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Level 10

[FR] List of feature request and feedback about Maps,connect and street view .

Local Guide has brought a new meaning to my life helping out many people in improving the data about the local we live in , since google maps is providing this wonderful opportunity i have few points that can or may help in improving maps even more.

here is the list of few things i have thought about , many points are the common points every one might have but few are my points i have come across .


1. Option to Flag a question in the app instead of opening the browser . 

2. Add a Option to view Approved and Unapproved pics in Street view App.

3. Add a Option to filter the Highest viewed pics even on the Mobile app.

4. While adding a place there is a pop up coming which shows similar places with a radio button and in the bottom we have a option called "SUBMIT ANYWAY" ,this does not seem to be the right phrase to be used because it gives a feeling of a local guide trying to add a place even thought it is present on maps. it can be changed to " No similar place so add " .

5. Add a feature of showing the message of a event happening in a place when we are navigating through those places. for example - if there is a david guetta show in Hitex Hyderabad when some one are using maps and are in and around the place there must be a cloud like symbol above the place which says a "rock concert " pointing the place.

6. Add a option to add pictures to a huge area like parks , lakes etc which are currently not having the option.

7. Having a problem of multiple similar  pics getting added from my account in to the maps , can there be a filter which stops this because the more similar pics the more spam and more people can get points by doing it which is against the motto of being a local guide . 

8. The voice review for 360 images . i mean adding a voice along with the 360 image to describe the place even more.

9. s it possible to give google play credits ( very few ) as benefits of the local guide program when some certain level is triggered and even based on the number of views.

10. Increase the street view approved limit to more than 50 approved images.

11. Never seen the flagged image or spam or inappropriate image being removed from a place even after reporting several times.There can be a better way to do this .

12. Remove the self like option to reviews we write.

13. Easy access to photos we have uploaded ( to delete a certain image that has been added many days ago)

14. Add a info button to every question that explains the real meaning of the question asked .

15. Have the option to add photos offline and when the mobile gets a WiFi or internet connection then they automatically  will  be uploaded .

16. Add a option to add wifi password of the place in maps .

17. Having a problem to share the screen shot while providing the feedback of duplicate place in the laptop .

18. Option to select/ mark the original and duplicate place so that it is easy to identify to which place is the duplicate present .

19. The Date option during adding place doesn't even help for places that are present from years and not added to maps, i see a lot of spam through that option.

20. Increase the number of images in connect .

21. Provide a timeline like interface in local guide connect to view all the posts that are posted by us .

22. There are certain questions asked repeatedly related to a place which gives a extra point but i get frustrated when the same question is asked repeatedly related to the same place.

23. Remove the point for just rating , increases spam , people are just giving ratings to increase points .

24. Show the symbols of the places like KFC ,McD,CCD,Subway with their respective logos it gives a better view .

25. The advantage to access the google goodies at a discount price even thought they are not available in certain countries ( India for example)

26. early access to the latest products of google , or discounts will help for local guides.

27. Provide a Better customer and street view trusted photographer connection platform , for a hazel free communication.

28. Fix the cost of trusted photographer images based on countries .

29. Suggest trusted street view photographer based on the location , for example when a business is opened  in a particular area provide the owner with the photographer details near that location .

30. Create a interface that helps to add 360 images from a 360 can instead of accessing the intermediate app ( example lg 360 app is so poor ).

31. Get the street-view trusted logo even on maps and connect .

32. View a section of achievements on a special tab in ,maps app.

33. Provide a app for Local Guide Connect .

34. Add the option to add multiple phone numbers to a place , when one number is not working the other can help.

35. Add more achievements like discovered 50 hospitals, 50 food court , 50 parks and so on to keep the local guides motivated.


These are few points i could make a note , I understand all of these can never turn into reality but few put in to action will work a lot for the map user as well as local guides. 

Hoping these feedback would help the maps team and other local guide . more feedback are  always welcomed on the comments. 

@MegS @AradhanaB @BellaWi @YanniY .

Level 10

Re: [FR] List of feature request and feedback about Maps,connect and street view .

@OSAMA @HelloSamsonR @AslamMo have a look at the list , welcome to add your points as well.

Level 9

Re: [FR] List of feature request and feedback about Maps,connect and street view .

@NarenChandra πŸ˜Š

First of all , thank you so much for time and effort to write this feedback Post , am sure the team will review and reply you and they are very happy with such feedback , 

Some points we discussed on Connect some not , you have a wonderful view of the future of the Map 😊😊 πŸ‘πŸ‘

Thank you so much 

Level 10

Re: [FR] List of feature request and feedback about Maps,connect and street view .

Thank you for inviting me for me to share my opinion. I will pick a list from this feedback and as well tell you what I think about the ones I feel. From your number 7 point, I agree with you and I made a feedback here recently:


Number 9 I really don't agree, in fact I believe it should be reduced, maybe 25photosπŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜‚. But for the rest it's a feedback well good enough for the local guides team to look into it. Hopefully this is a long feedback 😊. It shows the time and effort it took to write all this, am sure from this list something definitely might be implemented @NarenChandra. Very powerful list of feedback πŸ‘πŸ‘


Kind Regards, 


Level 10

Re: [FR] List of feature request and feedback about Maps,connect and street view .

Level 10

Re: [FR] List of feature request and feedback about Maps,connect and street view .

You are welcome @NarenChandra πŸ™‚

Connect Moderator

Re: [FR] List of feature request and feedback about Maps,connect and street view .

You've done quite a lot of thinking on this @NarenChandra nice work. A lot of these are common requests, but some are quite unique to you and sound good. Well done. I know the Googlers read everything here so they will see your ideas.




Level 8

Re: [FR] List of feature request and feedback about Maps,connect and street view .



Thank you and kudos for your substantial list of requests. As you mentioned, these are not all your ideas and some are common requests. Rather than responding to each item by number, it would be better practice if you had shared the URL link to the forum threads that already exist on these individual topics, so people that were not aware of them, could use this very useful index as a reference. By selecting items in your list, we could then respond by following the link to "the" or an original thread where we can either kudos the idea or join the discussion.


For example, I already expressed my feedback to #16,  stating it is inappropriate to share wifi passwords on Maps in the [FR] by @IvanLondon here.


Having a kind of Uservoice system where we could vote for ideas and see which ideas have actually been implemented, would be my additional feature request in response to your list. Like with Uservoice, the system could inform a person when their idea already exists on the list, rather than creating duplicates and ending up with multiple discussions related to the same topic.

Level 10

Re: [FR] List of feature request and feedback about Maps,connect and street view .

Thanks @PaulPavlinovich and @JeroenM for the response and support . 

And @JeroenM and yes I should have linked the discussions happens prior but I was not at a place where I could extract all the data and share . May be will edit it in coming days. 

Former Google Contributor

Re: [FR] List of feature request and feedback about Maps,connect and street view .

Thanks @NarenChandra for the very comprehensive link - it will take time but I will definitely share every single feedback with the team. Thanks again for the effort - we really appreciate Local Guides like yourself!