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Level 7

Re: Let's add free WiFi passwords to all places

@Vanessa_L thanks this is exactly the intention of my suggestion. Usually you can ask a shop assistant at a cafe or reception at s hotel for a WiFi password, but it would be so much easier to be able to find it out from Google Maps.

Level 7

Re: Let's add free WiFi passwords to all places

@LuisRG Hi, I've just tried that businesses community link that you provided. Do you know if there is a new features section there by chance where I could post my suggestion, as per your suggestion? Also could I use my Local Guide Connect log-in or a new registration is required? Thanks 

Level 7

Re: Let's add free WiFi passwords to all places

@LuisRG, I actually agree with your response.  If the business owner them self posts the WiFi password then kudos to them.  But I feel like free WiFi from a small business is used to attract business and I would hate to deter them from getting business because a reviewer posted it.  I know it's not like it isn't already done by many others, but it doesn't mean it's right.

Mike Nguyen
Travel blogger / Food blogger / Recipe developer
Level 10

Re: Let's add free WiFi passwords to all places

Guys, let me point out an older topic about wifi passwords: 



To me, @JeslynL's solution still seems to be valid: 


@JeslynL wrote:


if these places have protected their wifi network, they must have preferred to keep it exclusive for diners and internal use only. 🙂

Level 10

Re: Let's add free WiFi passwords to all places

@IvanLondon Free WiFi

@IvanLondon wrote:

Hey fellow-LG's!


Wouldn't it be great if we could add free WiFi passwords to all the places where free WiFi is available, e.g. cafes, hotels, gyms, business centers, etc.


All we need is just a new 'Free WiFi password' field.


Let me know what you think.


 Ivan London 


generally doesn't have password? what do you say?




Level 10

Re: Let's add free WiFi passwords to all places

Although in a free and wonderful world the calibres of having free, accessible wi-fi might sound like a godsend, we do have to consider the legal/digital issues regarding identity theft, fraud and malicious attacks. There are reasons why some restaurants might have some free Wi-Fi for the benefit and convenience of their goers, or like a shopping centre that allows its consumers to tap into their commercial offers and deals. But of course there's the other sort of "free".

Like, imagine if there was some really strange convenience store which had "Convenient Wi-Fi Hotspot" but in reality were masking themselves as a third-party or interceptor and observed while you casually checked your emails or did some internet banking. In actual fact, it's actually quite easy to set-up such a program/trap. Not that I would consider it.


Not everyone really uses Wi-Fi in the first place anyway, and it isn't always so convenient/fast. I know at home I don't (wait what).

Level 10

Re: Let's add free WiFi passwords to all places

I think it depends on the locality (since laws in different countries might be similar but there are differences) and it is better for Google to ask permission from the establishments first.


It is a different thing when an individual asking for a wifi password vs a corporation posting that said password.. the liability is just enormous.


Google Maps did got into a tussle with the EU regarding wifi a decade ago. It is all fun and games until the lawsuits starts coming.

Level 8

Re: Let's add free WiFi passwords to all places

To add weight to the considerate answers by @Csaba@MikeNguyen and Jeslyn from the LG Team, I think it is inappropriate to share passwords without the consent of the owner. Any provider of a wifi hot-spot has a choice how to set up their wifi hot-spot. If it is a free for ALL then you create an open wifi hot-spot without a password. If it is a free for SOME then you create a hotpots that is protected with a pass-word that you share with those (read: paying customers) that you like to give access. 


As @MikeNguyen is saying, we should respect the business owners.

So sorry, @IvanLondon, this is not one of your best ideas. However, to be creative and find a great idea, one needs to create lots of ideas. You are a creative person and judging by the number of contributions on this feature request forum, you are not suffering from a creative block, as the ideas keep popping out of you (LOL). Kudos for that! However, you also need to accept that not all ideas can be good ideas. Keep the flow going.

Best regards, Jeroen

Check out the beginnings of our Local Guides Library with online resources.

Level 8

Re: Let's add free WiFi passwords to all places

back in days i have suggested similar feature ( not a wifi password but show an icon or something to identify free wifi zones / restaurants in certain areas  

hope they will do something 🙂

Level 7

Re: Let's add free WiFi passwords to all places

@NalinK I like it! Would it useful especially for tourists who don't have mobile internet roaming.