Local Guides 2025 Album of Star Photos

1 - Introduction:

As Local Guides it’s often amazing which one of all of our Google Maps photos is the one that attracts the most views. We’ve come to refer to this photo as our star photo and this post, which follows on from the Local Guides’ 2024 Album of Star Photos post, is where Local Guides can join in and share their star as we all have one. So if you’d like to share yours then jump on board because, regardless of how many views it has or how good a photo it is, or even what Local Guide level you are at, or where in the world you are located, we’d all love to see your star! Together we can build a photo album of 2025 stars in every corner of the world.

As well as adding your star photo in this album, if you wish, you can also have more fun and learn a lot more about star photos by joining the Top 100 Local Guides Star Photos leaderboards, and details on this are provided below.

2 - Questions:

We want this post to very much look like a photo album. Therefore, if you have any questions or wish to comment about star photos generally, or a specific Local Guide’s star photo in this album, or how to participate here or on the star photos leaderboards, then please do not add them in comments in this post. Instead, post them in a comment on the Discussion on the Local Guides, 2025 Star Photos post, a post specifically setup for this. Please note that any such comments added here will be moved to the special discussion post.

3 - Steps to add your star photo:

To participate, you need to take a screenshot of your star photo and add it in a comment on this post. Because we want a consistent format of entries in this album, please follow the basic formatting criteria as outlined below. A good idea is to use the steps mentioned as a checklist and make sure you cover each step. Your screenshot should:

  1. [20 points] include only one image of your star photo, clearly showing the current star views overlaid over it. Larger screenshots are best but do not over enlarge your screenshot at the expense of quality/resolution;
  2. [20 points] only be of your star photo and not show any Maps details that are not overlaid over your star photo itself on Maps;
  3. [10 points] preferably be taken in landscape (more wide than tall) layout as these photos look better in the album than portrait or vertical layout (more tall than wide),
  4. [10 points] be posted centered,
  5. [5 points] have only one blank line (i.e. no text) at the top between the screenshot itself and your Connect avatar and post date details,
  6. [20 points] include a caption using the following format Caption: Star photo by @YourConnectUsername of [name of the place] uploaded onto Google Maps on [include date uploaded] and showing star views of [enter star views] as at [include star views date] Note:
  • If you’re participating on the star photo leaderboards, the caption to be used will be automatically generated for you :wink: Simply copy and paste it with your screenshot;
  • If you’re adding your screenshot on a desktop PC then add the caption as part of the Insert Photos process ( :selfie: ) so that it is better integrated with the screenshot itself.
  • For a good general read on uploading a photo on Connect, read the guidelines here.
  1. [10 points] The caption must shows the correct star date & star views (screenshot) date.
  2. [10 points] The star views shown on your caption must be the same as that shown on your screenshot and if you’re a Top 100 Local Guides leaderboard participant, it must also be equal to the star views you have entered for your star photo on the Top 100 System!
  3. [5 point] Add one blank after your image and caption but not before! For better readability you can also add one blank line at the very end of your screenshot post :wink:
  4. [15 points] Add the name of the place, city and country as a heading and that heading must be the shared link of your star photo on Maps. Interested Local Guides can then simply select your heading’s link to visit and view your star photo on Maps :wink: :wink:
  5. [20 points] Immediately under the heading (no blank lines after the heading) tell the story about your star photo or the place or meal etc. This is important so make it interesting so others, including Search Engine robots, will enjoy reading and like your story and you just never know your star photo might be featured in other places on Connect as well as the Web and thus build on its impact :wink:
  6. [5 points] Include in your description details of make and model of the camera/smartphone used (e.g. Google Pixel 6a, Samsung Galaxy S24). Things you could mention include:
    (a) Is this your best photo?
    (b) Was this just a point and click shot?

Important Notes:

  1. After adding your star photo screenshot, you should check it on both mobile and a PC for formatting, layout and consistency (especially line spacing). Compare yours with others in the album;
  2. The points shown in brackets against each of the above requirements (maximum 150), are used to measure how well your star photo screenshot fits in with the specified formatting criteria mentioned above.
  3. Why did I say use your imagination and make the story about your star photo or the place or meal etc interesting so others, including Search Engine robots, will enjoy reading it? It’s because our star photos are not only shown in this album on Connect, they are also shown in the public domain and therefore end up on general Google Search Results Pages (SERPs). If we make our descriptions interesting, this will help generate generic “hits” to our photos which means more views :smiley: So when writing your description for your star photo screenshot, think of it as a mini post. Give it some thought, make it interesting but don’t go overboard!!!

