre Other
76 @Kahnster 9 1,740,167 2018-12-12 Tourist Attraction Panorama shot
77 @Markus75 10 1,717,357 2019-01-01 Pizzeria Storefront
78 @StephenLammens 9 1,702,008 ? Italian restaurant
79 @MuhammadBakrMuhlison 8 1,603,390 ? Bakery
80 @OmerAli * 9 1,589,883 2017-03-02 Historical landmark Cityscape
81 @jahzzy 9 1,578,849 2018-12-01 Turkish restaurant General internal photo
82 @MrRogelioG 8 1,455,297 2021-03-09 Art gallery Panorama shot
83 @LightRich * 8 1,444,924 2017-01-15 Electronic Store Storefront
84 @karora 7 1,404,690 ? Historical landmark
85 @MAHMOUDALWAN 10 1,336,181 ? Izakaya restaurant
86 @RN08 8 1,317,064 2021-02-01 Indian Restaurant Internal seating area
87 @LuisMGonzalez 9 1,250,902 ? Restaurant
88 @RooksieN 9 1,244,885 2020-02-01 Chinese Restaurant Meal or beverage
89 @sudipbohora 6 1,163,168 2021-08-06 delhi Park or Garden
90 @Chuytorres-alc 7 1,139,730 2021-02-14 Restaurante Italiano Internal seating area
91 @ReshamDas 9 1,132,779 2016-10-01 University Photo of Building
92 @GigiR 8 1,107,014 2019-07-12 Naturcampingpark Other
93 @amittiwari 9 1,102,686 2016-11-16 Car Dealer Storefront
94 @edwin080372 9 1,086,421 ? Digital printer
95 @Samehabosaif75 9 1,023,775 2021-06-01 Hospital Photo of Building
96 @BK_GAJENDRA 9 998,303 2016-08-24 Palace Storefront
97 @rupgo 8 976,999 2018-09-01 Restaurant Internal seating area
98 @akhil_raj 9 966,470 2019-02-10 Agricultural Other
99 @TheerapatS 7 947,404 ? Driver licence office
100 @JOSEWET 10 941,438 2021-10-15 RESTAURANTE Photo of Building

[Data read at 22:30 (AEST) on 2 May, 2022]


2 - Top 100 Star Photos Leaderboard by Country - All Participating Local Guides (May, 2022)

When it comes to the Top 100 Local Guides leaderboards, it’s important to try and have a level playing field and, as described here in the leaderboard documentation, this is why we have top 100 leaderboards for each of the different Local Guide levels. We need to also recognize that bigger cities like London, New York, Paris and Delhi, have more potential Places of Interest (POIs) to review and take photos of, and some very popular POIs like the Eiffel Tower or the Statue of Liberty which would attract significantly more views.

It follows therefore, that Local Guides in these larger cities would have greater opportunities for making Maps contributions, both reviews and photos, and would likely more easily gain more points and views than Local Guides in the smaller cities, towns and villages. While it is not possible here on Connect for the top 100 leaderboards to drill down into different cities, towns and villages, we should at least have a leaderboard of top 100 star views by country, and this is what the following leaderboard is about.

