#LGCTM Tips & Tricks: Merge Workflow

When you have spotted a duplicate pin here are some steps that will increase you chances for merging them.

Before starting, please check if any of them are claimed by the owners. Claimed places are practically impossible to merge. Just look for the link “Claim this business”, if it’s not there, then the place has been claimed. If only one is claimed you can try to merge the unclaimed place into the claimed place.

1. Write down the names of the two pins and how many reviews each of them has.

2. Figure out which one should be removed = merged into the other one. Typically the one with the most reviews and pictures should remain on the map = the primary one. If one of the pins is claimed it should be the primary. If both are claimed, ask the business owner to fix the problem.

3. Check if the category is exactly the same for both. If not, edit the category of the secondary pin to match the primary.

4. Check if the names are exactly the same. If not, edit the name of the secondary pin to match the primary pin.

5. Check if the street address is exactly the same for the two pins. If not, edit the street address for the secondary pin to match the primary.

6. When these edits are implemented go ahead and Suggest an edit to the secondary pin. Choose “Remove this place” and then select Reason for removal = Duplicate of another place. Then your primary Pin (here the number of reviews comes in really handy) should show up on the list. Please select it. If it is not on the list then abort the removal. Double-check names, categories, addresses, and that the pin locations are relatively close to each other.

7. If the primary still does not show up you can try to make the phone numbers and websites match also as suggested by @Amiran. But please also be patient to allow your edits to be synchronized between servers. Waiting 24 hours might be what you need to be successful.

As a shortcut, you could try removing the secondary pin when only the categories match. You might get lucky and get the primary to show up on the list. If not, you should continue making more and more details match exactly. Due to the need for servers to synchronize it is probably overall faster to first match all details. And then have all edits synchronized in the same 24 hour period. Rather than making it a week-long project.

Good luck.

This guide is part of the Local Guides Clean The Map Project

Bonus tip:

When working on Desktop trying to merge two (or more) places, it can be a hassle to jump between each place to check phone numbers, categories, web address, the spelling of names, etc. Mostly because all pins might not be visible on the map at the same time, so you may need to repeatedly do a text search to jump back and forth. This can take a lot of time.

My new tip is to open each place in each of their own tab in your browser. This way it becomes super quick to jump between them and compare all facts.

Alternatively, you can also use two devices when comparing listings.


Thank you for sharing your tips, @MortenCopenhagen

How is the percentage of successful edit you had, following this “step by step” process?

BTW, I believe you forget the first, essential step: check if one of the business is claimed. If so, that one will be the primary business


Hi @ErmesT ,

Very good point to check if they are claimed. Will improve opening post after more comments are posted. Thanks, @ErmesT .

If not claimed and I’m succesful in all needed edits then close to 100 pct. I think. This procedure was developed with the help of @MortenSI . But it can take some time if edits are not approved right away.


Thanks for the feedback @MortenCopenhagen

The point that I am always checking before merging is the category, that in my opinion absolutely need to match.

When the category is the same, usually Google suggest already the primary place, even if the name is a bit different


I think you are right, @ErmesT . That is also why I mentioned Categories before names and addresses. I remember once that the address was the last thing I needed to fix before the merge became possible.

The claimed issue is now incorporated into the text.



Nice to see that you prepared a step by step guide.

I also mentioned this here as a response but putting time to prepare a good guide for all is really valuable.

Thanks for doing this

As a detail, the phone number and the website should be the same as well. In most cases, those will not merge if this info is different.


@MortenCopenhagen Yes, Address is the last thing that needs match only if previous try (without making the addresses the same) be unsuccessful.


@Amiran ,

Your input is now part of item 7 in the opening post. Thanks.


Thank you @MortenCopenhagen excellent tips

Hi @MortenCopenhagen thank you sharing this in details step by step. I was asking the same question on how to determine the original which can serve as the primary from this post #LGCTM Tips & Tricks: Zoom by @JanVanHaver here.

Thank you, you just helped me. Cheers!


You are most welcome, @Raphael-Mahumane . Cheers.

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Hi @MortenCopenhagen

Do you think you can do something with these two locations?
I have been trying for a year and I can’t do anything
Thanks ,


Hi @To_paul ,

The one with 60 reviews is not claimed. So you need to make that one match the one with 73 reviews. You might have missed that names are helt in a separate field for each language. I have set up my google maps so I normally se both the Danish AND the English name. That way I can clearly see that the names don’t match on your two listings. Google Maps don’t let you know which line is which language. Here the trick is to start suggesting an edit and then cut-n-paste cut one name to nothing. Then the language is mentioned. You can then paste the text back if no changes are needed.

You also need to match the phone numbers.

Please report back on your progress.

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Hi @MortenCopenhagen

if you notice a location it was intentionally written in capital letters.
this is spelled correctly 1. Muzeul de Arta Vizuala ?

Do you notice any fraud?



Yes I noticed. I would not call it fraud but a mistake that need to be corrected. Since it is against the rules to do that. So you have to decide what to do first. Fix the capital letters before or after the merge. Most correct would probably be to try to fix the capital letters first. But since that is on the claimed business it might not be easy. You may need to talk to the owner. And he might not be aware if he only sees one language. But you can try editing it your self when you know what language holds the capital letters name. If you suggest the name in the relevant language it might get approved.

Good luck.


Hi @MortenCopenhagen

I have noticed enough duplicate locations intentionally by some local guides who post beautifully edited photos and then a stupid review, I think it would be easier for google maps to notice who is abusing the locations editing and remove it from the program.
in my city all the garden benches in the park are passed as tourist attraction locations, and where there are two small trees the location appears as a public park. Is it correct?
For a year now, I have been struggling to delete duplicate locations and I can’t,
During this time a new museum space is being built, when moving the museum to the new address it will take two years for Google Maps to approve the location move
Is there work and my intention to do something good?



I don’t know if life as a local guide on Google Maps is more difficult in Romania than where I live. Sounds like it. Let’s focus on fixing the first problem you asked about.


the location you indicate that one with 73 reviews as being ok with phone number 0236 413 452 is at another address and there is something else

the location with 60 reviews is written correctly and also corresponds to the phone number on the museum’s exhibition site. please study carefully because the contact information on the site is written in Romanian

so which location should remain on the map?


@To_paul @MortenCopenhagen perhaps we should set up a video chat session specifically about the situation in Romania? There seems to be a lot going on there.


Are there any Connect or Google moderators with specific knowledge about the situation in Romania? Whom we could involve in a video chat?

I don’t have any first hand knowledge.