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Level 9

Why this is rejected suddenly after submission

I know this very well and I am regular visitor every time when I try to add this place with full details it is marked as NOT APPLIED just after I submit this feature.

They have opening hours and telephone. Which I added during submission but what the he** what's the problem????But why??But why??


Pushpendra nepal Nepal Local Guide | My Contributions
Kathmandu, Nepal
Level 9

Re: Why this is rejected suddenly after submission

@ErmesT, @TraciC, @JeslynL, @Flash can you please tell me what kind of problem is this?

Pushpendra nepal Nepal Local Guide | My Contributions
Level 10

Re: Why this is rejected suddenly after submission

Not applicable

Re: Why this is rejected suddenly after submission

Hey @PushpendraKhadka,

  Sometime it doesn't get approval. Please try again after some time.


Ravindranath Sawane

Level 9

Re: Why this is rejected suddenly after submission

@Julien44 , @Anonymous thanks for your reply. I know that sometimes it can be but If I am adding something with full information then again Google map robots denies my edit that is actually makes me sad.

Pushpendra nepal Nepal Local Guide | My Contributions
Level 10

Re: Why this is rejected suddenly after submission



Yes I know I have sometime the same issue and each time I am edgy with it. But don't take it personaly and keep contributing 😉

Level 9

Re: Why this is rejected suddenly after submission

Hi @PushpendraKhadka,

This is not a permanent problem.

Okay ok.

I can see you're trying to add a cafe(a business) in that area. Have you tried to go through business.google.com ?

Google Maps and Chrome Product Expert.

Always use @ before name to tag anyone on the Connect.
Level 9

Re: Why this is rejected suddenly after submission

Haha how good our moderator are. They marked this as solved. I was already aware of that answer. I know sometimes it goes like that and its not personal issue too.

But every time this feature is being rejected. How to solve this problem. The owner asks us how can I be able to use my business in Google map. What should I answer? Sorry you can not be in google. 

I if this is problem in Map the respective team will work to fix if this problem is forwarded to them but you are marking solved. 

If anyone can add please add this with following details

Name: Peace Cafe

Business type: restaurant with Bar


Location: 27.714595,85.313166

proof photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/aqU6yH724sbOeeaR2



Sorry I have removed the solution as not solution. 


Pushpendra nepal Nepal Local Guide | My Contributions
Level 10

Re: Why this is rejected suddenly after submission

Plz try with photos and alternative names