No Local Guide




Star Views

Date Uploaded

Maps Category


1 @MortenCopenhagen 10 :denmark: 26,889,047 2020-10-15 Fine Dining Restaurant Storefront
2 @amankkush 6 :us: 19,550,193 2019-08-19 Monument Photo of Building
3 @PennyChristie * 10 :earth_asia: 17,704,324 2019-03-12 Department Store Storefront
4 @AdrianLunsong * 9 :malaysia: 16,670,589 2021-03-31 Art Gallery Photo of Building
5 @MajidMadadi 10 :iran: 12,558,335 ? Private hospital
6 @Chuan_Chee 10 :canada: 10,630,926 2019-10-21 Airline Other
7 @JonBekkevoll 10 :norway: 10,541,581 2018-01-20 Department store Storefront
8 @TorM * 10 :de: 9,618,829 2019-01-01 Shop Storefront
9 @ValeriaA 9 :argentina: 8,852,370 2018-03-17 Cultural center Photo of Building
10 @Obaidur_Rahman 8 :lotus: 8,556,027 ? University
11 @GYours 9 :uk: 8,338,629 2019-10-23 Restaurant External seating area
12 @Jean-IgnaceBE 9 :belgium: 8,296,231 2019-05-28 Furniture Shop Storefront
13 @LaloPadilla * 10 :mexico: 7,631,725 2019-03-28 Buisness Center
14 @R10R 8 :indonesia: 6,320,573 ? Shoe store
15 @LuigiZ * 8 :it: 5,678,682 2017-07-01 Italian Restaurant Internal seating area
16 @AlexanderKudrin 10 :nesting_dolls: 5,402,368 2017-02-05 Кинотеатр Photo of Building
17 @Atizol 9 :dominican_republic: 4,356,237 2021-09-15 Furniture store Storefront
18 @pabloferro 8 :sweden: 4,305,046 2017-10-30 Asian Restaurant Naming sign
19 @Muhammad_Usman 10 :pakistan: 4,299,090 2019-04-06 Historical landmark Park or Garden
20 @JaneBurunina * 9 :ukraine: 3,940,715 2018-10-25 Store Galleria General internal photo
21 @Gezendunyali 9 :turkey: 3,932,251 ? Monument
22 @YasumiKikuchi 10 :japan: 3,806,298 2019-09-29 Fountain Park or Garden
23 @TheLifesWay 9 :south_africa: 3,021,816 2016-02-01 Restaurant Naming sign
24 @Chacho 9 :es: 2,811,172 ? Furniture store
25 @Robert24 7 :colombia: 2,566,067 2018-09-03 Bank Photo of Building
26 @AlekseyGapeev 6 :belarus: 2,422,842 ? Hospital
27 @ValentinaCaldito 8 :panama: 2,320,701 2015-03-05 Grandes Almacenes Storefront
28 @turaibalazs 9 :hungary: 2,263,597 2014-07-15 Bar Internal seating area
29 @tony_b 8 :barbados: 2,130,507 2019-02-01 Hardware Store Storefront
30 @Sagir * 10 :nigeria: 2,086,249 2017-11-08 Mall General internal photo
31 @kasunaaa 9 :sri_lanka: 1,895,316 2019-04-01 Florist General internal photo
32 @Markus75 10 :austria: 1,717,357 2019-01-01 Pizzeria Storefront
33 @karora 7 :ireland: 1,404,690 ? Historical landmark
34 @MAHMOUDALWAN 10 :egypt: 1,336,181 ? Izakaya restaurant
35 @sudipbohora 6 :nepal: 1,163,168 2021-08-06 delhi Park or Garden
36 @TheerapatS 7 :thailand: 947,404 ? Driver licence office
37 @alainrc2005 8 :cuba: 763,133 2018-09-01 Hotel Photo of Building
38 @Blexi 8 :czech_republic: 723,645 2018-02-01 Chocolate cafe Internal seating area
39 @Alexkezevadze 7 :georgia: 615,802 2021-03-10 Tourist attraction Panorama shot
40 @Omarfahd 8 :morocco: 536,634 ? Attractions touristiques
41 @achrislive 7 :rwanda: 454,205 2019-10-17 Private University Photo of Building
42 @LilianRAMBU 7 :romania: 339,931 2021-01-06 Shopping mall Storefront
43 @ACCoelho20 7 :portugal: 249,956 2020-09-20 Museu Photo of Building
44 @SabbirShawon 8 :bangladesh: 188,743 2017-09-10 Town Panorama shot
45 @noheway 7 :bolivia: 80,642 2021-01-15 Parque Photo of Building
46 @Ashifp 6 :united_arab_emirates: 54,016 2021-06-30 Nature Other
47 @kvlpilote 6 :cameroon: 27,183 2015-09-12 Hôtel Cityscape
48 @ekbun 7 :iraq: 11,750 2020-01-02 corporate Photo of Building
49 You ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

[Data read at 22:30 (AEST) on 2 May, 2022]


3 - Top 100 Star Photos Leaderboard - Participating Level 10 Local Guides (May, 2022)

