Happy birthday #LocalGuidesCleanTheWorld

One year is already passed, and it seems yesterday when I posted Local Guides Clean The World - A Local Guides project

But at the same time it seems that Clean The World has been always here, as a natural extension of this community.

Looking back at this last year, it is hard to believe that we only started a year ago.

Looking back at what has been done, it is hard to believe that we did it in just one year.

I have to check the worldwide “Mymaps of plastic pollution”, continuously updated by David Tito, for a confirmation. The long list of events is impressive

Australia, Bangladesh, England, Indonesia, Italy, Ivory Coast, France, Germany, Malaysia, Pakistan, Spain, Sri Lanka, United States.

Five continents, hundreds Local Guides, all with one idea in their mind: making this planet a better place to live.

Take your time, and open the map. If you haven’t seen it before, you will be amazed. There is already one year of history in there

I cannot mention all the Local Guides that are part of the project, so please forgive me if you are not in the list. My heart is with you.

But I want to mention some of my personal milestones of this project. Feel free to add yours on the replies

David Tito. It was mid of February when I contacted @DavidTito for the very first time. I introduced briefly my idea of adding contents in MyMaps, and asked him if he was interested in following this part. I didn’t explained what was the map for, I just gave him a general idea of “mapping the pollution”. David said “yes, I will, when you are ready you will tell me more…”

One year later, David still working on the MyMaps, updating the activity and, in the last month, creating a course on Connect for the use of MyMaps.

Without David, #LocalGuidesCleanTheWorld will not be the same. Thank You David

The Logo. March 5, 2018 - Asking the community to be part of the contest for creating a new Logo, representing the Project (without explaining anything about the project) was super interesting. If you are new in the community, you will be probably surprised by the spirit of cooperation. Only a short explanation, and a lot of Local guides started to invent, to create the logo. The community voted the logos, and on March 25 we had the official one . Thank you to @MiroslavSerbia

The big Indonesian Groups, (I will just mention @RiverDefender and @br14n as a reference for Batu and Bogor) started to follow the project from the first beginning. Their stories are older than this project, but they joined immediately under ouf flag. What they are doing is impressive. They work tirelessly to keep their areas clean, to educate people, to create awareness. Thank you for your energy

Karen: @KarenVChin supported me on the project from the first beginning, together with @FaridTDF , editing, working on the backstage, helping in the preparation of the posts.

She also organised the big, iconic event in San Francisco, in the same day of the opening of Connect live ‘18. Around 30 Local Guides from all over the world joined us. (A big thanks to @brittym too, for the hidden support)

Crossing the river, was for me an important moment, a few kilometers from where CleanTheWorld was born. Here is the post, to better know what I mean. We have crossed the river, but this is still “Home”. Here below the video

A “one year long” project. This is what I wrote on the original post. I will have to edit the post now, because #LocalGuidesCleanTheWorld will not end today. We will run, we will clean, we will educate as much as we can, until there is nothing left to clean

Looking Forward: The project is adding new activities. The most important is “Waste reporting - on Google Maps” where we are asking an improvement of our App (Google Maps, of course). Please check the idea, your vote count.

Well, Happy Birthday #LocalGuidesCleanTheWorld, the first year is passed, and we are growing up.

Feel free to add your photos, or a link to your event, and your videos, replying in this post.

Thank you to all of you

A big hug (Yes I know, I should not ? ) @TraciC and @KashifMisidia , and a big thank to @IlankovanT , for the " Join us for Free rain" program

And of course, I want to mention the person that supported me from the very first day when, taking photos on Eraclea beach, we started to think about this project. Thank you, @AntonellaGr



@ErmesT We are a large family of local guides who care for the environment, to the earth that we love.
Happy birthday, Local Guides Clean The World!!!

Greening at Coban Putri with various communities

Our police chief also joined the movement


Yes we are @br14n

Thank you for your videos - Happy birthday


Happy 1 year birthday to the Local Guides Clean the World project @ErmesT

I love it. I wish I could’ve joined you at your clean up during Connect Live 2018 but I was very very jetlagged after my long plane ride from Australia. Hopefully, I get to join you on your next one. Or maybe I can host one in Sydney.


