Connect Moderators are Local Guides just like you and me. They apply the knowledge they’ve gained as active members of our community to moderate Connect and help improve the experience for everyone. You may see them welcoming newcomers, explaining the program, answering questions, and sharing their knowledge with others.
Each month, we share some personal insights from one of our amazing Connect Moderators. This month, meet @Jesi. Jesi lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and speaks both Spanish and English. Jesi loves helping other Local Guides through her contributions on Google Maps.
Name: Jesica
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
What I love about being a Local Guide: Contributing on Maps helps a lot of people, all kinds of contributions about every topic and made with all amounts of effort to help someone in some way. As you contribute, you can get to know your area better, and thanks to Connect you can feel as if you know places that you’ve never been while getting to know other people and their cultures. Through meet-ups, you can have many of these things at once, getting to know Local Guides from your area while having fun contributing. I love everything about being a Local Guide!
Why I’m a Connect Moderator: I had been a Local Guide for a long time before discovering Connect, and it truly felt like I had been missing a huge part of the program once I realized how wonderful it is. I love learning so much about the world in every post, as well as getting to know Local Guides from all kinds of places. Since day one, I found a great community of helpful, supportive people here. I want to help make sure others see Connect as the great place it is, and just like it was done for me, I want to help everyone be comfortable here and understand how it all works, answering their questions to the best of my knowledge, all while helping Connect fulfill its great potential.
My favorite things to explore: I love trying out restaurants that offer unique dishes. Being a Local Guide has encouraged me to try new restaurants and different kinds of dishes, and I end up loving them! I also feel very happy when I go somewhere and notice that it is accessible, so I would say that I enjoy exploring accessible restaurants the most.
My favorite type of contribution(s) to make on Google Maps: My favorite type of contribution is uploading photos, as it is one of the things I like checking out first for places I’m interested in. I also really like adding accessibility info in all sorts of contributions, editing places, adding and editing info, and adding missing places as well as suggesting the removal of duplicates and places that don’t really exist.
Languages I read/speak/write fluently: Spanish and English. My native language is Spanish and I learned British English, but I have also watched lots of TV shows and movies from the US, so now I have a weird mix going on. Don’t be surprised if you read something I wrote with a phrase used in the US and also see the British spelling of a word in the same sentence. I’m also currently slowly learning German. Even though I am far from being fluent, I enjoy reading the posts in German and trying to understand them.
Places I’d like to visit: I’d like to visit every spot in the world, but I tend to be most interested in places whose cultures I find intriguing and their food also seems to be a big factor. Some of the places I would most like to visit are Italy, Mexico, South Korea, and Japan. Hawaii has also entered the list after I read a post about their interesting culture and delicious looking food. I really like Canada even though I have never visited it. Snow, ketchup flavoured fries, poutine, maple taffy, AND the Canadians stereotype is that they are very nice! It seems like a great country and I would really love to visit it one day.
Fun fact about me: I already used Maps more than most before becoming a Local Guide. The main reason is that my sense of direction is really bad. It isn’t rare to see me checking Maps many times during the meet-ups I host to make sure we are going the right way. I love planning all my trips, and creating lists and MyMaps have always been one of the things I have always done before a trip.
We hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know @Jesi. Say hi or ask her a question below as she has a lot to share about Google Maps and Connect.
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