4 - Updating your star photo:

From time to time you might wish to edit or update your star photo. For example, you have made a mistake in your post or the star views may have increased or you might even have a new star photo. Simple! There are two different scenarios here, (a) editing or updating your existing star photo and (b) adding a new star photo!

  1. When editing or updating your existing star photo, you simply re-visit your existing entry in this post, and update your star photo using either of the two procedures mentioned in Sections 5.1 and 5.2 below which as you can see, depends on whether you are or are not currently participating on the Top 100 Local Guides Leaderboards.** It’s important to note that when editing or updating your existing *star photo you must not start a new comment and add an updated screenshot showing the new star views,
  2. When adding a new star photo, you add it in a new comment on this post following the steps detailed in Section #3 above. A good idea is to add a permalink back to your original star post.

4.1 Participant on the Top 100 Local Guides Leaderboards

  1. Take a new screenshot of your new or current star photo showing the current star views that is compliant with points 1 to 3 of the formatting criteria in section 3 above.
  2. Update your star photo details on the Top 100 Local Guides system.
  3. Copy caption suggested on the Top 100 Local Guides system
  4. If you’re adding a new star photo then you add this in a new comment in this post following the steps detailed in Section 3 above. If you are adding a new star photo as described in point 5(b) above then go to step 16.
  5. If editing or updating your existing star photo (see point 5(a) above) then continue on with the following steps.
  6. Find your previous star photo in this album.
  7. Select the ellipsis menu (3 blue dots)
  8. Select Edit Reply
  9. Select the screenshot of your star photo
  10. Select the pencil icon to activate the edit function
  11. Delete your old star photo screenshot
  12. Add the new screenshot showing the updated star photo views
  13. Paste the caption copied at step 3 above.
  14. Select Done
  15. You could add in your description a table showing the changes in star views. For this example.
  16. Select Save Changes
  17. Job done! Grab a coffee!!

*** NOTES:**

(a) Should you update your album entry if the star views did not change?

If your star photo’s views did not change you must update the “as at” date on the last date in the month that you checked your star. This is important to maintain the correct history of your stars’ views in both the T100 Leaderboard System and posts on Connect, including the respective Leaderboard posts.

(b) Do you need to take and add a new screen shot, even if the number of views are the same as last month?
There is no need to update the screenshot if the star views remains unchanged, this is entirely your choice. However, it is still necessary to update the caption on the screenshot and this is to clearly indicate that the views are still what they are on the “as at” date. You will have the caption automatically generated for you after performing the step mentioned in (a) above and it will take no more than a minute or two, to add this new caption to your star post.

4.2 Non-participant on the Top 100 Local Guides Leaderboards

  1. Take a new screenshot of your new or current star photo showing the current star views that is compliant with points 1 to 3 of the formatting criteria in section 3 above.
  2. Find your previous star photo in this album.
  3. Select the ellipsis menu (3 blue dots)
  4. Select Edit Reply
  5. Select the screenshot of your star photo
  6. Select the pencil icon to activate the edit function
  7. Take a copy of the current caption
  8. Delete your old star photo screenshot
  9. Add the new screenshot showing the new or updated star photo views
  10. Paste back the old caption
  11. Update the star views and star views date on the caption
  12. Select Done
  13. Select Save Changes
  14. Job done! Grab a coffee

5 - The Top 100 Local Guides Star Photos Leaderboards:

As mentioned in the introduction above, as well as adding your star photo in this album, if you wish you can also register to participate on the Top 100 Local Guides Star Photos leaderboards. You will find the register link on the Leaderboards Index. You will also see there links to all the current Leaderboard posts as well as other related posts.

6 - Conclusion

You are invited to join the many hundreds of Local Guides from across the world to showcase your star photo. Let’s share and learn how to improve the quality of our photo contributions to Maps. Together we can do more.