Thank you @PennyChristie

Hope to have one more opportunity this year of course. (I’m already crossing my fingers) :slight_smile:

You can host your own clean-up in Australia, it will be great, maybe in coordination with @DavidTito and @PaulPavlinovich , or you can simply try the new reporting proposal, if needed: #LocalGuidesCleanTheWorld is 2.0 now

I wish you all the best


@ErmesT Thanks for this big and big effort for the future world.

Happy birthday #LocalGuidesCleanTheWorld Project

Hope this year I will be connected with this project from Bangladesh.

Keep making the world eco-friendly.

Happy Guiding!


Happy birthday CTW and congrats @ErmesT


Thank you @ShafiulB

It is great that you want to Join with Comilla Community.

@Kamalhasnainee was already with us at the San Francisco event


Thank you @PaulPavlinovich

It seems yesterday, but one year is already passed. Clean the World is now able to walk by himself


Dear @ErmesT

Happy birthday. I’ m adding to the list @manulele81




Of course @AntonellaGr well done.

Let me add @HUMBERTO_V here. Hope he will post here his last great video: Local Guides Clean The World “The Wheel”


Selamat Ulang Tahun yang pertama #LocalGuidesCleanTheWorld

Semoga gerakan relawan digital map dan off line di dunia nyata ini makin menyadarkan publik dan masyarakat global.

Terima kasih @ErmesT inisiator program ini. @DavidTito yang selalu setia membuat peta program menjadi lebih hidup. @KarenVChin dan @AngieYC Google Moderator yang selalu menjadi teman diskusi lewat local guides connect.

Juga sahabat saya @br14n dari Kota Batu, Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia yang selalu tidak kehabisan ide dan energi untuk mengkolaborasi banyak pihak. Juga sahabat saya di Bogor Local Guides … @SUDIYAH @johanesjenito @MutiahA @BudiFXW juga menjadi sahabat saya berdiskusi dan beraksi… Salam hormat untuk Anda semua.


Saya juga ingin menyapa sahabat-sahabat dari benua Amerika, Australia, Asia, Eropa, Afrika.

Saya semakin yakin gerakan ini akan semakin besar dan membawa perubahan signifikan pada perbaikan lingkungan gunung, darat, sungai dan samudra.

Satu negara saja dengan lingkungan rusak akan berpengaruh kepada negara-negara lain. Akhir-akhir ini sering kita lihat berita bagaimana hewan ternak dan ikan di laut menderita dan mati akibat lingkungan yang semakin buruk. Manusia juga sama menderitanya.


Thank you @RiverDefender

this is my hope too, to increase the awareness about polution and environment


Wow, Time does fly past. This is a groundbreaking moment. On behalf of everybody Id like to say

Thank You for its been a pleasure.

@ErmesT Thank you So much for the introduction I still remember when you asked me for this request and I tell you it has been an amazing journey, I have learned so much during this course, especially about countries and people in them in different walks of life… and Being the My maps editor has definitely taught me a lot about the world,

Thank You, everyone, and just to let you all know I will post another video soon about sharing your Map to your Phone please stay tuned.

I will be looking forward to many more great stories to add to the “My maps of plastic pollution


You are most welcome @RiverDefender


I am so proud of this initiative! Happy Birthday, LG Clean The World! :cake::recycle::wastebasket:


Thank you @brittym (you know why)

I am happy to see you here an yes, I am very proud of Clean The world too


Hi @ermest ,

Congratulation! ??? That was such a great initiative.

Let me wish to all active members an happy brithday!

The road is still long but we all our bits, we are making a better world ???!

Here is what I found yesterday ?

I will see what I can do with that.

Have a nice evening and see you around



OMG @Julien44

have you reported it?

I am happy to see you here Jul. I am just back home from Paris, I loved it