Discussion on Local Guides' 2025 Star Videos

This post is where you ask questions or comment about any one of the star videos in the Local Guides 2025 Album of Star Videos or star videos generally. Please do not add them as comments in the star video album post. Any such comments added there will be moved to this dedicated 2025 star videos discussion post.

We separate questions and general discussion on star videos from the album post to provide a much better and more enjoyable user experience when viewing the star videos in the album, especially on mobile devices.


(a) If you are commenting on a specific Local Guide’s star video in the album, then please also add a link to that star. Adding links to the subject star videos helps the reader follow your comments.

(b) If you ever believe that a post you’ve added to the Star Video Album post needs to be deleted then rather than adding a lame comment like “this comment has been moved to the discussion post”, let any Connect Moderator know and it will be moved for you.

(c) For the same reason, do not add comments reserving your place in the album post by simply adding a one liner like “I will upload my star video here” or “I’m reserving this place for my star video”. If you’re not yet ready to add your star then please refrain from adding these lame comments in the album post. These will be moved to the discussion post.


FĂŒr die ganzen Neulinge ist es sicher nicht so leicht @AdamGT

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No problem @Annaelisa. You’re here to help them :wink: :wink: A little up front pain for long term gain!


Oh my gosh ye 2 again @AdamGT & @Annaelisa
Be brutally honest do I have to this all again for 2025 stars entries
You seen how long it took last year
Please say copy & paste ye guys
You’d imagine I’m good now with this but sleepless nights ahead here
I’ve backup in @tony_b but ye all busy, my last entries on the T-100 I think permalinks weren’t liked anymore that I submitted, I only did star video change as only one that actually changed & could no longer find a permalink option, in anticipation :face_with_peeking_eye:


Hallo @Peadar es ist ganz einfach.
Ich habe wie immer mit dem Smartphone gearbeitet.

  1. Foto im T 100 System aufrufen und zum Connect Beitrag verzweigen.
  2. Bleistift betÀtigen und alles markieren und kopieren.
  3. Zur 2025 Liste gehen und in der oberen Beschreibung von Adam den Beitragshaken betÀtigen.
  4. Im angezeigten leeren Feld oben anklicken und die Kopie einfĂŒgen.
  5. Speichern und fertig.

FĂŒr die Schönheit und erforderliche Änderungen sorge ich bei der Aktualisierung am Monatsende.

Die gleiche Vorgehensweise bei Video und 360 Grad

Die Änderung des Links im T 100 System habe ich durch die 3 Punkte Links in den Beitragslisten ĂŒbertragen.


I’ll give it a go
Thanks @Annaelisa

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Thanks for tagging me @Peadar. I must’ve missed it if an instruction was given by @AdamGT or anyone else. Quite surprised to see discussion about 2025 Photo and Video albums, as we’re still working through the final 2024 Leaderboards from the recently uploaded December information.

But yes, you will need to do that at the end of this month when you’re ready to upload your January stats, as there is a new album every year.


Thank you :pray:t3: @tony_b
I’ve only 2 to do as 360 pics no longer on leaderboards going forward as very slow uptake :disappointed:
But @AdamGT has left album open for people to still upload their pics
I see your knocking on the door at 101 position :+1: ( Top 100 Star Photos December 24 ) & 20th in level 9 category


I have either discovered or stumbled across something exciting regarding video views. As many of you know I track a lot of numbers (as any good nerd would, I blame Tony and Alfred for that). As I was charting my videos in the last couple of months I came across quite a few videos that had much higher monthly views than previously.
I didn’t know why. Then I discovered that Google is placing a video in the #2 spot of photos. I quickly checked 5 of my most recent Media contributions and lo and behold all 5 of them had a video in 2nd place, a couple of them were mine.

Then I checked 4 other guides from across the world. Same thing I clicked on 5 of their recent contributions and the same results happened. Over 80% of them were videos. I do want you and others to check this out.
I only checked on desktop, I clicked on their contribution> clicked on Place details> clicked on the main or cover photo.

