Local Guides submit edits on Google Maps to ensure their communities are accurately represented. After you add an edit to Google Maps, it’s reviewed by either local operators, an automated system, or both to ensure the information is accurate and follows our guidelines.
If your edit is Pending, that means we’re still reviewing it. We may need additional information to verify that your edit is accurate. It may take some time for us to gather that information and for fellow Local Guides to use the Check the facts feature on Google Maps to confirm the information you shared is correct.
If your edit is Not Applied, that means we were unable to confidently verify the information you shared at this time.
We hope this doesn’t discourage you from being an active Local Guide. We appreciate all of your efforts to help make the world easier to navigate for millions of people around the world.
Maybe because we can’t reply to the original message?
I still call an abnormality in the system! How can a single guide go around in South africa changing multiple shopping centres detals/name/emails to FNB ATM…and it gets applied?
Thats just !
Then when I try to correct it I get hit with a pending or denied email?
Why doesnt the “system” pic up a serial spammer? Its bloody obvious for a human to pickup but a algorithm cant?
Give us high level guides the power to or ask us to go check info in our area.
@GusMoreira@GeorgesHR I read this post “Why is my edit status Pending or Not Applied?” but the problem is your own map showing the correct name of a City and still the edit is denying. My suggestion is that you can verify it through Indian community guides. In this below image you can see that everywhere city name is mapping as Pachora and I am suggesting the same name but its not working. How can I change this? I am new local guide if I am going wrong then please let me know. Thanks
If Google could trust everyone to always make good edits then there would never be denials, but unfortunately those that purposely or innocently add bad data have resulted in the need for filters. Sometimes those filters will give a false positive, and sometimes those filters kick in due to you unknowingly violating a rule. You can read more in this pinned post.
In addition to the advice given there, you also have the option of providing all the data including exact GPS location, any existing POI, and exactly what data you were trying to add or edit. With that mapping experts can look it over and let you know if there are obvious and/or likely issues that you can fix in your next attempt.
If you seek answers to what might be occurring, introducing obvious non-contributory issues to the discussion does not help at all.
If you’d actually like help then the offer has been made for you to post all the details of some edits so that the mapping experts in this forum can make suggestions.
I understand your point. However please understand mine. I was just reading yet another recent post on this same topic and yet another link to these guidelines that provide no help. The problem here is it should already be CLEAR what needs to be done. IT IS NOT. And this is a big problem.
My point also is that if I make posts and then they are rejected and then I have to try to find GPS coordinates and go to forums and back and forth then this is also a hinderance. It wastes Google technicians time and it wastes my time, money and effort.
In my previous post, I did not request help with any particular contribution I have made. I am rather communicating to Local Guides Connect that responding to this problem by saying “Every edit submitted to Google Maps is either reviewed by an automated systems, local operators, or both,” and "If we are not sure the edit is accurate, it may be listed as Denied" is not sufficient to enable users to enter ‘good data’. And in that post the link to guidelines provide nothing that will help a user that is facing this issue where everything is NOT APPLIED.
I understand what you are trying to communicate, but what you are asking is no different than asking “Why does my car make a noise”, and then complaining that a general post that gives a general response is not adequate.
And in that post the link to guidelines provide nothing that will help a user that is facing this issue where everything is NOT APPLIED.
If everything is not applied, then there must be an issue, and you’d need to post details for it to be investigated. You state you don’t want to, you just want to post a general complaint. In that case all we can give you is the general answer. At no time did I give you just that answer, I’ve each time communicated the offer to investigate this with you further, but it is you that wants to stop at that post and at the same time state that is isn’t enough.
I didn’t state ‘I don’t want to’. I stated that was not the purpose of my reply, and that for that particular issue, my point is that the information provided in the pinned post is inadequate. Maybe you should think about saying Thank you very much for taking the time to express your opinion on this subject. Remeber its me that spent the hours, cash and time in the West African sun to do this.
One other big problem is when contributions are instantly denied such as is happening to me, I don’t see any way of recuperating the GPS coordinates. Perhaps you could help me out with that. All I can do is send a screenshot of the Edits tab of my account that has some 30 denials of places that I will not travel to for at least a year, and where most people have no internet. I imagine that all this work is lost.
I did however make a few offline entries into Google Keep expecting to add these later with a connection. I can’t do that either. Here’s an example:
10.246353, -6.677608
Name: Pharmacie de Mahandiana-Soukourani
Category: Pharmacy/Chemist
I just tried to add this and it came back instantly NOT APPLIED.
I do understand that you are stating that the answer is inadequate; what you are not accepting is that when you supply no details about your edits then you’re not ever going to get an adequate response.
Thank you for providing some details.
You will notice that when you are entering a place the street address is marked as a required field. If you do supply one, it can be expected that your attempt will likely fail. This is the most likely reason for the denial.
Even if one does enter the three required fields, each edit still would need verification. As you have pointed out that these are places without much easily accessible information, thus filling in the extra fields such as website and phone will be what allows Google to attempt to verify the edit. The algorithms are sophisticated enough to not pass along for human review something that a human will almost certainly not be able to better review than the algorithm.
Setting the bar at a level where edits with minimal information are accepted would allow massive amounts of bad data onto the map. While your intention was to provide good data, there is no reasonable method for Google to be able to accept your minimal data while protecting the integrity of the map.
While you state that the general post doesn’t apply to your situation, I’ll call your attention to the following which does directly apply:
If your edit is denied, this doesn’t mean you are a bad mapper (unless you are trying to spam the map!) — we may not be familiar with the region you are mapping and need more information to be confident the edit is accurate.
While I realize it if frustrating, it is something with which all users must contend, even the Googlers you see in this forum. The one thing that will help is that over a great many edits you will earn editing trust in similar types of edits; but even with a very high editing trust one would still almost certainly not be able to enter edits with such minimal information.
I have a hard time with this explanation. You state that the street address is a required field. However there is the option of Marking the location on the Map. This is what I have been doing for the last few years. Have you ever traveled to Africa or any other 3rd world country? For your information there are next to no street numbers even in cities. If Google has changed its policy in this regard then mapping will essentially be halted on this continent. I don’t really think this could be possible.
I would appreciate further investigation of this. If its just my account, then please let me know that I have no other option than quitting the Local Guides program as Google can’t let me add busineses with no street address.
There is no further investigation required, you will find that the street address is clearly marked as a required field. While this might unfortunately make some places ineligible to be added to the map, it is necessary to prevent the map from becoming covered in spam and other bad edits.
You can also be confident that your account has not been banned, as I see that you have managed to get some edits into at least a pending state. Banned accounts cannot make any edits at all.
I’m afraid that bad actors have made it tough for Google to continue to accept edits with minimal information and minimal ways to confirm it.