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Flat Stanley Went to Italy - the prologue

Hi, my name is Stanley, and I'm not a Local Guide.

Ermes, my Local Guide, explained to me that in this Community the first thing to do is to introduce ourselves, so here I am.

I know it might sound complicated, but I’ll try to explain who I am.


I introduce myself

The first time I was born was in 1964, in a book by Jeff Brown (Wikipedia - Flat Stanley), then Jeff wrote other books, in which I went to explore the world. But they were just books, so I didn't really go there.

The second time I was born was in 1995, thanks to school teacher Dale Hubert. Thanks to his ideas I really started traveling around the world (Wikipedia - The Flat Stanley Project).

I have many brothers, who like me travel the world, and all, like me, are named Flat Stanley.

Each of us has visited different places, we have visited famous places and met some very important people.

And then I came.

I was born three months ago from the pencils of a boy in the Bay Area, California. The boy who drew me sent me to Italy to meet Ermes. He told me that Ermes knows many places in his country, and that he would take me to discover them with him.

Caption: A close-up photo of Flat Stanley, with Treviso's main square, Piazza dei Signori, behind it. Above the title of the post "Flat Stanley Went to Italy - the prologue" with the Italian flag and, on the left, the figure created by Google to represent Ermes as Guiding Star 2022Caption: A close-up photo of Flat Stanley, with Treviso's main square, Piazza dei Signori, behind it. Above the title of the post "Flat Stanley Went to Italy - the prologue" with the Italian flag and, on the left, the figure created by Google to represent Ermes as Guiding Star 2022

So it was. Ermes started by introducing me to his city, Treviso, and then he took me around to see other beautiful places. I have seen snow in the mountains, parks and rivers. I spent Easter with his family, I ate pizza, and much more.

When we go around Ermes takes pictures, and then we send them to my school in California, so all my classmates can see where I've been, and read my stories.


What I learned from a Local Guide

The things I've learned are so many, and so beautiful, that I thought I'd tell them some stories. So Ermes told me about this place, where Local Guides like him meet to tell each other stories about places in the world.


Why I'm not a Local Guide?

I'm too young to join, so I asked Ermes to tell you about my adventures. First we write them together, then I choose the photos, and finally he puts them here.

Caption: A series of photos of Flat Stanley traveling in Italy. Left, inside Ermes' backpack as they walk through the snow-covered mountains; Top right in a playground in the Alps; in the center in front of the sign of a cycle path near Treviso; below next to a special shadow on the wall of a building in the center of TrevisoCaption: A series of photos of Flat Stanley traveling in Italy. Left, inside Ermes' backpack as they walk through the snow-covered mountains; Top right in a playground in the Alps; in the center in front of the sign of a cycle path near Treviso; below next to a special shadow on the wall of a building in the center of Treviso

What have I planned for my future?

In one month we really saw a lot, we also met a lot of people. But Ermes told me that there is much more to see. So I've decided: I'll stay in Italy, and I'll continue to send my classmates photos and stories of what I see, so they can see them with me.


A Fun Fact about me

What keeps surprising me is how many people want to take a selfie with me. I thought the famous one was Ermes

Caption: A series of photos of Flat Stanley traveling in Italy. Top left keeping warm in Ermes thermal sweater as they hike in the snow covered mountains; Top right near a children's carousel in the center of Treviso; bottom left while visiting a patchwork exhibition, in a composition dedicated to the circus; bottom right four photos with people who wanted to be photographed with him in museums, parks, or during cultural eventsCaption: A series of photos of Flat Stanley traveling in Italy. Top left keeping warm in Ermes thermal sweater as they hike in the snow covered mountains; Top right near a children's carousel in the center of Treviso; bottom left while visiting a patchwork exhibition, in a composition dedicated to the circus; bottom right four photos with people who wanted to be photographed with him in museums, parks, or during cultural events

A question for you:

Now I have to ask you one thing: Have you by any chance seen any of my brothers in your area? If you see them, will you tell them that I'm here in Italy, and that they can read about my adventures here with you?


See you soon with the first Story.


Stanley (Flat Stanley)

Treviso, Province of Treviso, Italy
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Re: Flat Stanley Went to Italy - the prologue

Hello Stanley or am I supposed to say hi @ErmesT 


Confused here now,but give me a moment to get myself sorted out 🤣. It's a new kind of post so am not used to it yet,excusez moi !!!


OK Ermes please tell Stanley we are pleased to meet him. Pity he is under-aged and can't be a local guide himself for now. Hope he will grow up soon and join us on connect in person. Hope he will enjoy travelling with you. Wish both of you safe travels.