No Local Guide

Star Views

Date Uploaded

Maps Category


1 @MortenCopenhagen 26,889,047 2020-10-15 Fine Dining Restaurant Storefront
2 @MattGatlin 18,216,142 2018-04-10 Steak house Storefront
3 @PennyChristie * 17,704,324 2019-03-12 Department Store Storefront
4 @JordanSB * 16,974,677 2019-11-15 Convenience Store Storefront
5 @ThatJimRyan 15,682,199 ? Children’s clothing store
6 @Herve_Andrieu 13,448,169 2019-05-27 Department store Storefront
7 @Briggs 13,328,340 2017-04-28 Cake shop Storefront
8 @MajidMadadi 12,558,335 ? Private hospital
9 @Chuan_Chee 10,630,926 2019-10-21 Airline Other
10 @JonBekkevoll 10,541,581 2018-01-20 Department store Storefront
11 @Rezgar 10,541,581 2018-03-01 Movie theater General internal photo
12 @TorM c;* 9,618,829 2019-01-01 Shop Storefront
13 @LaloPadilla c;* 7,631,725 ? Buisness Center
14 @AdamGT c;* 6,601,418 2018-03-15 Home improvement store Parking area
15 @AlexanderKudrin 5,402,368 2017-02-05 Кинотеатр Photo of Building
16 @AZ_2021 4,657,089 2021-04-06 Fast Food Storefront
17 @Muhammad_Usman 4,299,090 2019-04-06 Historical landmark Park or Garden
18 @YasumiKikuchi 3,806,298 2019-09-29 Fountain Park or Garden
19 @Indahnuria c;* 3,750,906 2018-01-01 Home goods store
20 @JuwarniPawuh 3,241,500 ? National park
21 @amandhayal 2,676,260 2018-04-27 Sweet Shop Storefront
22 @TravellerG 2,420,002 2016-01-10 Tourist attraction Other
23 @kessc 2,090,854 2016-12-01 Emniyet Müdürlüğü Photo of Building
24 @Sagir * 2,086,249 2017-11-08 Mall General internal photo
25 @ModNomad 1,859,733 2018-03-07 Train Station Naming sign
26 @Markus75 1,717,357 2019-01-01 Pizzeria Storefront
27 @MAHMOUDALWAN 1,336,181 ? Izakaya restaurant
28 @JOSEWET 912,193 2021-10-15 RESTAURANTE Photo of Building
29 @Kashifmisidia c;* 643,569 ? Cooking School
30 @PaDeSSo 516,116 2020-01-03 Bandung Storefront
31 @TonyAlexander 243,581 2016-11-01 Spa Meal or beverage
32 You ? ? ? ? ?

[Data read at 22:30 (AEST) on 2 May, 2022]


4 - Top 100 Star Photos Leaderboard - Participating Level 9 Local Guides (May, 2022)

No Local Guide

Star Views

Date Uploaded

Maps Category


1 @AdrianLunsong * 16,670,589 2021-03-31 Art Gallery Photo of Building
2 @ValeriaA 8,852,370 2018-03-17 Cultural center Photo of Building
3 @GYours 8,338,629 2019-10-23 Restaurant External seating area
4 @Jean-IgnaceBE 8,296,231 2019-05-28 Furniture Shop Storefront
5 @Terrypg 5,496,218 2018-12-15 Dept. store Storefront
6 @AT_Rome 5,026,859 2016-03-01 High School Photo of Building
7 @Atizol 4,356,237 2021-09-15 Furniture store Storefront
8 @avadhoot141 4,051,088 2019-01-30 Plaza Photo of Building
9 @JaneBurunina * 3,940,715 2018-10-25 Store Galleria General internal photo
10 @Gezendunyali 3,932,251 ? Monument
11 @dbateser 3,477,615 ? ?
12 @oviabhi 3,294,303 ? Botanical garden
13 @TheLifesWay 3,021,816 2016-02-01 Restaurant Naming sign
14 @LudwigGermany * 2,941,213 ? Airport
15 @Chacho 2,811,172 ? Furniture store
16 @Wintask 2,657,816 2019-03-25 Pub Internal seating area
17 @RohitGahlot 2,079,279 ? Fast food restaurant
18 @Teana_K 2,046,526 ? Thai restaurant
19 @kasunaaa 1,895,316 2019-04-01 Florist General internal photo
20 @Kahnster 1,740,167 2018-12-12 Tourist Attraction Panorama shot
21 @StephenLammens 1,702,008 ? Italian restaurant
22 @OmerAli * 1,589,883 2017-03-02 Historical landmark Cityscape
23 @jahzzy 1,578,849 2018-12-01 Turkish restaurant General internal photo
24 @LuisMGonzalez 1,250,902 ? Restaurant
25 @RooksieN 1,244,885 2020-02-01 Chinese Restaurant Meal or beverage
26 @ReshamDas 1,132,779 2016-10-01 University Photo of Building
27 @amittiwari 1,102,686 2016-11-16 Car Dealer Storefront
28 @edwin080372 1,086,421 ? Digital printer
29 @Samehabosaif75 1,023,775 2021-06-01 Hospital Photo of Building
30 @BK_GAJENDRA 998,303 2016-08-24 Palace Storefront
31 @akhil_raj 966,470 2019-02-10 Agricultural Other
32 @SebaasC 542,156 2019-04-01 Tienda de articulos para el hogar Storefront
33 @VictorRamos24 377,544 2021-03-15 Grandes Almacenes General internal photo
34 @Mo-TravelleerX 359,651 2021-09-01 Beach Panorama shot
35 @sabangla14 105,695 2021-03-19 Bangladesh. Storefront
36 You ? ? ? ? ?

