Discussion on Local Guides 2025 Star Photos


Je remarque que chacun publie un tableau présentant l’historique des vues de sa Photo Star dans « Local Guides 2025 Album of Star Photos », avec les colonnes suivantes :

ID / Screenshot Date / Place Name / Star Photo Views

Bien que j’ignore si ce tableau est obligatoire, je souhaiterais en créer un.

J’ai collecté la majorité des données nécessaires, mais je ne parviens pas à identifier la nature de la colonne ID.

Pourriez-vous s’il vous plaît m’indiquer où trouver cet identifiant ?

Existe-t-il une procédure à suivre pour élaborer le tableau ?

Merci de votre aide,


Claude Richard

Bonjour @claude_richard !
The table is not mandatory but it adds tremendous benefit to anyone reading your post as it shows the history of your star photo of star video.
One possibility is to sign into the T100 system for the leaderboards but you can also create and maintain this table manually and in that case you can leave the ID out or include a sequential number of your choosing (e.g. 1,2,3,4 etc).

Using the T100 system, once you reach level 10 in the T100 system (not the same as the Level 10 for Local Guides!), you can easily generate the table under “VIP Lounge”:

The best place to start to find out more about the leaderboards is at How to read and join the Leaderboards which has links to all the current leaderboards and related posts on Connect. You will also see the Register link (https://forms.gle/Xpkxu5W7Ere1tSKWA) there.

The ID is generated and used internally by the T100 system and we can only see it by generating the table as described above. It is only part of the table to enable problem determination.

See also @PrasadVR’s article Top 100 Local Guides Leaderboards System New feature: Star Views History Table (Version #1)
Also, @AdamGT has indicated that new features are planned to enhance and make this table even better and we hope to see these soon.


Not true :laughing: . I just was curious and scrolled down: not everybody, but many (the majority?) did include the table.


Bonjour @WilfriedB ,
Merci pour votre réponse, mais cela reste un peu confus pour moi cette histoire de niveau 10 dans le système T100 (différent du niveau 10 pour les guides locaux)
Je suis déjà inscrit au TOP 100 et je valide mes chiffres chaque mois. Je mets également à jour la copie d’écran de ma photo star et les données de la légende.
Bon, j’ai suivi le lien https://forms.gle/Xpkxu5W7Ere1tSKWA avec l’impression de me réinscrire au TOP 100 ! J’espère que ce n’est pas le cas !
Merci d’avoir pris le temps de m’expliquer tout ça et de me transmettre les liens. Je vais tout lire.
Effectivement, tout le monde n’a pas inclus le tableau des historiques, je n’ai pas fait défiler tout en bas de la page ! Il y a un peu de tout, peut aussi parce que tout le monde n’a pas encore publié sa photo star dans le nouvel album 2025
Merci encore !
Bonne soirée
Claude Richard

Bonsoir @claude_richard,

Reaching higher levels on the T100 is based on your activity and level of engagement on the Leaderboard posts on Connect like checking the Leaderboards when they are posted for errors and omissions and this is fully described in Section 3 of the Startup Guide which you can find under the General menu on the T100 System here specially the part under:
"3 - How do the System User Levels work?

If you really did register again, it would delete all your history :sob:

After logging into https://top100localguides.com/index.php, you can see your VIP level on the upper right:
VIP level of the T100 system

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Yes Adam, that’s correct for the Star Video which works as it should.

Here’s the generated link for the Star Photo:

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Well the correct link is as I indicated @tony_b and as I mentioned there is a known problem on Connect where using permalinks can take you to an unexpected location in the topic. So all we can do is enter the correct link on the T100 System and look forward to when this linking problem is fixed on Connect.


Now my end-of-month update is complete for January. Strange enough, no auto-generated caption appeared for my Star Photo, so I had to revert and edit my old caption.

Inserting the new screenshot and replacing the caption is not very intuitive, but a little guesswork overcomes any mistakes.

I’m still not finding the HTML thing in the new Connect, so I inserted the Star Table by trial and error.


The caption issue was reported by several Local Guides and has now been fixed @tony_b


@tony_b, unlike the old Connect, there is now button to enter HTML-code. However, we can paste HTML code into the editor (as we do with the star tables), but not all HTML tags are allowed. I don’t know, if there is a list of possible and forbidden tags.

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@AdamGT , I have checked, and the Caption for the Star photo and video is generating perfectly.


Thanks for checking and confirming that the issue has been fixed @PrasadVR

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Thanks Prasad and Adam. I wouldn’t rework my submission at this point, so will test at the end of February.


You don’t have to “rework your submission” to test @tony_b, simply visit and select submit with your previously submitted data.


Thanks. Done it. And it matches exactly what I created manually when the system glitched.