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360 loan program/perks

Hello friends,

I recently received perks (vouchers)from Google of redbus and flyrobe 

It was great idea of giving perks to local guides as a token of gratitude.

My advice is to give perks like renting a 360 camera to local guides for a week or two from local Google office or vouchers of 360 loaning company,so local guides who cannot afford for expensive 360 camera make use of this opportunity  ,so it's a win and win situation for googlers and local guides as LG take great photosphere for Gmaps.

P.S.  -I know there is a loan program but I have applied several times for it but never got a reply. I guess it's same situation for most of the Local guides.


If you like my idea hit that upvote button.

Thanks in advance




Level 8

Many local guides are very much interested in sharing their photographs of what they are experiencing in all places . It would be helpful for all guides , if google gift a best camera smartphone based on their profile contributions. It will motivate the us to explore and share more .

It will definitely help guides like me. In short span of time , able

to get 1M views for my pics . 

Level 9

@Senthu_M: Its great idea , I appreciate your time in sharing this idea. I highly vote for this idea. I wish you get more votes in this idea and idea implemented anytime soon .



Former Google Contributor

Hello @Senthu_M,


Thank you for your idea, however a similar one has been provided before.


In order to keep Connect organized, I am going to merge your post to the already existing one.


To learn more about the Idea Exchange, you can read How do I use the Idea Exchange? article.

Due to the high volume of private messages, Google Moderators do not read or respond to them. Please post publicly so others may benefit from your discussion. If you require urgent assistance, please tag a Google Moderator Thank you!

Level 8

I think those who are working as Google Local Guide should be encouraged more, as Google Maps will get more information. You should send gifts like YouTube, Facebook. Since local guides upload images or Street View images, if they could be gifted a 360-degree camera, Google Maps could regularly update Street View images. I think Google Maps itself would have benefited more and local guides would have been more motivated.

Level 6

Cred că orice local ghid ar aprecia să poată ajuta cu poze 360° . Ar fi mai cîștigați cei care oferă decît cei care primesc camera. Comunitatea ar fi mai bogată. Ar fi un lucru bun!


Svatsinka Ernest
  • আমি যখন লোকাল গাইড হিসেবে কাজ শুরু করেছিলাম সে সময় গুগল ১০০ জিবি ক্লাউড স্টোরেজ গিফট করেছিল যা আবার কেড়েও নিয়েছে। আমরা যারা মানচিত্রে বিভিন্ন ভাবে অবদান রেখে থাকি, যার দ্বারা গুগল যথেষ্ট পরিমাণ লাভবান হয়ে থাকে অথচ বিনিময়ে কিছুই সহায়তা করে না। এটা সত্যিই দুক্ষজনক।
Connect Moderator

Hello @Rana8 and @ChowdhuryRahman @Nesti71 

This is a great idea,but it does exists already. For example I have received a socks as perks once. They are others who have gotten a local guide pin,a tôt bag etc. Maybe it's a random thing, it's decided by Google for all I know. All you need to do is keep contributing and maybe one day you'll get one.

Nevertheless being a local guide is voluntary. It shouldn't be based on gifts from Google or not. I enjoy what am doing anyways.



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@SholaIB আপনি উপযুক্ত জবাবই দিয়েছেন, মানব সেবার বিষয়টি যদি না আসতো তবে আমি তো অনেক আগেই বন্ধ করতাম। আমার মনে হয়, আরও অধিকাংশ গাইডও হয়ত তা করতো। কিন্তু গিফট প্রসঙ্গে পোস্ট টি দেখে আমার মনে হলো, বিভিন্ন দেশের রাজনৈতিক প্রেক্ষাপটে ধর্ম ভিত্তিক রাজনৈতিক ফলগুলো যেমন ধর্মীয় সুড়সুড়ি আর অপব্যাখ্যা করে সাধারণ জনগণের কাধে ভর করে ফায়দা হাসিল করে। গুগলও কি ঠিক এমনটাই করছে না? লোকাল গাইডদের সেই মানবিক দুর্বলতার জায়গাটাকে পুঁজি করেই তো.....!  সে করুক, আমরা লোকাল গাইডরা আমাদের নৈতিকতার অবস্থান থেকে বিচ্যুত হয়নি। সেটাই আমাদের পাওনা।

Google Moderator

Hi @Rana8,


Thank you for sharing your idea with us, we really appreciate it!


I would like to inform you that what you suggested is related to an existing idea with the title 360 loan program/perks I am merging your idea there to prevent duplication and to keep Connect organized.


In addition to that, we recommend you to search the community before submitting an idea because someone might have suggested the same idea and you can show your support by voting on it.

Due to the volume of private messages Google Moderators receive, I do not read or respond to private messages. Please post publicly so others may benefit from your discussion. If you require urgent assistance, please tag a Google Moderator. Thank you!

Level 8


My dear friend, I agree with you that Google Map has given us socks and a local guide pin. But why don't you think that this kind of gift is useless? And since Google's other services offer the opportunity to make good and beautiful gifts and income, why don't Google Local Guides get those services?