[Data read at 22:30 (AEST) on 2 May, 2022]


5 - Top 100 Star Photos Leaderboard - Participating Level 8 Local Guides (May, 2022)

No Local Guide

Star Views

Date Uploaded

Maps Category


1 @Thomson200 14,273,033 2015-08-01 High school Photo of Building
2 @Maxplusfood 12,217,154 2017-08-02 Department store
3 @Obaidur_Rahman 8,556,027 ? University
4 @IgnacioMamaniTapia 7,852,510 2020-03-12 University General internal photo
5 @DFX 6,495,929 2019-04-29 Chinese Restaurant Naming sign
6 @gadgetguyz 6,378,761 2017-08-25 Mexican restaurant Internal seating area
7 @R10R 6,320,573 ? Shoe store
8 @Martin_Whitehead 6,256,807 2019-04-01 Toy store Storefront
9 @LuigiZ * 5,678,682 2017-07-01 Italian Restaurant Internal seating area
10 @JorgeSanchezMtz 4,830,352 2016-08-15 Garden center Storefront
11 @pabloferro 4,305,046 2017-10-30 Asian Restaurant Naming sign
12 @Theatreperson 3,622,641 2017-01-15 Jeweler Storefront
13 @PrinzRoland 3,495,540 ? ?
14 @gulgi 3,489,865 ? Bicycle store
15 @Rex_Roscoe 3,122,215 2020-01-21 Italian Restaurant Internal seating area
16 @PrateekAgarwal 2,491,196 ? Chinese restaurant
17 @ValentinaCaldito 2,320,701 2015-03-05 Grandes Almacenes Storefront
18 @tony_b 2,130,507 2019-02-01 Hardware Store Storefront
19 @aRvInD-Gr 2,018,722 2018-04-30 Biryani restaurant Meal or beverage
20 @Calvin 2,013,907 2017-01-04 Chinese Restaurant Naming sign
21 @QueBall 1,985,125 2020-07-01 Department store Storefront
22 @Dave26 1,845,948 2019-03-01 Recycling Centre Other
23 @MuhammadBakrMuhlison 1,603,390 ? Bakery
24 @MrRogelioG 1,455,297 2021-03-09 Art gallery Panorama shot
25 @LightRich * 1,444,924 2017-01-15 Electronic Store Storefront
26 @RN08 1,317,064 2021-02-01 Indian Restaurant Internal seating area
27 @GigiR 1,107,014 2019-07-12 Naturcampingpark Other
28 @rupgo 976,999 2018-09-01 Restaurant Internal seating area
29 @ryan_read 931,706 2019-04-01 Italian restaurant Internal seating area
30 @Rahul001 911,239 2019-07-11 Threatre Photo of Building
31 @alainrc2005 763,133 2018-09-01 Hotel Photo of Building
32 @Blexi 723,645 2018-02-01 Chocolate cafe Internal seating area
33 @kinjalchhaya 697,640 2016-05-01 Electricity Board Reception area
34 @Stephanie_OWL 662,735 2021-06-05 Meeresfrüchte Restaurant External seating area
35 @ChrisGledhill_ 643,064 2020-03-01 Motorway services General internal photo
36 @Omarfahd 536,634 ? Attractions touristiques
37 @Suvi 243,935 2021-06-18 Historical place museum Other
38 @SabbirShawon 188,743 2017-09-10 Town Panorama shot
39 @Osama_El_Maghrby 177,473 ? Supermarket
40 @Itsrajatsehgal 72,000 2021-02-07 Shopping Mall Internal seating area
41 @KalyanPal 33,303 2021-01-14 Telecommunications service provider Naming sign
42 @GaziSalauddinbd 25,305 ? ?
43 You ? ? ? ? ?

