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Level 9

Goodbye New York, Hello Munich

Hi fellow Local Guides,

how are you?
I just wanted to give you a quick overview of what you can achieve within a couple of months 🥇

I started contributing in September 2017 and this is how the map of Manhattan looks like after four months:

Bildschirmfoto 2017-12-22 um 09.39.36.png

As of right now, I wrote 462 reviews, have almost 5,000,000 photo views and more than 30,000 points 😍 I'm striving for Level 9!

Whenever Google sends me an e-mail informing about a "new record"(e.g. 350,000 people read your reviews) I am really happy to have been helpful to so many people traveling NYC.


@VBenedict @LawrenceNYC @Osaka78forTRUMP how do your home town maps look like? :))


Today, I am leaving NYC and will become a Local Guide in Munich, my hometown in Germany.


It was nice experiencing NYC and hope to meet-up with Local Guides in Munich.


Happy Holidays everyone!




I ❤️ being a local guide! My contributions
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New York City, New York, USA
Level 10

Re: Goodbye New York, Hello Munich

Hi @MiaMaria

You did a lot in NYC maps, it's a beauty of local guide programme that our foot prints are everywhere, even we are not there.

Thanks for sharing 

Have a nice stay in Munich. 

Level 9

Re: Goodbye New York, Hello Munich

@MiaMaria that is amazing!  I would be interested how many of those reviews were the first review, my thought is that Manhattan is so heavily populated that it would be very hard to be the first one to review a business.

New WriterNew SolutionistGood FriendSuper Popular| 9 Badges so far! | My Connect Profile | My Contributions
Level 9

Re: Goodbye New York, Hello Munich


Yes it’s hard to find a place that has no reviews! But mostly citi bike stations or bus station had 0 reviews so I did some of them 😉 

I ❤️ being a local guide! My contributions
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Re: Goodbye New York, Hello Munich

Bravo and thank you, @MiaMaria, for adding your contributions to Google Maps where I will surely come across them in my explorations!


I hope you enjoy being back home and hope we get to meet if you return to NYC. It's been a crazy year for sure!

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Level 8

Re: Goodbye New York, Hello Munich

Bon Voyage @MiaMaria 

Gute Reise...

Hope that you learned positive things about our NEW YORK City culture.


Lots to think about...

Level 8

Re: Goodbye New York, Hello Munich

Now this is called contribution spirit @MiaMaria I'm sure it must have consumed so much of your time in September. I really like to appreciate you work and time in contributing 🙂 this post is gona very be inspiration to everyone one who is passionate towards contribution.


Thanks you so much for making the map better 🙂

Happy Guiding,
Jagadeesh Reddy.
Level 9

Re: Goodbye New York, Hello Munich

Connect Moderator

Re: Goodbye New York, Hello Munich

Hi @MiaMaria, so happy that you move to Munich. So close to Italy, so close to Venice (where we are planning a meetup).


Hope to see you soon around here



Level 10

Re: Goodbye New York, Hello Munich

Dear @MiaMaria, hope all's well. Thanks for sharing your awesome story. It's great to hear your travels. Yes, our hometown of Busselton is looking good with our contributions concentrated across Australia and spreading around the world. Merry Christmas and all the very best wishes to you for 2018. 

@MiaMaria wrote:

 @VBenedict @LawrenceNYC @Osaka78forTRUMP how do your home town maps look like? :))