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Rolling out now! Explore new places you’ll love with these Google Maps updates

Google Editor

Last month, we announced that Google Maps would be getting some exciting updates—including lists curated by the Google Local Guides team. Those features are starting to roll out now! Here are three updates we think Local Guides will love.


Caption: A screenshot of Google Maps that shows trending lists in New Delhi.Caption: A screenshot of Google Maps that shows trending lists in New Delhi.1. The new Explore tab, with lists by the Google Local Guides team - Android & iOS

To find the redesigned Explore tab, open your Google Maps app and swipe up. Alongside trending lists made by Google, you’ll be able to spot lists by the Google Local Guides team starting in 17 cities: Bangalore, Berlin, Chicago, Dallas, Jakarta, London, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Moscow, New Delhi, New York, Paris, Rio, San Francisco, Sao Paulo, Seattle, and Tokyo! Use the comments to post lists you find, and tell us what you think of them.  Caption: A gif showing the "Your match" feature on Google Maps.Caption: A gif showing the "Your match" feature on Google Maps.


2. A progress bar to keep track of places you’ve visited on featured lists - Android

Love a list in the Explore tab? You can see how many of the places you’ve visited--just make sure to turn on Location History. Follow all your favorite lists and try to visit every place on them so you can share your experience through ratings, reviews, and photos.


3. Your match - Android

Tap on any restaurant and you’ll now see how closely it fits your preferences via Your match. The higher the percentage, the more likely it’s a place you might like. That’s because the algorithm takes into account things like your ratings of similar places, so keep it up to improve your matches. You can also find top matches quickly via the new For you tab. It shows places you might like near you, and lets you follow other neighborhoods you care about, too.  

To access the newest features as soon as they’re available, be sure to consistently update your Google Maps app from the App Store or Play Store. For an overview of all the new features, check out Google’s official blog, The Keyword.



Level 9

bring it on @AriMar :)))))

very exciting :)))Screenshot_20180626-210333.jpg




Level 7
Would love to see this for an Italian city! Can I help?
Elisabeth J Bertrand

Thanks @AriMar . interesting feature, we have a weekly trending list and new Feed Back About Places option

How Team get the information about trending places? . Hope we as local guides can help provide list recommendation


Level 9

nice! I like the idea! 

I ❤️ being a local guide! My contributions
My Connect Profile
Level 10

Thank you for sharing @AriMar

Best Regards

Level 10

Merci @AriMar,

C'est une fonctionnalité tellement attendue.

Je suis vraiment excité de l'essayer, hâte quelle arrive en France.

À votre santé


Connect Moderator

Great 😀. I can't wait to try these new features, especially the For you tab.

Level 10

Thank you @AriMar for sharing this with us.  All are new and exciting updates. 

@AriMar will guides like us be able to make our lists available to the public?


I live in a hot neighborhood, with more than 50 new restaurants within 2 miles of me, but I can't imagine when Google will get around to cities of my size.


I think it's an exciting new direction for Google Maps. 😉

Hola a todos, espero se encuentren bien.


Decidí crear este post para darles mi opinión acerca de las nuevas funciones y la interfaz mejorada de Google Maps, que está INCREÍBLE!!!!


Soy un Local Guide que tiene aproximadamente 2 años contribuyendo, y les puedo decir que éstos cambios son los que más me han gustado en todo el tiempo que llevo de usar Google Maps. A continuación les dejo algunas capturas con las explicación de ¿Qué es lo nuevo? en cada una de ellas y el por qué me gustan dichas funciones.


Para empezar, la nueva función de "Matches" toma en cuenta los lugares que frecuentas, preferencias, opiniones y en base a eso te dice mas o menos cuales lugares te podrían gustar y cuales no tanto, ésto hace que por ejemplo, si te gustan mucho los restaurantes de sushi y hay alguno que no has probado en tu ciudad que tenga buenas opiniones y esté bien calificado, Google te lo pueda recomendar y así conozcas un lugar nuevo que posiblemente te va a encantar!

El nuevo sistema de puntuacionEl nuevo sistema de puntuacionLa nueva interfaz y la manera en que ahora se presentan las tarjetas de los negocios se me hace espectacular, muchísimo mas simple, más fluida, y alcanzas a ver más negocios al mismo tiempo, simplemente se me hace genial este cambio aunque pareciera una aplicación de iOS en vez de Android.

La nueva manera de presentar las tarjetas de los negociosLa nueva manera de presentar las tarjetas de los negociosLas nuevas listas hechas por Google, que te permiten conocer los lugares con mejor calificación, opiniones y populares en tu ciudad, para que puedas conocer más y mejores lugares sin tener que buscarlos. Ésto para mí esta genial porque además te dice cuantos has visitado de la lista total, y te muestra el progreso que llevas. Simplemente muy buena idea, que aprovecharé al máximo!
Listas personalizadasListas personalizadasLa interfaz más sencilla, y las listas de mejores lugares por ciudad, que muestra una lista de negocios de comida populares en tu zona, basándose en calificaciones y opiniones de otros local guides, y lo mejor de todo es que se actualiza cada semana. Además ahora también puedes buscar lugares en base a tus necesidades, como por ejemplo, "Restaurantes óptimos para grupos", "Restaurantes con menú para niños", "Restaurantes con entradas para discapacitados". Brillante!!
Una sencilla y bonita nueva interfazUna sencilla y bonita nueva interfazLA "FOODIE" list por ciudades, actualizada semana tras semana, basado en las calificaciones de otros local guides. No puedo esperar para ver bien como funciona todo.
Las nuevas listas de RestaurantesLas nuevas listas de RestaurantesUstedes que opinan de todos estos cambios? Los aprovecharán o sienten que no son funciones que les sirvan a ustedes?