[Data read at 22:30 (AEST) on 2 May, 2022]


6 - Top 100 Star Photos Leaderboard - Participating Level 7 Local Guides (May, 2022)

No Local Guide

Star Views

Date Uploaded

Maps Category


1 @ysaadat 4,744,866 2017-11-02 Pizza restaurant Storefront
2 @heyrye 4,485,374 2018-02-14 Restaurant Internal seating area
3 @chillfiltr 3,414,967 2019-07-11 French restaurant Naming sign
4 @Robert24 2,546,212 2018-09-03 Bank Photo of Building
5 @JokoEats 2,091,687 2016-02-01 Pizza Storefront
6 @karora 1,404,690 ? Historical landmark
7 @Chuytorres-alc 1,139,730 2021-02-14 Restaurante Italiano Internal seating area
8 @TheerapatS 947,404 ? Driver licence office
9 @ChemaDieste 919,069 2020-03-01 International Airport General internal photo
10 @AsafB 752,094 2017-08-26 Restaurant Meal or beverage
11 @AnnetteCP 749,203 2018-10-10 WeBe Brewing Company Naming sign
12 @Prateek_Agarwal_In 734,400 2018-10-27 Food Meal or beverage
13 @Alexkezevadze 615,802 2021-03-10 Tourist attraction Panorama shot
14 @katydarhel 556,671 2021-02-03 Mexican restaurant Storefront
15 @JohnB_Outdoors 482,891 ? Park
16 @achrislive 454,205 2019-10-17 Private University Photo of Building
17 @Sviller 446,365 2021-03-06 Food Meal or beverage
18 @HeyitsNicho 356,881 ? ?
19 @CharleneWard 351,282 2021-08-05 Department Store Storefront
20 @LilianRAMBU 339,931 2021-01-06 Shopping mall Storefront
21 @JoelBarrett 254,537 2021-09-15 Seafood General internal photo
22 @ACCoelho20 249,956 2020-09-20 Museu Photo of Building
23 @Sverleis 200,646 ? Church
24 @MedinaMohamed 197,687 2019-04-08 Carneceria Suhail Naming sign
25 @Spricki1 187,517 2021-06-23 Hotel Wellness Photo of Building
26 @S_hussain 91,225 2019-08-30 Indian Restaurant Storefront
27 @LG_Ayush_Tiwari 83,278 2018-10-10 Building Other
28 @noheway 80,642 2021-01-15 Parque Photo of Building
29 @KhorshedAli 32,767 ? ?
30 @Pranavtrivedi 18,666 2021-08-20 beach Other
31 @ekbun 11,750 2020-01-02 corporate Photo of Building
32 @harshlg 9,257 2021-10-21 Sweet shop Meal or beverage
33 You ? ? ? ? ?

[Data read at 22:30 (AEST) on 2 May, 2022]


7 - Top 100 Star Photos Leaderboard - Participating Level 6 Local Guides (May, 2022)

No Local Guide

Star Views

Date Uploaded

Maps Category


1 @amankkush 19,550,193 2019-08-19 Monument Photo of Building
2 @AlekseyGapeev 2,422,842 ? Hospital
3 @sudipbohora 1,163,168 2021-08-06 delhi Park or Garden
4 @KiranMiskin 797,298 2017-10-22 Park Park or Garden
5 @Cercis 705,842 2017-09-17 Park Park or Garden
6 @BinodSingh 376,104 2017-03-01 Buddhist Temple Photo of Building
7 @Ashifp 54,016 2021-06-30 Nature Other
8 @kvlpilote 27,183 2015-09-12 Hôtel Cityscape
9 You ? ? ? ? ?

