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Meet а Meet-up Champion: Pete

Caption: A photo of Pete and an illustration with the word ‘Pete’ inside a green frame with a camera, speech bubbles, a pin, a map, and a person.Caption: A photo of Pete and an illustration with the word ‘Pete’ inside a green frame with a camera, speech bubbles, a pin, a map, and a person.

Local Guide Peter Williams (@PeteMHW) loves maps (both the digital and the paper variety) and he loves meeting new friends who are just as passionate about them as he is. Pete lives in the small market town of Clitheroe, which is close to Manchester in the UK.

As a recognized Community Builder, it’s no surprise that he’s one of the organizers of the upcoming multi-day EuroMeetup 2024 in Manchester, together with @AdrianLunsong. Read on to learn more about what it means to be a host and Pete’s advice on doing meet-ups.


Caption: A photo of the Manchester Local Guides enjoying pizza during a photography food crawl. (Courtesy of Local Guide @PeteMHW)Caption: A photo of the Manchester Local Guides enjoying pizza during a photography food crawl. (Courtesy of Local Guide @PeteMHW)

What was your first experience with meet-ups?

I always loved maps. When I retired from being a primary school head teacher and needed something to do, I took an interest in Google Maps and searched how to edit an error I found. Through this search, I encountered Local Guides and the Connect website. I was invited to a real-life meet-up with the Manchester group, which was very food and drink based — and I loved it. The rest is history, as they say!


Do you have a favorite meet-up theme?

I really enjoy them all, as long as it brings people together. But I think photo walks that explore the idiosyncrasies of an area from unusual perspectives are my favorite, because I learn a lot about the place and about good photography from other people!


Caption: A photo of Pete and Local Guides from all over Europe at the second EuroMeetup in Ghent, Belgium, posing in front of a colorfully graffitied wall. (Courtesy of Local Guide @PeteMHW)Caption: A photo of Pete and Local Guides from all over Europe at the second EuroMeetup in Ghent, Belgium, posing in front of a colorfully graffitied wall. (Courtesy of Local Guide @PeteMHW)

This June, you will be co-hosting the EuroMeetup 2024 in Manchester with Adrian. Can you share a bit about what goes into organizing a multi-day event?  

We’ve planned a series of events/visits over three days. Each event will be like a mini meet-up on its own, which is great, and each one is really exciting in its own right but comparatively easy to organize. They reflect either the history of the city, some of its arts and crafts, or the interests of Local Guides like photography or food! But I think the most difficult organization is the in-between bits like start times, meal times, getting between places, accessibility, rest gaps, and so on, ensuring all the elements key together well and will represent Manchester at its best when it all comes together.


One of the things the meet-up will focus on is getting to know and interact with local businesses. How did you pick the businesses to introduce to the attendees? 

We tried to pick a range of businesses — some to represent the history or culture, and some to represent the creativity that lies beneath the surface of the busy, bustling, thriving city. So as well as tours of historic buildings and museums, we plan to take people to an artisan craft center and a century-old craft shop in the city’s most historic quarter.


What are you most excited about the EuroMeetup?

Honestly? The chance to meet up with old friends, welcome new friends, and keep the wonderful community going.


Caption: A photo of the Manchester Local Guides looking at the Clitheroe Castle up on a hill during a tour of Pete’s hometown. (Courtesy of Local Guide @PeteMHW)Caption: A photo of the Manchester Local Guides looking at the Clitheroe Castle up on a hill during a tour of Pete’s hometown. (Courtesy of Local Guide @PeteMHW)

Do you have a favorite meet-up you’ve hosted in the past? What about a favorite meet-up you’ve attended?

I have to say I was so proud to get the Manchester group to move out of the city and travel to my own small rural hometown. They got a terrific welcome from a local historian, who gives guided tours, and from the town crier, who turned up in all his regalia to announce the group’s presence in the open marketplace.


In terms of the favorite meet-up I’ve attended, it must be one of the two European ones I’ve been to (Ghent and Munich), where I met so many wonderful people in the community who’ve become friends. But I’m sorry I can’t decide which!


What one piece of advice would you give to someone who’s about to host their first meet-up?

That it doesn’t need to be perfect, so just do the best you can. Everyone is friendly, supportive, and “on your side.” Can I give a second piece of advice? There are members of the community who will help you get started and shepherd you through the process — all in total friendliness — so ask!


Caption: A photo of Pete, his beautiful wife Anne, and some of his family smiling. (Courtesy of Local Guide @PeteMHW)Caption: A photo of Pete, his beautiful wife Anne, and some of his family smiling. (Courtesy of Local Guide @PeteMHW)

Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about yourself?

I’m married to the lovely Anne, who just about tolerates me photographing everything, including meals. I’ve three grown-up children and 2.7 grandchildren (=one on the way). So I reckon I’m probably one of the older Local Guides around!


Have you attended any of Pete’s meet-ups? Do you have a question for him? Tell us in the comments below.


Want to see who else is a Meet-up Champion? Read our previous post here.

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Clitheroe, UK
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Re: Meet а Meet-up Champion: Pete


Congratulations on recognised as a Accessibility Champion 🏆@PeteMHW


Thank you, @DeniGu for introducing new accessibility champion with us. 

About me | Guiding Star 2020 | Guiding Star 2020 |  | Follow me on Instagram & Follow me on Maps |   | Happy to Help

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Connect Moderator

Re: Meet а Meet-up Champion: Pete

Congratulations on the recognition as Meetup Champion @PeteMHW 💐

It was exciting to read through your journey and experience with hosting and attending meetups. 

My best wishes for the upcoming Euro Meetup 👍

Level 10

Re: Meet а Meet-up Champion: Pete

Hello dear  @PeteMHW  Congratulations on the recognition as Meetup Champion!

Thank you Google Moderator @DeniGu  for the announcement post.

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Connect Moderator

Re: Meet а Meet-up Champion: Pete

Hey Peter (@PeteMHW), it's nice to know more about you and hats off to you on your contributions and meet-ups, recognition well deserved @DeniGu. Unfortunately, whilst most willing, I am unable to attend the EuroMeetup that you and @AdrianLunsong are co-hosting but just know it will be a great success.


ps: You're not alone in photographing everything, including meals 😂 🤣

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Level 9

Re: Meet а Meet-up Champion: Pete

Congratulations, @PeteMHW , well deserved accolades for you. 


Thanks for sharing with us here, @DeniGu .




Connect Moderator

Re: Meet а Meet-up Champion: Pete

Congrats @PeteMHW and a great choice @DeniGu !! Don't let the fame get to you...there's still lots of things to do! 🤣🤣 


For those interested in EuroMeetup, please do note that registration closes at the end of this month! It is an in-person meetup and there are no plans for a virtual session so please only sign up if you can attend! Thanks ☺️

      #EuroMeetup2024 - Join us in Manchester, UK from June 6th to 9th 2024
      Go Loco Guides - The unofficial YouTube channel for Local Guides! Check us out and subscribe
      Connect Writing Challenge - Simple strategies to write engaging posts on Connect
      How to Write Reviews - Easy to remember tips on writing structured reviews
Connect Moderator

Re: Meet а Meet-up Champion: Pete

Congratulations @PeteMHW 


A good recognition for a good local guide.


Wish you good fun at your Euro meet-up 



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Level 9

Re: Meet а Meet-up Champion: Pete

Congratulations @PeteMHW as a meet-up champion 

@DeniGu thank you for sharing with us..

Connect Moderator

Re: Meet а Meet-up Champion: Pete

I am totally looking forward to meeting @PeteMHW in Manchester this year. Right now he is very kindly baby sitting a shovel for me - very long story lol.