Target, Cheltenham, Melbourne, Australia

Not so long ago, this storefront photo of a Melbourne Target department store took over from my previous, long time star photo, a rather unimpressive photo of a car park at a hardware store which had turned into being somewhat like a red star in space, which are dying stars in the final stages of stellar evolution. Now sadly, it seems that this new star has also turned into a red star! As with most of my photos contributed to Maps, this star was taken with my Android based Pixel 3XL smartphone. I do track my stars using the T100 System’s star tracking feature and sadly, well at least for the time being, it seems most unlikely that I will have a new star to brag about anytime soon.

Star Photo Views History

In the table below I have shown the recent views history of my Star Photo.

Place Name
Star Photo
Caption: A tabular summary of the recent star views of my Star Photo (LG: @AdamGT)



Clock Tower, University of California Riverside

My star photo is of the clock tower at the University of California Riverside, in southern California. I captured it using a Nikon D750, during a college tour. I had to capture this in portrait mode due to the height of the clock tower and the lens I had on my camera. It has been the cover photo of UC Riverside till June of 2022. After that not getting much views!

Star Photo Views History

In the table below I have shown the recent views history of my Star Photo.

ID Screenshot
Place Name Star Photo Views
4458 2022-12-17 Clock Tower 17,737,259
4691 2022-12-17 Clock Tower 17,737,259
4930 2022-12-17 Clock Tower 17,737,259
5648 2022-12-17 Clock Tower 17,737,259
6365 2022-12-17 Clock Tower 17,737,259
6608 2024-01-28 Clock Tower 17,737,384
6836 2024-01-28 Clock Tower 17,737,384
7072 2024-01-28 Clock Tower 17,737,384
7308 2024-01-28 Clock Tower 17,737,384
7546 2024-01-28 Clock Tower 17,737,384
7785 2024-01-28 Clock Tower 17,737,384
8006 2024-07-27 Clock Tower 17,737,393
8232 2024-08-25 Clock Tower 17,737,393

Caption: A 12-month tabular summary of the star views of my star Photo (LG: @jayasimha78 )


Rose Garden BBQ, Melbourne, Australia

When I first uploaded my star photo back in 2023 I had noticed a views trend. Consistently my most frequently viewed photos were pictures of restaurant meals. My previous star photo was of a meal and now my current star photo is of a restaurant, which has blitzed into the lead! It is of a rather unpretentious looking restaurant but do not be fooled by it’s appearance! This restaurant serves some of the most delicious Chinese & Malaysian meals I have ever tasted! They have a limited menu and I have revisited several times since my first visit. I am now working my way through the menu :slightly_smiling_face: This photo was taken with my iPhone 13

Star Photo Views History

In the table below I have shown the recent views history of my Star Photo.

Place Name
Star Photo
68022024-01-28Rose Garden BBQ
70302024-03-02Rose Garden BBQ
72662024-03-30Rose Garden BBQ
75022024-04-30Rose Garden BBQ
77392024-05-30Rose Garden BBQ
79632024-06-30Rose Garden BBQ
81832024-07-30Rose Garden BBQ
84012024-08-31Rose Garden BBQ
86012024-09-29Rose Garden BBQ
88042024-10-31Rose Garden BBQ
90072024-11-30Rose Garden BBQ
92012024-12-30Rose Garden BBQ
Caption: A tabular summary of the recent star views of my star Photo (LG: @IzzyOz)



Lifestyle Stores in Waltair Uplands , Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.

A well-known store in the area. It offers a diverse selection of products including clothing, footwear, and accessories for women, men, and children. It also provides beauty products, home decor items, lifestyle accessories, and more—everything available under one roof.
This photo was clicked in November 2017 with the iPhone in landscape mode.

Star Photo Views History

In the table below I have shown the recent views history of my Star Photo.

Place Name
Star Photo
65752023-12-31My Jio Store
68032024-01-28My Jio Store
70312024-02-29My Jio Store
72672024-03-31My Jio Store
75032024-04-30My Jio Store
77402024-05-31My Jio Store
79642024-06-30My Jio Store
81842024-07-31My Jio Store
84022024-08-31My Jio Store
86022024-09-30My Jio Store
88052024-10-30My Jio Store
90082024-11-30My Jio Store
92022024-12-31My Jio Store
99992024-01-11Lifestyle Store
Caption: A tabular summary of the recent star views of my star Photo (LG: @PrasadVR)



Big Buddha (Wat Phra Yai), Bangkok!