[Data read at 22:30 (AEST) on 2 May, 2022]


8 - Top 100 Star Photos Leaderboard - Participating Level 5 Local Guides (May, 2022)

No Local Guide

Star Views

Date Uploaded

Maps Category


1 @Goodytom 4,963,990 2016-12-23 Pub External seating area
2 @rachanadhekane 25,501 2021-05-08 Pizza restaurant Meal or beverage
3 You ? ? ? ? ?

[Data read at 22:30 (AEST) on 2 May, 2022]


9 - Top 100 Star Photos Leaderboard in Average Views/Day Order - All Participating Local Guides (May, 2022)

No Local Guide





Date Uploaded

Maps Category


1 @MortenCopenhagen 10 47,845 2020-10-15 Fine Dining Restaurant Storefront
2 @AdrianLunsong * 9 44,934 2021-03-31 Art Gallery Photo of Building
3 @JordanSB * 10 22,724 2019-11-15 Convenience Store Storefront
4 @amankkush 6 19,808 2019-08-19 Monument Photo of Building
5 @Atizol 9 19,023 2021-09-15 Furniture store Storefront
6 @PennyChristie * 10 17,139 2019-03-12 Department Store Storefront
7 @Herve_Andrieu 10 14,216 2019-05-27 Department store Storefront
8 @Chuan_Chee 10 13,806 2019-10-21 Airline Other
9 @MattGatlin 10 13,124 2018-04-10 Steak house Storefront
10 @AZ_2021 10 13,009 2021-04-06 Fast Food Storefront
11 @IgnacioMamaniTapia 8 11,880 2020-03-12 University General internal photo
12 @GYours 9 9,044 2019-10-23 Restaurant External seating area
13 @Jean-IgnaceBE 9 8,715 2019-05-28 Furniture Shop Storefront
14 @TorM * 10 7,943 2019-01-01 Shop Storefront
15 @LaloPadilla * 10 7,331 2019-03-28 Buisness Center
16 @Briggs 10 7,323 2017-04-28 Cake shop Storefront
17 @JonBekkevoll 10 7,295 2018-01-20 Department store Storefront
18 @Rezgar 10 6,922 2018-03-01 Movie theater General internal photo
19 @ValeriaA_ 9 6,538 2018-03-17 Cultural center Photo of Building
20 @DFX 8 6,509 2019-04-29 Chinese Restaurant Naming sign
21 @Kashifmisidia * 10 6,436 2018-09-01 Cooking School
22 @Thomson200 8 6,152 2015-08-01 High school Photo of Building
23 @Martin_Whitehead 8 5,572 2019-04-01 Toy store Storefront
24 @MrRogelioG 8 5,430 2021-03-09 Art gallery Panorama shot
25 @JOSEWET 10 4,981 2021-10-15 RESTAURANTE Photo of Building
26 @Samehabosaif75 9 4,970 2021-06-01 Hospital Photo of Building
27 @Terrypg 9 4,596 2018-12-15 Dept. store Storefront
28 @YasumiKikuchi 10 4,510 2019-09-29 Fountain Park or Garden
29 @AdamGT * 10 4,463 2018-03-15 Home improvement store Parking area
30 @sudipbohora 6 4,324 2021-08-06 delhi Park or Garden
31 @Muhammad_Usman 10 4,278 2019-04-06 Historical landmark Park or Garden
32 @LudwigGermany * 9 4,091 2019-11-01 Airport
33 @gadgetguyz 8 3,945 2017-08-25 Mexican restaurant Internal seating area
34 @chillfiltr 7 3,850 2019-07-11 French restaurant Naming sign
35 @Rex_Roscoe 8 3,766 2020-01-21 Italian Restaurant Internal seating area
36 @avadhoot141 9 3,751 2019-01-30 Plaza Photo of Building
37 @Chuytorres-alc 7 3,496 2021-02-14 Restaurante Italiano Internal seating area
38 @LuigiZ * 8 3,216 2017-07-01 Italian Restaurant Internal seating area
39 @ysaadat 7 3,182 2017-11-02 Pizza restaurant Storefront
40 @Stephanie_OWL 8 3,082 2021-06-05 Meeresfrüchte Restaurant External seating area
41 @JaneBurunina * 9 3,067 2018-10-25 Store Galleria General internal photo
42 @QueBall 8 2,963 2020-07-01 Department store Storefront
43 @heyrye 7 2,916 2018-02-14 Restaurant Internal seating area
44 @RN08 8 2,895 2021-02-01 Indian Restaurant Internal seating area
45 @AlexanderKudrin 10 2,826 2017-02-05 Кинотеатр Photo of Building
