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New Connect Feature: Unique Usernames

Former Google Contributor

Thanks to your feedback, Connect now supports unique usernames for everyone. Upon logging into Connect, you’ll be prompted to create a unique username—one that identifies you individually.


Screen Shot 2017-05-10 at 10.54.08 AM.png

This feature will make it easier to find and tag other Local Guides on Connect—gone are the days of searching for a specific @LuisRG or @MegS among dozens of other Local Guides with the same name.


You can change your username at any time by clicking your profile photo in the top right corner, then clicking “Change your User Name.”


Screen Shot 2017-05-10 at 11.05.36 AM.png

Give it a whirl and let us know what you think.



What should my username be?

Your username should be something unique that identifies you as an individual. Don’t impersonate someone, and don’t use a business name. The Local Guides program is for individuals, not businesses. For more information, review the Local Guides Program Terms and Conditions.


Do I have to change my username?

If you were prompted to change your username upon logging into Connect, it means your original username is not unique—another Local Guide shares the same name as you. You must change your username to be unique. If, however, you were not prompted to change your username, you’re welcome to keep your current one.


Can my username have a space in it?

Usernames cannot contain spaces.


Does my username affect my profile URL?

Your username is independent of your profile URL—changing your username will not affect your profile URL.


What happens to my username if I delete my account?

Your username will be removed if you delete your account—no one else will be able to use it.

Level 9

@MegS Thank you for the update on this. 

Hope we can search people easily now. 

Level 8

Hi @MegS


Thanks. I have changed mine to Badruddeen which I use on most of my Social Media Accounts:-


LGC: Badruddeen

Twitter: Badruddeen

FaceBook: Badruddeen

Linkedin: Badruddeen

Instagram: Badruddeen

Periscope: Badruddeen

Snapchat: Badruddeen


Salute to the new feature which is very handy to streamline user name. 



@MegSIt was a great problem for all to identify. Now it is very clear to filter anybody. Thanks for starting this unique system. 

Love to Hear ; Love to Share !
Kamal Hasnainee
Level 8

Yeah it's great less confusion & I can be easily found 

Connect Moderator
Yay now I can be me and I'm always unique but hiding behind PaulP wasn't my way.... Thanks LG Team
Level 3

Thanks, great feature!

Not applicable

Hi @MegS Thanks for your information.

Level 8

Sweet. Thanks to the team for listening to the community.

Level 7

Cool! Now I'm unique.

Level 8

Thanks for the news about changing usernames, and the detailed instructions. I hope to see more announcements more frequently in the coming months. I think adding more types of badges would be a great idea, too.

Level 7

Hi all,


I seem to be a bit lost here. I was prompted to change the username at any login since there was another GiulioM but I get the same message even after shortening it to Giulio and there is no other such user...


Any clue?





Level 8

@MegS Great features for LG family.

it really awesome. Thanks To Connected Family for this. 

Level 10

Thank for sharing 

Level 6


Oh really it's a great feature @daaku_harry

Level 6

Ok so I know have this user name -  is it used when making reviews or posting on out local community page? 
I still see my regular Google Plus account being used there. 

Level 8

Great news ! i think this will be useful for most of users 

Level 8

This was a great idea and will help out many people that shares the same name. Thanks

Level 10
Next step should be to be able to put the username in the URL... for example . This way we can share our full profile with other users or people that want to check our reviews/photos... the URL with the 'numbers' is a bit unpersonal... think about that... 😉
Level 8

My profile name was made into a URL by offer so I excepted it's great 

Level 10

Great! Today, May 16, the misleading message about invalid characters has been replaced with a meaningful message about unique user name

Level 7

good news ,, keep up the great added features.

Level 6

Nice feature.

I have changed my username as @RinafR

Thanks for @MegS

Level 8

That is great to know, @JeanRV.

Level 10

Finally 😃

From Saint Petersburg with ♥ 

Level 10

Changed! 🙂

Thanks, I changed mine 😊

Level 7
Level 7


Awesome feature finally offered here. Really happy to have my own unique username. I hope everyone is enjoying this feature as I am. ☺️

Level 1

Thanks @MegS I'm just getting started today! 🙂

Level 8

One of the Most Awaited Feature. 

Waiting for more 

Level 8

Bon nouvelle, Merci pour le partage.

Level 8
Level 9
Hmm @Mess its interesting that the Plattform still uses the recommended username even tho I hit cancel and didn't want to login. You should get rid of this button if it doesnt work ;) Why do I not stay signed in like on other google services like gmail or drive?
Level 8

Hi @38160210003, is your issue related to Changing of our Connect Username?  In some online forume, what we are able to change now is called a Display Name.


Can you give more details regarding your issues?

Level 9
@YK1001 it wasn on connect. I logged in and it promted me to pick a name. Well I didn't want to right know and wanted to put it off for later and clicked "cancel" but it still logged me in and used the proposed username it gave me in the dialog after trying to login.
Level 8

Got it, @38160210003.  I am sure @MegS will look into that.

Former Google Contributor

@38160210003 It's indeed a workaround we're aware of — good sleuthing.  😉  @YK1001 is correct; we'll be closing that loop shortly.

Level 8

Yeah I think that's good idea had given the opportunity then move on, it's way of change I think 



Level 8
Level 7

Hi @MegS, days ago I have confirmed my username immediatly after the notification appeared but, recently, when I access the forum it asks me to change my username. I don't want to change it because I'm sure it is a software error but how could I fix it?


Thanks, Lorenzo

Former Google Contributor

Hi @LorenzoS, it's not an error, it's correct — please change your name again next time you're prompted.


There was an error when we initially launched that let people choose duplicate usernames if the other person was logged out. Hence, you were likely allowed to keep "LorenzoS" (or whatever you had chosen) even if there were others with the same name if they were currently logged out. It's been fixed, so if it's been prompting you again it means there are duplicates and we'd like you to please choose something new.


Hope this helps. Thanks!

Level 7

AvianQ now updated to AvianQuest  
yehey!  🙂 
Thanks much ! 🙂

Level 7

@MegS Nice and informative article. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with other Local Guides.

Level 6


Level 10

It is great !! specially while searching unique LG. Thanks Team Connect

Level 2

Adrián mralc

Level 9
Is there an issue with the "uniqueness"? My username is used by a dozen other people. Most of them are idlers and haven't logged into the community for a very long time but they are blocking my username...or not, because I can't officially grab it but as you can see I am still posting as PeterR.
Level 10

@MegS, this is a nice feature, helps in bringing unique identity to each LG. 

Level 7

I was looking for that, Thank you

Level 5

It's not letting me claim @keepkalm , do I need to have my actual name in it? 


EDIT: Got it.