Below is a short table showing my results: Videos in 2nd place, Videos not in 2nd place and there no no videos for this POI.

Name Country Videos in 2nd Videos not in 2nd No videos
Terry Canada 5 0
@tony_b Barbados 4 0 1
@AdamGT Australia 4 1
@Annaelisa Germany 4 0 1
@rednewt74 USA 4 1

This does explain to me why the sudden growth in my video views. I would like you guides to test a little more. It does seem that this is world wide. I think now is a great time to add videos. I am also trying to come up with an even better video strategy

What do you think?

Tagging a few others who I know would be interested in video news especially those with video goals. @AZ_2021 , @JustJake , @Trail_blazer , @Steve_UK


As both @Annaelisa and @tony_b have kindly described yes you need to do this @Peadar and it’s easy to do and should only take a couple of minutes for significant future gain. Just copy from the 2024 album and paste it into the 2025 album. If you wish then also update the views but either way then visit the T100 site and update your link to the new album!


And an update to this, there’s also a new Gallery for 360 Spheres and an associated discussion post to discuss all things related to 360 spheres :wink: :wink:

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Nice research @TerryPG and thank you for sharing it with us all.

With the slowdown in growth photo views is this “apparent” placement of videos perhaps a deliberate strategy to put video higher up on the view counts scale compared to photos!

You’ve checked on the video of @tony_b and @Rednewt74, being time poor at the moment myself, I would have liked to see what you found for the videos of the likes of @jayasimha78 @abermans @RooksieN @TiffanyStockstill @WilfriedB and @Mikeinthefalls :wink: :wink:


Vielen Dank fĂŒr diese Statistik @TerryPG
So sehe ich mal die Entwicklung, ich selbst sehe so etwas wie immer nur durch Zufall :pray:

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Thanks for tagging me @AdamGT although I don’t make any videos (and don’t plan to), but seeing this observations with interest.
For some of my photos, I look occasionally at what position they appear (or not all). While doing so, I’ll watch from now on, whether the POI has a video on position 2 in order to get some more data for @TerryPG’s interesting theory.


In seltenen FĂ€llen ist das Video auch auf Platz 1, dieses habe ich gerade gesehen

@TerryPG @AdamGT

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A very interesting discovery, Terry!
I used a different approach and checked the 12 POIs I most recently posted photos to. The result is 50:50, i.e. six listings had a video on position 2, they other six had none.
This does not apply to 360° photos, they appeared down in the list among all other photos.
For now, it confirms your theory @TerryPG :+1: I’ll keep watching.

Update for one exception now:
A listing with more than 1,000 photos, ironically shows the only video at the second but last position of the list of all photos. Looking at the Video tab, I do see four videos, including the one, I found a the end of the All list.


Komisch, wenn ich auf den Link klicke, sehe ich als Titelbild ein Foto:

Das gleiche Bild erscheint auch an erster Stelle, wenn ich auf “Alls Fotos” gehe. Lediglich unter “Neueste” steht ein Video an erster Stelle.

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Dann wird es mir anders angezeigt als dir😊

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Like you I have noticed this phenomenon as well. It seems to have been the case throughout 2024. Like you I have a few videos that have taken first place, which is rare. But many of my videos are in second place. I don’t have the statistics to back up things at the moment, but perhaps next month I will look deeper into it and get back to you. As my time and interest in doing statistical analysis has waned a bit, I’m happy you have headed forward as the standard Bearer. Always looking forward to seeing your posts.


Thanks Alfred, I do remember you stating that you had videos in the #2 position. After checking many more the same theory is still holding up.
I still think this may be a great time to start adding more videos to our contributions.
This does not show the same results on mobile.

@WilfriedB Thank you for checking as well and confirming my thoughts.
Yesterday I had a great conversation with someone I will refer to as a SEO, rankings, YouTube expert. I shared with him my findings and the first thing he mentioned is that the “creator” in our terms the contributor should always tag the contribution. I do and have always tagged my Foodie shots, but not the others. I know you started tagging yours. Question do you include the POI name and it’s location IE. town or city?