46 @pabloferro 8 2,777 2017-10-30 Asian Restaurant Naming sign
47 @Wintask 9 2,561 2019-03-25 Pub Internal seating area
48 @Goodytom 5 2,538 2016-12-23 Pub External seating area
49 @Indahnuria * 10 2,511 2018-01-01 Home goods store Storefront
50 @JorgeSanchezMtz 8 2,446 2016-08-15 Garden center Storefront
51 @AT_Rome 9 2,232 2016-03-01 High School Photo of Building
52 @JoelBarrett 7 1,989 2021-09-15 Seafood General internal photo
53 @Robert24 7 1,968 2018-09-03 Bank Photo of Building
54 @Alexkezevadze 7 1,883 2021-03-10 Tourist attraction Panorama shot
55 @Theatreperson 8 1,878 2017-01-15 Jeweler Storefront
56 @tony_b 8 1,848 2019-02-01 Hardware Store Storefront
57 @Dave26 8 1,844 2019-03-01 Recycling Centre Other
58 @amandhayal 10 1,826 2018-04-27 Sweet Shop Storefront
59 @Sviller 7 1,737 2021-03-06 Food Meal or beverage
60 @kasunaaa 9 1,682 2019-04-01 Florist General internal photo
61 @Kahnster 9 1,552 2018-12-12 Tourist Attraction Panorama shot
62 @RooksieN 9 1,537 2020-02-01 Chinese Restaurant Meal or beverage
63 @Mo-TravelleerX 9 1,492 2021-09-01 Beach Panorama shot
64 @Markus75 10 1,417 2019-01-01 Pizzeria Storefront
65 @Sagir * 10 1,407 2017-11-08 Mall General internal photo
66 @TheLifesWay 9 1,390 2016-02-01 Restaurant Naming sign
67 @aRvInD-Gr 8 1,380 2018-04-30 Biryani restaurant Meal or beverage
68 @jahzzy 9 1,373 2018-12-01 Turkish restaurant General internal photo
69 @katydarhel 7 1,313 2021-02-03 Mexican restaurant Storefront
70 @chemadieste 7 1,302 2020-03-01 International Airport General internal photo
71 @CharleneWard 7 1,301 2021-08-05 Department Store Storefront
72 @VictorRamos24 9 1,234 2021-03-15 Grandes Almacenes General internal photo
73 @ModNomad 10 1,230 2018-03-07 Train Station Naming sign
74 @GigiR 8 1,138 2019-07-12 Naturcampingpark Other
75 @kessc 10 1,081 2016-12-15 Emniyet Müdürlüğü Photo of Building
76 @TravellerG 10 1,062 2016-01-10 Tourist attraction Other
77 @Calvin 8 1,036 2017-01-04 Chinese Restaurant Naming sign
78 @Rahul001 8 1,024 2019-07-11 Threatre Photo of Building
79 @JokoEats 7 917 2016-02-01 Pizza Storefront
80 @OmerAli * 9 916 2017-03-02 Historical landmark Cityscape
81 @ValentinaCaldito 8 887 2015-03-05 Grandes Almacenes Storefront
82 @ryan_read 8 827 2019-04-01 Italian restaurant Internal seating area
83 @akhil_raj 9 821 2019-02-10 Agricultural Other
84 @ChrisGledhill_ 8 812 2020-03-01 Motorway services General internal photo
85 @turaibalazs 9 803 2014-07-15 Bar Internal seating area
86 @Suvi 8 767 2021-06-18 Historical place museum Other
87 @LightRich * 8 759 2017-01-15 Electronic Store Storefront
88 @rupgo 8 730 2018-09-01 Restaurant Internal seating area
89 @LilianRAMBU 7 707 2021-01-06 Shopping mall Storefront
90 @AnnetteCP 7 652 2018-10-10 WeBe Brewing Company Naming sign
91 @PaDeSSo 10 607 2020-01-03 Bandung Storefront
92 @Spricki1 7 599 2021-06-23 Hotel Wellness Photo of Building
93 @Prateek_Agarwal_In 7 572 2018-10-27 Food Meal or beverage
94 @alainrc2005 8 570 2018-09-01 Hotel Photo of Building
95 @ReshamDas 9 556 2016-10-01 University Photo of Building
96 @amittiwari 9 553 2016-11-16 Car Dealer Storefront
97 @KiranMiskin 6 513 2017-10-22 Park Park or Garden
98 @achrislive 7 489 2019-10-17 Private University Photo of Building
99 @BK_GAJENDRA 9 481 2016-08-24 Palace Storefront
100 @SebaasC 9 481 2019-04-01 Tienda de articulos para el hogar Storefront