Now,since he is under-age,is it allowed to share his story by another local guide? Just a question anyway. I might be interested in looking for Stanley's brother. Not sure how soon but I'll give it a trial. Just to keep Stanley happy. A very interesting post. I will jump in to reply 1st....


Happy guiding 


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Re: Flat Stanley Went to Italy - the prologue

Hi @ErmesT !

Please tell Flat Stanley the is a pleasure to meet him and I'm glad to read his stories.

I haven't seen any of his brothers here in Argentina, but if I sometimes find one of them I will let him know.

Thank you so much for sharing your stories with all of us!


If you want me to read your post or your comment, please tag me as @Cecilita so I can see it.

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Re: Flat Stanley Went to Italy - the prologue

Flat Stanley reminds me a little of Mr Rabbit. When one of my mates became unable to travel due to terminal illness he sent Mr Rabbit to each of his friends with instructions to see the world and take him via the rabbit. We also had the name and address of the next person on the list. When we felt it was time we were to send the rabbit on.



Last year when he new the end was near each person on the list received their own rabbit to decorate and do with what they felt was right. 





Mr Rabbit reminds me that I need to go out on treks more and helps me remember my good mate Charles the wonderful hooman.




@PennyChristie has also been touched by Mr Rabbit. I asked her daughter Chrystal who hand makes beautiful rugs on commission to make a Mr Rabbit rug. That's the orange one in this photo. This little rug have Charles much joy in his final time on the planet. Penny later made me the giant version of my rabbit because she knew some of the story and wanted to contribute for her friend.


Things like Flat Stanley and Mr Rabbit are great ways to help people who cannot travel to feel involved. 


Keep taking Flat Stanley everywhere!


Huge hugs to you my friend @ErmesT 





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Re: Flat Stanley Went to Italy - the prologue

Well, it is not so simple to answer, @SholaIB , because this Flat Stanley is very young and curious to learn, but he was born the first time on 1964, so he has 59 years of knowledge.

Stanley is happy to meet you, and asked me to tell him more about you. He's very happy to know that you are a Missionary, and wants to know if you also works with Kids, or at least with their teachers.

If so, he would like to suggest you to go through the first two links of the post, and to this too: . In there you can find a lot of interesting stories and also some template.

Stanley is feeling alone here, even if he's happy to stay with me, so he's coming with two proposal:

  • You can ask the students to make a brother for Flat Stanley, and to send him here. He would be happy to meet another Flat Stanley for the first time on his life.
  • You can ask the students to make a brother for Flat Stanley, and to bring him with you. If you help the brother to write his adventures here they will be both able to read and to learn, like what he's doing with his classmates in California.

Here you can see Flat Stanley at the Biennale Of Children's Art, where he was also invited for a selfie with the director of the museum (a story will come soon)

Caption: Flat Stanley with on the background a paint made by children of a school exhibited at the Biennale of Children's ArtCaption: Flat Stanley with on the background a paint made by children of a school exhibited at the Biennale of Children's Art

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Re: Flat Stanley Went to Italy - the prologue

Hi @Cecilita 

Flat Stanley is happy to meet you, even if he's a bit sad about the fact that you haven't seen any of his brothers in Argentina.

But on the meantime he's full of hope that one day some of his brothers could born in there.

A child, a piece ot think paper and a set of coloured pencils are enough to generate a new brother for him, also starting from a template that can be found in the website he shared with Shola 😉.

The new brother could let him discover your country. He's so curious 

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Re: Flat Stanley Went to Italy - the prologue

Hey @PaulPavlinovich , Flat Stanley is excited about your important story.
"Thank you for introducing Mr. Rabbit to me. I'm sure he's visited a lot of places, and I think it's great that he could share them with a friend who couldn't travel. I hadn't thought of that before, but I think I'd really like a playmate and adventurer like Mr. Rabbit. Maybe you can tell me here some of the places you've seen. I think this would also do a lot of good for the memory of the person who sent it to you.

I don't know @PennyChristie , but if she did this thing for sure she's a good person"

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Re: Flat Stanley Went to Italy - the prologue

👋🏻😀 Hello Flat Stanley. Thank you for introducing us @ErmesT  this is wonderful. I used to have a little pet bird called Perry and I would be so sad leaving Perry behind when I travelled around the world so I decided to take (Flat) Perry (a bookmark in the shape of a bird) with me and take photos of Perry’s Adventures. I posted Perry’s Adventures around the world on Facebook and Instagram. Lots of people followed along and wanted to meet Perry and take selfies. It was so fun. 

Here are some photos of Perry travelling in America in 2012. 




Here are photos from Perry’s Adventures in England. 


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