I took this photo of The Big Buddha at the entrances of the Big Buddha (Wat Phra Yai), Bangkok during my visit to Bangkok way back in the year 2016. I have shared this photo on Google Map just a month ago and considered to be the star photo gaining me 398K of views.

In the current cycle as well there is no change in the View count. Wondering, it could be due to the known issue of view count in Maps! Since 1-July-2024, there is absolutely no change in the Star Photo view count.

Star Photo Views History

In the table below I have shown the recent views history of my Star Photo.

ID Screenshot
Place Name Star Photo Views
4892 2023-09-30 Big Buddha (Wat Phra Yai), Bangkok 2,032,202
5131 2023-11-01 Big Buddha (Wat Phra Yai), Bangkok 2,086,618
5849 2023-12-01 Big Buddha (Wat Phra Yai), Bangkok 2,143,285
6566 2024-01-01 Big Buddha (Wat Phra Yai), Bangkok 2,207,968
6794 2024-02-01 Big Buddha (Wat Phra Yai), Bangkok 2,606,479
7022 2024-03-01 Big Buddha (Wat Phra Yai), Bangkok 2,577,821
7258 2024-04-01 Big Buddha (Wat Phra Yai), Bangkok 3,404,075
7494 2024-05-01 Big Buddha (Wat Phra Yai), Bangkok 3,439,516
7731 2024-06-01 Big Buddha (Wat Phra Yai), Bangkok 3,439,516
7956 2024-07-01 Big Buddha (Wat Phra Yai), Bangkok 3,474,008
8176 2024-08-01 Big Buddha (Wat Phra Yai), Bangkok 3,474,008
8399 2024-09-01 Big Buddha (Wat Phra Yai), Bangkok 3,474,008
8624 2024-10-01 Big Buddha (Wat Phra Yai), Bangkok 3,474,008
8827 2024-11-02 Big Buddha (Wat Phra Yai), Bangkok 3,474,008
9999 2024-12-02 Big Buddha (Wat Phra Yai), Bangkok 3,474,008
9999 2025-01-03 Big Buddha (Wat Phra Yai), Bangkok 3,474,008

Caption: A 12-month tabular summary of the star views of my star Photo (LG: @Kumaarsantosh )


Los Cocuyos, Historic Center, Mexico City :mexico:

This taco shop is quite popular in the city and it was included in the Netflix´s series “Taco´s Chronicles” that portraits the most popular varieties of tacos and the spots where you can enjoy it. This “taquería” is very antique and inhabitants and tourists form lanes to try the tacos. At the end of 2022 Los Cocuyos opened a new space with tables, opposite to a long tradition where customers ate the tacos just standing up in the street. So, this photo of the new internat seat area was a novelty for this place, an up to now is the feature photo of Los Cocuyos.


ITIS Giuseppe Armellini, Rome, Italy

This is my “star photo”, which depicts a technical high school (ITIS Giuseppe Armellini) in Rome, Italy, and the public garden in front of it, which is located near the ancient Basilica of San Paolo Fuori le Mura. The church dates back 17 centuries, and is where the Apostle Paul is buried.

Star Photo Views History

In the table below I have shown the recent views history of my Star Photo.

ID Screenshot Date Place Name Star Photo Views
6368 2023-12-30 ITIS Giuseppe Armellini 6,866,962
6611 2024-01-28 ITIS Giuseppe Armellini 6,956,962
6839 2024-02-28 ITIS Giuseppe Armellini 6,764,998
7075 2024-03-28 ITIS Giuseppe Armellini 7,004,642
7311 2024-04-28 ITIS Giuseppe Armellini 7,004,642
7549 2024-05-29 ITIS Giuseppe Armellini 7,004,642
7788 2024-06-29 ITIS Giuseppe Armellini 7,004,642
8009 2024-07-28 ITIS Giuseppe Armellini 7,004,642
8235 2024-08-30 ITIS Giuseppe Armellini 7,004,642
8436 2024-09-28 ITIS Giuseppe Armellini 7,004,642
8639 2024-10-29 ITIS Giuseppe Armellini 7,004,642
nnnn 2024-11-30 ITIS Giuseppe Armellini 7,004,642
nnnn 2024-12-30 ITIS Giuseppe Armellini 7,004,642

Bildunterschrift: @Annaelisas Sternenfoto von Eckernförde, hochgeladen auf Google Maps am 25.01.2019 und mit 1.375.146 Sternenansichten (Stand 30.12.2024)

Ich habe dieses Foto vom REWE MARKT in Eckernförde aufgenommen als der Markt durch Rewe übernommen und neu eröffnet wurde.

