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Level 7

Mapping a pedestrian road

@DeniGu: How can I update a route that's not accessible for cars but available for pedestrians? I use a route for going to the local theater, in the historic centrum of Leuven. But maps indicates another route, not my preferred shortcut. How can I feed this shortcut to Google maps? Taking pictures isn't possible as I'm blind. Will it be fed to Google maps when I enable location on my smartphone and walk it? Can I leave my smartphone in my bag? 

I discussed this earlier with @Janvanhaver at:



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Thanks in advance for your help.
Connect Moderator

Re: Questions about Street View? Read this first

Is that pedestrian road in Google Maps, @KattyGeltmeyer ?

Sometimes they are, but not properly connected, so I would like to check it if possible. The Local Guides has the ability to add and correct roads, but I would like to have a visual check first.

If you aren't able to get the link it would be fine to have at least the link to a listing tha is in that route, or two on the two sides.


However, as this thread is about Street View, that is a different feature, I am asking @DeniGu to move our conversation on a separate post, so that we will be able to manage it easily 

Google Moderator

Re: Mapping a pedestrian road

Hi @KattyGeltmeyer,


I wanted to let you know that I took your comment out of the Questions about Street View? Read this first thread and moved it as a new topic to the How-tos board. It now has the title "Mapping a pedestrian road," which you can change if you want.


@ErmesT has suggested to help look at the road you're referring to. I'm sure he has great tips and guidance to offer, so I just wanted to add that everything that can't be edited on Maps using the Fix a road functionality can be shared with the team via the feedback option. Thank you!

Due to the volume of private messages Google Moderators receive, I do not read or respond to private messages. Please post publicly so others may benefit from your discussion. If you require urgent assistance, please tag a Google Moderator. Thank you!

Connect Moderator

Re: Mapping a pedestrian road

I'm sure we will find a way, @DeniGu , as we did in the past for fixing the position of some recycling bin (oops, @KattyGeltmeyer , maybe I forgot to tell you).

Even if she can't see, @DeniGu , Katty is great in sharing the proper information for us to check a place and to fix it. Pedestrian roads are a challenging item, but it is not the first time that we are able to find the issue and to fix it, having in that way the proper indications for pedestrians.

@KattyGeltmeyer , if for your privacy you prefer to send me a private message feel free to do it, you already know how to reach me.

Level 7

Re: Mapping a pedestrian road

Hi @Ermest, @@@@DeniGu @Janvanhaver and@ DeniGu: The main issue is that I am not sure how to describe the issue correctly. I know how I walk the route, but as long as I don't know for sure how I must provide the needed feedback for adjusting my preferred route I am not sure we can do this. I e.g. can't move the little figurine for walking the route within maps.

But let's try the following: suppose that you would like to walk the following route: starting point = Mezzaluna Leuven:


Destination = 30CC schouwburg Leuven:



I would follow the Rondestraat, I would walk to the railway station by using the "benedenplein" ="Jeanne Devosplein", use the building of the railway station (it's not a tunnel but a ???hallway inside the building that would lead me to the "martelarenplein" (we cross this place) and then I can chose between the Diestsestraat or the Bontgenotenlaan for reaching my destination. The shortcut I indicated earlier is that hallway in the railway station: you must enter this hallway for finding the stairs for reaching the platforms, there are shops inside that hallway. 


I hope this explains a bit the local situation and what I want to indicate on maps. But part of the route is inside a building. You for sure can compare it with a big shopping complex with several exits in several streets. If that shopping center has a big hallway you possibly could use it for reaching your destination in the other street, without needing to take that dangerous crossing or long way around the building.


I'm afraid I can't describe it in a better way.


Hope this helps.

If you want to help me in making Google services more accessible and more inclusive, you can also contribute to #GoogleCrowdsource https://crowdsource.google.com

Thanks in advance for your help.
Connect Moderator

Re: Mapping a pedestrian road

Thank you for the description, @KattyGeltmeyer 

For the next 24 hours I will be away from home, without a computer to check, but as soon as I can I will come with a feedback.


Hugs from the Alps 

Connect Moderator

Re: Mapping a pedestrian road

Saludos @KattyGeltmeyer!

Mientras @ErmesT  puede revisar el caso que planteas quiero compartir lo que yo encontré en Google Maps cuando solicité una ruta a pie que llevara desde Mezzaluna hasta Stadsschouwburg Leuven. Me parece que es justo la ruta que describes. A continuación transcribo las indicaciones que nos brinda Maps:

  • Dirígete al este por Diestsesteenweg/N2 hacia Werkhuizenstraat. (7 metros)
  • Gira a la derecha con dirección a Werkhuizenstraat (3 metros)
  • Gira a la derecha con dirección a Rondestraat (180 metros)
  • Gira levemente a la derecha con dirección a Locomotievenpad/Locomotievenstraat (16 metros)
  • Gira levemente a la izquierda con dirección a Benedenplein. Usa las escaleras (77 metros)
  • Gira a la izquierda hacia Tiensevest (9 metros)
  • Toma por el túnel peatonal (170 metros)
  • Gira a la izquierda con dirección a Tiensevest (16 metros)
  • Gira a la derecha con dirección a Martelarenplein (84 metros)
  • Gira a la derecha con dirección a Bondgenotenlaan (650 metros). El destino está a la derecha.