Saludos desde México!

Level 8

 This seems like a very good thing..  

Not applicable
Caption; 1/3 Screenshot of Google Maps for Android ver.9.80.2


Thanks a lot. New extensive material redesign is so good! Rolling out has come to me.


Driving and Transit

Caption; 2/3 Screenshot of Google Maps for Android ver.9.80.2


The functions of the Driving and Transit screens remain unchanged much. However...



Caption; 3/3 Screenshot of Google Maps for Android ver.9.80.2


The Explore screen is completely overhauled. We can see a lot of featured public lists.This is very intersting and helpful.


What Bento do you like, AriMar?What Bento do you like, AriMar?


Do you know Bento, @AriMar? Whst's that, Bento?

OK. I'll make a new list and share it here.


Stay tuned!!


Level 10

Connect Moderator

It's so nice! Yesterday, I introduced this to the Japanese board as well. Link

To use this update more useful, we need also the cooperation of shop owners. Let's tell it to them:-)

Level 10

I have been using it for two days and I absolutely love it. Very useful and high accuracy. Screenshot_2018-06-26-15-20-37-59.pngScreenshot_2018-06-26-15-21-28-12.pngScreenshot_2018-06-26-15-22-02-46.png

Level 10

 Looking for the "For You" tab roll out to more countries, especially Hong Kong !!

Deep visit of Hong Kong series: Visit Hong Kong 101 | Cha Chaan Teng 茶餐廳 | Cart noodle 車仔麪

Fine me on Instagram:
Connect Moderator

Thanks for sharing @AriMar

About me | Guiding Star 2020 | Guiding Star 2020 |  | Follow me on Instagram & Follow me on Maps |   | Happy to Help

Please use '@' before the name to tag me.

Connect Moderator

Seeing LG lists curated for Miami too! 😎🌴 Loving it!

Miami, FL | My Profile | #LGMiami | #TeamPixel | #ShopSmall
Level 9

It is a great update happened in the History of Map .


Made it interesting .

Easy and user friendly


The most important it will find the best match as per your previous visits and reviews . 


This is most important .

5 🌟 rated place may not mean good for everyone . 


User have there priority .
Level 8

Great! Thanks for these updates & for sharing! Waiting for the Philippines' top cities though....hopefully soon! Cheers! 😃😍

Level 8

Nice. Thanks for sharing.

It's time to explore.



Level 9

That's is really amazing feature more helpful and very convenient I think this is also already in South Africa thanks a lot for sharing helpful posts with us @AriMar

Level 9

WOW! excited to see such a awesome new updates.


Level 9

I'm loving it 🙂







Not applicable
This content has been removed.
Level 8

@AriMar Thanks for this new update.

Proud to be a Local Guide.

very excited for the new update.

Level 10


It is Great to see New "Avatar" of Google Maps. It seems almost everything things are served in a "ready to eat dish".

Cheers !!

Vijay Desai.

Great! Thanks for these updates & for sharing @AriMar

Level 9


I think it is great idea and hope

you will soon expand it to other major cities of the world



Adnan Sami 

Level 8

Too bad that it's not available for Google Apps/gSuite users. Even a simple feature like 'Lists' is not available for Google Apps/gSuite users.

Level 10

That´s nice. Do I have to update the app or will it be updated automatically ?

Level 9

Hi @SuzanneBozz you have to do yourself if it is not updating itself 


Safdar Rai 

yes new updation is really cool now maps users can get near by places wthout their search

| Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless

Level 7
@AriMar Thanks for sharing the information about these cool updates.
Level 10



Hi @SuzanneBozz you have to do yourself if it is not updating itself


Safdar Rai


Ok got it. Thank you!

Level 9

I am in Accra, Ghana, but I received this new update. 

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We enter into this world with one focus, to be successful, many failed trying, but those who make it always set a goal and see every obstacle as nothing but a hurdle.

Level 8
Level 10

 This is an important information that we were searching for. This feature is valuable in the unknown areas.

Thank you @AriMar

Level 8

Thank you for sharing @AriMar

Former Google Contributor

Hi @rolandorivasr,

Please excuse my reply in English. 


Thank you very much for your appreciation. I will move your post to the official article here -  Rolling out now! Explore new places you’ll love with these Google Maps updates.

Please consider reading this post before sending me a Private Message - Private Messages and Google Moderators
Level 7

this is amazing update !!

Level 9

Northern Calcutta, West Bengal IndiaNorthern Calcutta, West Bengal India

 Thank you Google Local Guides team for enabling the new explore tab in maps 🌏. With couple of new features I can see Hospitals & Clinics 🏨 section in maps- the feature which I suggested earlier ar LG summits. 


Local Hero: Mapping Calcutta’s Hospitals | Instagram | Facebook| Twitter | YouTube | LGSummit16, LGSummit17, SVT18 alumnus
Level 10

This is exciting news for us @AriMar. Thanks for sharing! 😃

Level 9

Nice idea... @AriMar 

Level 8

Whoa, didn't even notice update mentioend in third point. Totally loved this idea. New design, and updated explore bar is something that I liked a lot. We already had these capabalilites in Google search, about time they came in Maps.

Good work with this one team, Now I won't have to go out to other means to explore such places, specially food related establishments.

Level 7


Your writing is very useful.

Level 9

I've tried it out already. It's awesome! Thank for sharing this @AriMar.