Star Photo Views History

In the table below I have shown the recent views history of my Star Photo.

Place Name
Star Photo

Uhr der Ratstrinkstube, Marktpl. 2, 91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany

I was wondering for a long time, why this photo received so many views - in the beginning thousands each day, but after several weeks (until now) the daily increase was less than 10*. Furthermore, I did not find it at the place, where I posted it, even though it is still visible with increasing views under My Contributions with a link to that pin.

After some research, I did find it. Not at the original pin, but on the page of the city scrolling down a long way under All or My own. How did it get there? No idea! My guess is, this was probably done by some AI function or even Google employee. At the city page, I did not only find this image, but also several others, I did post to the same and other places in this (famous) town.

But not only that! Since I got curious, I also checked the page of the area (Mittelfranken), county (Landkreis Ansbach) and even the state (Bayern). At each level of the hierarchy around the original place, I found even more of my photos from several places and towns including the country - obviously impossible to find a particular one, since you have to scroll down forever…

*Why did the number of view not increase as much as before? I believe for a limited time, the photo was at the banner/featured of one of those pages, I mentioned above.

P.S. On February 6, 2024, before the counting of views quit working, the number of views was 1,997,909! Since I was curious when it would reach the two millions, I checked it daily and that is why I realized the issue with publishing the view count. So far, the number of views displayed under My Contributions, never increased between February and August. However, according to a takeout, it did exceed 2 millions (2,005,689 as of Dec 11. 2024 that is a little more than 6 more views daily).

Photo taken with Sony ILCA-77M2, Tamron 16–300 mm

Star Photo Views History

In the table below I have shown the recent views history of my Star Photo.

ID Screenshot
Place Name Star Photo Views
72962024-03-28Uhr der Ratstrinkstube1,982,879
75322024-04-28Uhr der Ratstrinkstube1,982,879
77692024-05-28Uhr der Ratstrinkstube1,982,879
79912024-06-28Uhr der Ratstrinkstube1,982,879
82112024-07-30Uhr der Ratstrinkstube1,982,879
84132024-08-28Uhr der Ratstrinkstube1,982,879
86222024-09-28Uhr der Ratstrinkstube1,982,879
88252024-09-28Uhr der Ratstrinkstube1,982,879
90282024-10-28Uhr der Ratstrinkstube1,982,879
92152024-12-28Uhr der Ratstrinkstube1,982,879
Caption: A tabular summary of the recent star views of my star Photo (LG: @WilfriedB)



Oneill’s Irish Pub in Glasgow, Scotland

This is a screenshot of my current Star Photo. It’s of O’Neills Irish Pub in Glasgow, Scotland and was taken with a Huawei P20 Pro on my visit to the city of my birthplace just before the pandemic started in the Summer of 2019. My cousin who lives in Glasgow choose to meet there so we could have a pint of beer as they have a wise choice of beers. While I was waiting for her to arrive I took a sneaky photo to gain 5 points nothing more nothing less, which if you look closely enough you see another figure, my partner

Star Photo Views History

In the table below I have shown the recent views history of my Star Photo.

ID Screenshot
Place Name Star Photo Views
6772 2024-01-30 Oneills Merchant Sq Glasgow 3,647,160
7000 2024-02-21 Oneills Merchant Sq Glasgow 3,584,725
7236 2024-03-23 Oneills Merchant Sq Glasgow 3,647,306
7472 2024-04-23 Oneills Merchant Sq Glasgow 3,647,306
7709 2024-05-23 Oneills Merchant Sq Glasgow 3,647,306
7940 2024-06-26 Oneills Merchant Sq Glasgow 3,647,306
8160 2024-07-22 Oneills Merchant Sq Glasgow 3,647,306
8385 2024-08-26 Oneills Merchant Sq Glasgow 3,647,306
8586 2024-09-30 Oneills Merchant Sq Glasgow 3,647,306
9999 2024-10-29 Oneills Merchant Sq Glasgow 3,647,306
9999 2024-11-29 Oneills Merchant Sq Glasgow 3,647,306
9999 2024-12-29 Oneills Merchant Sq Glasgow 3,647,306

Caption: A 12-month tabular summary of the star views of my star Photo (LG: @MarkAuchincloss )


El Farol Mexican Mexican Restaurant Seattle, WA USA
This is one of my earliest photos that I posted on Maps. I always try to take a few minutes and crop and adjust the color of my photos before posting. It was taken with one of the original Pixel phones.

