Make Maps Spam-Free: Join the 20th Anniversary Movement!

This banner is created by me and all screen shot are taken from Gmaps

Make Maps Spam-Free: Join the 20th Anniversary Movement!

Celebrating 20 years of Google Maps! :tada: It’s amazing to see how this incredible tool has changed how we explore the world, from finding the fastest route to uncovering hidden gems. A huge thank you to our amazing Local Guides—your contributions have been essential to making Google Maps what it is today. To mark this milestone, we’re (Me and @NareshDarji) launching a special mission just for you. Get ready to showcase your passion and help us improve Google Maps! :world_map:

What is a Spam-Free Google Map?

A spam-free Google Map provides accurate, relevant, and reliable information about places and locations. It’s free from misleading, irrelevant, or fake content that can confuse users or misrepresent businesses and locations. Our mission is to report irrelevant content, such as:

  • :crazy_face: Personal photos & selfies (Let’s keep Maps professional!)
  • :video_camera: Irrelevant videos (Show us the place, not your cat!)
  • :lying_face: Fake reviews (Be honest, be helpful!)
  • :office: Wrong business info (Help businesses shine with accurate details!)

How to report spam?

Here are 5 Ways to Make Maps Spam-Free:

Get Involved:

  • :couple: Host Meet-Ups: Organize or join local meet-ups to spread awareness and take collective action.
  • :man_walking: Solo Walks: Prefer going solo? No problem! Walk around your neighborhood and help keep it clean and accurate.
  • Tip: you can directly search your city on maps and go to photos and reviews if those are irrelevant then report it

Together, we can create a better, spam-free map for everyone! :earth_africa::muscle:

Let’s start today and make a difference, one report at a time. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey!

#SpamFreeMaps #GoogleMaps20Years


Great initiative @Tejal and @NareshDarji on the 20th Anniversary of Google Maps to make the Maps spam free and help the community! Kudos…!!! :bouquet: :blue_heart:


Thanks for sharing this video with us @Tejal mam, Great initiative to clean google map and information given on this .


Hope people watch and take note @Tejal , great work :+1:t2:


Great initiative clean google map and information given on this @Tejal and @NareshDarji


I still remember this when we all did it last time. 100 meet-ups in a day, I think, a record in itself.
But the topic is very important and is an ongoing process for every local guide to follow. Since then, it had become my routine to remove spam from Google Maps.

Much appreciated for touching on the important topic again, @Tejal ben!



It’s a great initiative @Tejal and @NareshDarji as part of the anniversary celebration… Definitely I will take part in this initiative :muscle::star_struck:


@Tejal cleaning is equally important to adding :+1:


Great initiative @Tejal
Thank you for inviting me to your initiative.

Let’s celebrate this anniversary by making the map spam-free.


Thank you.

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Thank you.

thank you so much, and please support us and give spam-free maps to the community.


I would like to invite here @TusharSuradkar @KasifMisidia @AjitThite @Shrut19
@RosyKohli @TravellerG we waiting for your support


definitely, I will join @Tejal
I remember a few years back, we had taken up this movement on a large scale.
I will definitely host a meetup for this :+1:

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Great initiative @Tejal and @NareshDarji . Will definitely participate in this.

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Wow ,will definitely take part & make Google maps spam Free on 4 th February report & every local guides daily contribute we can make maps spam Free .
Best wishes to you and @NareshDarji and all LG for making our maps spam Free.

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Thank you for joining with us @IgbinedionDan and @RosyKohli

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अच्छा उपक्रम है जिसकी @RajuRoyal ने शुरुवात कि कुछ सालों पहले, और हम सभी ने उसमें दिल से भाग लिया था, और मै आज भी गूगल मैप को स्पैम फ्री करने में लगातार योगदान दे रही हूं ।
आपके इस महत्वपूर्ण उपक्रम को दोबारा शुरुआत करने के लिए शुक्रिया ।

You are welcome @NareshDarji . Looking forward for it.

Yes, for sure, I am on it.