¿Es la ruta que utilizas habitualmente?

Agrego una captura de pantalla para propósitos ilustrativos para el resto de lectores.
Ruta peatonal de Google Maps desde Mezzaluna a BondgenotenlaanRuta peatonal de Google Maps desde Mezzaluna a Bondgenotenlaan
Level 7

Re: Mapping a pedestrian road

Dag @ErmesT @ErmesT Lightrich en @Ermest: De route die u vond, is deels degene die ik zou lopen. Maar in uw beschrijving van de route, wordt "rijd" gezegd", terwijl we het toch echt over een route hebben die door voetgangers gelopen wordt.


Ik ga hier m'n eerdere tekst bijwerken, want heb net samen met een vriendin de route gelopen en ik moet de tekst hieronder ietsje bijsturen:

Ik ga inderdaad de rondestraat in, ga linksaf en neem een heel smal gangetje dat fel naar beneden helt en een bocht naar rechts maakt (is nog steeds de rondestraat). Dan kom ik langs een klein grasperkje dat ik als gidslijn gebruik (blijkbaar is dat al de locomotievenstraat /locomotievenpad): ik loop links om het grasperkje heen, steek dan over naar de muur die links van me is, houd afstand tot die muur zodat ik niet van de trappen val of de parkeergarage in sukkel, maar de muur is aan m'n linkerhand.

Ik kan zo de trappen op het benedenplein vermijden: ik loop daar links om heen, veel makkelijker. Dan neem ik inderdaad de voetgangerstunnel, die met een  rubberen mat of houten plank op de vloer begint, ik loop die door, ttotdat de grond naar boven helt, ik kom die tunnel uit, steek het martelarenplein over en vervolg de weg naar de schouwburg. Ik moet er wel bij zeggen, dat ik nog nooit alleen naar  de schouwburg gewandeld ben, altijd samen met lieven (die nog wat kan zien).

Maar ik ging vroeger wel via die voetgangerstunnel naar de Diestsestraat om daar naar de apotheker vlakbij het station te gaan. Misschien is het ook handig om te weten dat het standbeeld "de onbekende oorlogsvrouw", waar ik het eerder over had, naar de ingang van die voetgangerstunnel gericht is. Als je op het bankje van dat beeldhouwwerk zou gaan zitten, kijk je naar die voetgangerstunnel.

@DeniGu @Ermest: misschien vindt u wel via de beschrijving van @Lightrich het locomotievenpad en die ondergrondse containers waar we het al eerder over hadden? Ook die heb ik nog niet alleen opgezocht, steeds met begeleiding, waardoor ik ook hier minder details ken. En misschien is er een iets andere manier om naar die ondergrondse glasbakken te lopen. Maar zo kom je wel op het spoor van dat locomotievenpad.

If you want to help me in making Google services more accessible and more inclusive, you can also contribute to #GoogleCrowdsource https://crowdsource.google.com

Thanks in advance for your help.
Level 7
Level 7

Re: Mapping a pedestrian road

Hi @KattyGeltmeyer 


I did the test and the proposed route does follow your instructions. Overall it is correct, but some instructions can indeed be misleading:

- when reaching Benedenplein it says to take the stairs but as you said, these stairs are not present on the complete width of the underpass, only on the right. Not sure how this can be improved, I attempted a suggestion to remove them and add an extra path for them but I can't confirm Google will approve this request.

- before entering the tunnel under the train station, Google thinks there is a left turn because the path on the map is wrongly drawn. I suggested an edit to improve the map and remove this misleading left turn.


Everything else match what you said. And I do not have any indication of driving, only walking (I made sure to select walking routes and not the fastest route which is by car).



Level 7

Re: Mapping a pedestrian road

Hi @@LightRich @L-C: I should not try to remove the stairs but why not propose a blind friendly, alternative route that avoids the stairs and use the ??left side of the place, so walking under the underpass and avoid the stairs? Give the user the choice: take the stairs or not.  I wish with such blind friendly route proposal it also would be possible to indicate the possible dangers:  use the left walls as a guide line but stay away from them with a certain distance, because if you don't you will fall in the underground parking ??garage or fall from the stairs; but by paying attention to these obstacles, you can avoid the stairs that are in the original route. It's a bit a pitty many bicyclers are also using this route, although they are forbidden to use their bicycle in the tunnel, they must hold it it by hand and walk aside the bike. But there's a better route for them I think. @Ermest: there's much work to do, I'm afraid. @DeniGu: I still don't know how I can help with this, I think walking the route with gps etc. enabled won't help in here?

If you want to help me in making Google services more accessible and more inclusive, you can also contribute to #GoogleCrowdsource https://crowdsource.google.com

Thanks in advance for your help.