On about 2023-06-23 it was replaced by another photo as the 1st photo in the Maps gallery.

See my Star Video Here

Star Photo Views History

In the table below I have shown the recent views history of my Star Photo.

ID Screenshot
Place Name Star Photo Views
6791 2024-01-31 El Farol Mexican Restaurant 3,017,444
7019 2024-01-31 El Farol Mexican Restaurant 3,017,444
7255 2024-03-29 El Farol Mexican Restaurant 3,017,748
7491 2024-04-28 El Farol Mexican Restaurant 3,017,748
7728 2024-05-30 El Farol Mexican Restaurant 3,017,748
7953 2024-06-30 El Farol Mexican Restaurant 3,017,748
8173 2024-07-30 El Farol Mexican Restaurant 3,017,748
8398 2024-08-30 El Farol Mexican Restaurant 3,017,748
8599 2024-09-30 El Farol Mexican Restaurant 3,017,748
8899 2024-10-30 El Farol Mexican Restaurant 3,017,748
9099 2024-11-30 El Farol Mexican Restaurant 3,017,748
1299 2024-12-30 El Farol Mexican Restaurant 3,017,748

Caption: A 12-month tabular summary of the star views of my star Photo (LG: @Rednewt74 )


Burrito Boyz, Mexican restaurant, Toronto, ON, Canada
This photo of a Mexican restaurant was taken almost 4 years ago. And unfortunately, almost a year ago it became a red star. But so far, no other photograph is able to surpass this result.


Table Six Kitchen + Bistro North Canton, Ohio

I took this photo in 2022. I made numerous attempts at getting my photo selected for the Feature position and finally achieved that goal in October 2022. I believe that the cloudy blue sky, floral arrangements and centering the signage in the frame were what led to this photo being Featured and becoming my Star Photo.


Star photo by @Steve_UK of Carluccio’s, Meadowhall, Sheffield, UK uploaded onto Google Maps on May 2023 and showing star views of 1,001,979 as at 01 Jan 2025

May 2023 is when I found out what a Featured photo was on Google Maps. I took “nice looking” photos for 6 years and didn’t even know you could look at the view count. I believe this photo was from the second day that I deliberately took photos of storefronts… because it mattered what Google wanted, not what I thought was “nice”.

I have a nice camera but you take photos with what you have with you, which is 100% your phone and in this case my Huawei P30.
It’s a bad quality photo in every respect, but you get away with a lot looking at these on phone screens. It’s not like you are going to set up a tripod and camera for these things, although I wish businesses would do that!

Photos are not my big thing with being a Local Guide, but I have to admit that getting one photo to 1M views was a nice thing to happen and that was DEC 2024,
this one has been stuck on 980,000 for nearly a year since the view numbers went a bit wonky at the start of 2024. So almost 1M views in ~9 months, and then 20,000 in the past 12 months despite being the Featured image for this location throughout.

arg, permalink getting rejected



Caption: @TerryPG’s Star Photo of Walmart Supercentre uploaded onto Google Maps on 2018-10-15 and showing star views of 9,732,514 as at 2024-12-28

This is my Star Photo taken back in Oct, 2018. This is my 3rd star photo and longest surviving one. It was taken before the pandemic hit and became extremely important and valuable during the Pandemic because it was open and sold everything, When people searched they found this store. The photo is nothing special but Walmart has been good to me, 9 of my top 25 photos are Walmart stores.

Star Photo Views History

In the table below I have shown the recent views history of my Star Photo.

