First post

Hello Dear Local Guides

New to this platform & learn many things like how to communicate with local guides, meet up, contributions, rewards, etc.


Hello @Vaibhav21

You are highly welcome to connect . It’s the official site for local guides. I’m pleased that you’re willing to learn to communicate and use the forum to the best of your advantage. We hope you will contribute reasonably well and stay active.

The first article I’ll like to recommend you to read is Your-guide-to-Connect . You will also find out helpful tips about the forum in this article 14-helpful-tips-for-using-Connect . To know what topics we discuss here please refer to What-are-Connect-topics . To actively participate and write posts like other local guide here please read How-do-I-write-a-post-on-Connect

we have the help-desk to consult if you have more enquiries to make. Just a quick introductory articles to go through. You’ll learn many more as you interact on the forum.


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