Explore_Keshav's post
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Connect Moderator

Re: Virtual Tour of India's Murals

I've put it in my calendar @Explore_Keshav we will see if I can take a break from work or if I get stuck in a meeting.



Connect Moderator

Re: Virtual Tour of India's Murals

Amazing meetup @Explore_Keshav 

I really enjoyed to learn about Murals in India!

Wonderful pictures of Street Arts and interesting stories!

I've shared screenshots, which I took via email.

Thank you!


Level 8

Re: Virtual Tour of India's Murals

Got those @JaneBurunina thankyou for attending 

Lets make this world a happier place to live! Today, tomorrow, everyday!
Connect Moderator

Re: Virtual Tour of India's Murals

I enjoyed this meet-up @Explore_Keshav the colourful murals were quite amazing and you're very knowledgeable on your topic. Well done.

Level 9

Re: Virtual Tour of India's Murals

@Explore_Keshav Great job! I enjoyed this MeetUp a lot! I love these murals and you were so well prepared! Could you please send me this map, where you had all artists' names who painted those murals? (You showed it to us at the beginning)


Greetings from Poland 🙂