ID Screenshot
Place Name Star Photo Views
63662023-12-27Walmart Supercentre9,283,787
66092024-01-28Walmart Supercentre9,283,787
68372024-01-28Walmart Supercentre9,283,787
70732024-01-28Walmart Supercentre9,539,656
73092024-01-28Walmart Supercentre9,539,656
75472024-05-28Walmart Supercentre9,539,656
77862024-05-28Walmart Supercentre9,539,656
80072024-07-28Walmart Supercentre9,636,097
82332024-07-28Walmart Supercentre9,636,097
84342024-09-28Walmart Supercentre9,636,097
86372024-10-28Walmart Supercentre9,732,514
88402024-11-28Walmart Supercentre9,732,514
90432024-12-28Walmart Supercentre9,732,514
Caption: A tabular summary of the recent star views of my star Photo (LG: @TerryPG)



Airport Terminal Two, Munich Germany

I wanted to share an exciting milestone with you all. My most visited photo on Google Maps has garnered an incredible number of views, and I couldn’t be more thrilled even when the number of views didn’t increase in the last years.

This photo was taken at Airport Terminal Two in Munich, Germany, a place that holds a special place in my heart.
What makes this photo stand out is not just the impressive scenery, but also the story behind it. I shot this photo on my flight back from Connect Live 2019, an event that will always be in my memories.
The weather was foggy and not very clear. The photo itself is not particularly beautiful, but many people pass by here every day and perhaps look at their position on Google Maps when they have a layover between flights. I used my old Samsung Galaxy S8 to take this photo.

also have a look at my star video here

also have a look at my star 360 sphere here


Los Cocuyos, Historic Center, Mexico City

This taco shop is quite popular in the city and it was included in the Netflix´s series “Taco´s Chronicles” that portraits the most popular varieties of tacos and the spots where you can enjoy it. This “taquería” is very antique and inhabitants and tourists form lanes to try the tacos. At the end of 2022 Los Cocuyos opened a new space with tables, opposite to a long tradition where customers ate the tacos just standing up in the street. So, this photo of the new internat seat area was a novelty for this place, an up to now is the feature photo of Los Cocuyos.

Star Photo Views History

In the table below I have shown the recent views history of my Star Photo.

ID Screenshot
Place Name Star Photo Views
4773 2023-09-30 Los Cocuyos 2,939,809
5012 2023-11-01 Los Cocuyos 3,286,423
5730 2023-11-28 Los Cocuyos 3,581,550
6447 2023-12-28 Los Cocuyos 3,885,044
6681 2024-01-30 Los Cocuyos 4,206,751
6909 2024-02-29 Los Cocuyos 4,272,554
7145 2024-03-31 Los Cocuyos 4,534,431
7381 2024-04-30 Los Cocuyos 4,627,205
7619 2024-05-29 Los Cocuyos 4,724,685
7855 2024-06-30 Los Cocuyos 4,874,046
8075 2024-07-29 Los Cocuyos 4,972,135
8301 2024-08-31 Los Cocuyos 5,072,513
8502 2024-09-30 Los Cocuyos 5,175,088

Caption: A 12-month tabular summary of the star views of my star Photo (LG: @LightRich )


Removed photo


Luna Park in Coney Island, Brooklyn, USA

I took this photo while riding the famous Wonder Wheel at Coney Island. There’s no better view of the area than on the famous ferris wheel. I uploaded the shot while going through old vacation photos and never expected it would become such a big hit. The photo was shot on my old Moto X2 phone.

Star Photo Views History

In the table below I have shown the recent views history of my Star Photo.

ID Screenshot
Place Name Star Photo Views
4844 2023-09-28 Luna Park In Coney Island 10,701,047
5083 2023-10-28 Luna Park In Coney Island 10,773,347
5801 2023-11-28 Luna Park In Coney Island 10,820,376
6518 2023-12-26 Luna Park In Coney Island 10,860,660
6746 2024-01-28 Luna Park In Coney Island 10,913,654
6974 2024-02-29 Luna Park In Coney Island 10,669,440
7210 2024-03-30 Luna Park In Coney Island 10,961,221
7446 2024-04-27 Luna Park In Coney Island 11,071,724
7683 2024-05-29 Luna Park In Coney Island 11,184,143
7919 2024-06-28 Luna Park In Coney Island 11,558,127
8139 2024-07-31 Luna Park In Coney Island 11,912,197
8364 2024-08-29 Luna Park In Coney Island 12,151,856
8565 2024-09-28 Luna Park In Coney Island 12,273,572
8768 2024-10-29 Luna Park In Coney Island 12,273,572
2024-11-30 Luna Park In Coney Island 12,396,336
2024-12-27 Luna Park In Coney Island 12,396,336

Caption: A 12-month tabular summary of the star views of my star Photo (LG: @JustJake )