[Data read at 22:30 (AEST) on 2 May, 2022]


Thanks a ton for your kind efforts to feature us in your prestigious “Leader Board” post, dear @AdamGT

  1. Star Photo - All LGs

  2. Star Photo - Level 10

  3. AverageViews

I would like to confirm that my score values are right; I will be updating the same by the end of this month, again.

One again thanks



Thank you for your comment @TravellerG and for letting me know that your score values are right. I’m still trying to verify and then finalize the average views per day leaderboard. This should be simple yet each time I try a different way I get different results. Perhaps I need a break! Anyhow, how are you finding the new data entry system. Simple to use? Easy to understand? Provides for fast updating of data?


Thanks for your kind reply, my dear friend @AdamGT

“… Perhaps I need a break…” - surely yes, even if we miss one month’s update, kindly do take rest.

finding the new data entry system?”

Well, for me it was surely easy; however, since I know the crowd whom I have been attending, I inform you that at least 30 to 40 percent will think this as a burden (Sorry being frank, please excuse me if I am harsh).

Simple to use?

Personally, yes, the updates are going to be very simple - thanks for this method.

Easy to understand?

Yes, very much…

Provides for fast updating of data?

Super fast for updates… Great concept…


Average Value :

Let me be honest with you - for example in my case, I have added very rural areas in Google Maps (that is why I have large number); but, as you are aware, those photos will not yield any views at all. So for me, I ignore the average count - in fact the average count of 360 will be very interesting - just share my views - kindly take it in the right spirit.

Once again thanks a ton.


1 Like

Спасибо за за доверие, за рейтинг, за данные в таблице. Дополню данные @AlekseyGapeev тем что фото с просмотром 2,422,842 была сделана 2018-06-08

Thank you for your trust, for the rating, for the data in the table. I will supplement the data of @AlekseyGapeev with the fact that the photo with viewing 2,422,842 was taken 2018-06-08


Well as you will know, I have been missing a monthly set of leaderboards here and there and slowly catching up with things.

Given the benefits that can be gained it’s said to hear you say that 30 to 40 percent of your crowd will think it is a burden given that in your words you have said that it is simple and superfast to update, and very easy to understand.

Yes I totally understand that some places and POIs will yield low view counts and I have commented on this before, and I’m sure that you will appreciate, it is just not possible here on Connect for the leaderboards to drill down into different cities, towns and villages". Having said that perhaps an average views/photo by country might be a possibility :thinking: Oh dear, another leaderboard :sob:

1 Like

Thank you for your appreciation and comment @AlekseyGapeev . As you will know you are the master of your data and it is up to you to keep your entry up to date and as mentioned by @TravellerG just mentioned in his comment here, it is simple and superfast to update, just use your data entry system!


Thank you for sharing dear @AdamGT

Best Regards


Hello my dear friend, @AdamGT

Though you have not tagged me, I understand that the response is for me… Right?

“… 30 to 40 percent of your crowd will think it is a burden…”

Yes, I followed your confusion.

As far as I’m concerned, I told you that I’m comfortable - even more yes.

Whereas, when I tried with my team members their reaction was not so good. Also while reading your posts, I have seen some LGs reporting similarly (some difficulties).

Having filed the earlier Google form, this form has been very easy.

Hope, my view is clear to you.




Yes, fellow LG @AlekseyGapeev , it is very simple and quite easy to update.

Of course, a little training make us very comfortable - I’m sure.

Our @AdamGT has done a great job and gifted us this days entry system - thanks.