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Level 8

Re: All I need is a Map

Great story Ernest.


It's nice to have someone so proactive in this forum. It really helps it grow!

Connect Moderator

Re: All I need is a Map

Connect Moderator

Re: All I need is a Map

I have always thought it would be nice to meet you personally ever since I have known you through Connect, because I felt you would be a great person inside out. but after reading about your journey @ErmesT, I feel now that it will be an honor to meet you, to know more about you and to follow you. 

Wonderful story of your journey, dude. Salute to you! 

Looking forward to meet you with more eagerness now. 🙂

Connect Moderator

Re: All I need is a Map

Level 8

Re: All I need is a Map

What a fulfilling life @ErmesT traveling since 16, living in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. You have so much to share in your travels, you are a true Guide. I have to give you kudos on doing this with all paper maps. I'm a true millennial, I use my car GPS and Google Maps everywhere, I'm always afraid of missing a turn and getting lost forever hahahah



Your life is a great journey, which is something to be very proud of. Loving life every step of the way. That's what life is about! 

So happy all this has now led you to LG Summit 17!!!!

Connect Moderator

Re: All I need is a Map

Thanks @DiAnaUS, I'm smiling for your nice words. My wife is scared too to get lost, so she always use maps to prepare the travel, then she print it on paper. 

Level 9

Re: All I need is a Map

Everyday I feel proud knowing You @ErmesT

I like your story , you are inspiring 

I love maps this is how I strat my video summit , in the past every time I travel I search about the map for the city I visit , now I use Google maps ,....

Level 5

Re: All I need is a Map

Level 6

Re: All I need is a Map


I loved reading your post!

Really good!

Please keep posting such posts.



to the Eolie islands

? How can I creat these blue links? Always wondered how?

Need your guidance please.


Warm Regards!

Sameena Kausar

Indian Air Force

@ermest wrote:

All I need is a Map

It was July 1978, I was 18, and this was my only thought. Just a rucksack, a tent, and a map of Italy. 1.200 Km, from Treviso to the Eolie islands, to explore the beauty of the south of Italy.
Then a lot of other trip, mostly to visit all the beautiful Italy, until 1990, when I started to work in the company where I am now. We produce plant for "####" process, and we sell it all around the world.
I started there as instrumentation specialist, responsable of the plant's setup everywhere in the world.

Wow, I was paid to travel, somebody was giving me money to do what most i like to do. And again, everytime a was in a new place, my first thought was: "I need a Map".

So, 16 years laters, this was the result.

Caption: a whole table completely cobered of paper Maps from all over the world - photo @ermestCaption: a whole table completely cobered of paper Maps from all over the world - photo @ermest

I can remember every place where I was, and my house is now a kind of museum of "souvenirs" from the whole planet.

What I like more is this photo of a "barber shop". I took the photo on 1994 in Changde. Probably my attitude to be a Local Guide starts from that day

Caption: Changdè (Hunan Province,PRC), 1994, Scan from original photo. Barber shopCaption: Changdè (Hunan Province,PRC), 1994, Scan from original photo. Barber shop

My first interaction with Google Maps was on june 2016, when I've bought a new smartphone, and from that moment never stops.

I was enchanted by the fantastic possibility of the sharing. The idea that every single contribution can help to make a better world for everyone still be for me a spring, that push me all the time. The power of sharing is so big that  we cannot even imagine it.

August 24, 2016, was the day that changed my idea of Google Maps. From that day I started to see how many possibility of improvements there are in Maps, how many different ways to explore, to evolve, all beautiful, all useful.

From there is started my idea of "re-building". The following step was the Local Guides Volunteer Day 2016, in which I met some of the best Local Guides we have in here.

From that moment, being in Connect was for me like to be at home, with my family and a lot of friend.

I have no word to tell you my emotion when i've received the invitation to be a moderator. At the first beginning I was really scared of this role, but @TraciC helps me a lot, with a few simple word: "thanks to be you".


So, thanks Traci (and everyone of you), and ... here I am.


Connect Moderator

Re: All I need is a Map

Hi @SameenaKausar

You can insert a link pressings the link symbol (a small chain) in the top of the text area when writing a post 

