Challenge: Share a museum photo on Google Maps to earn a Connect badge

Update June 1, 7 a.m. UTC: Hi everyone, this challenge is now closed. Thank you for your participation! We will go through all the amazing submissions and share the results soons.

There was a question about how we will assess submissions with more than one photo. Please rest assured that all entries will be considered equally. We will look at the helpfulness, quality, and originality of your stories and photos. Thank you for helping others discover great museums and galleries to visit on Google Maps while taking part in this challenge!

Local Guides, what was the last museum you visited? What did you see?

The world celebrated International Museum Day on May 18. Inspired by this great holiday and your love for museums and art exhibitions (we love them, too!), we’re excited to kick off a new community challenge on Connect!

The challenge

To take part, all you need to do is:

  • Upload a photo from a recent museum or gallery visit on Google Maps
  • Share a link to your photo on Google Maps and the photo itself in the comments below
  • Tell us why your photo is helpful or what you like about it
  • Even better if you also share a link to your review of the place!

You can participate with photos you shared on Maps this year.

The winners

Ten of the best entries will be highlighted in a new post on Connect.

The criteria

We will consider helpfulness, quality, and originality. This means that your photo should be sharp, not blurry, dark, or tilted. It should be taken by you, not from the internet. Read our Community policy and the Maps user-generated content policy for more guidelines.

We will also take into account the community’s response, so if you see a photo you like shared by another Local Guide, give it a like by clicking on the “heart” button.

The prize

For the first time ever, we will award challenge winners with a brand new, exclusive Connect badge!

Join this challenge by May 31. Share your Google Maps photo in the comments below for a chance to win a new Connect badge!


A new activity :+1:t2: :heart_eyes: :pray:

I almost never visits museums even though I worked at a science museum for 5 years! Does commercial art galleries qualify for this challenge, @Ivi_Ge ?




@Ivi_Ge That’s one of my favorite topic. Surely, we will find some great museums all around the world in the comment thread.

Now I’ll tell you about one of the most unique museums I visited on my recent trip to Roing, Arunachal Pradesh. I was completely unfamiliar with the name of this museum before visiting. The name of the museum is RIWATCH. You may use Google Maps to get directions by clicking here.

The RIWATCH Museum: An overview

RIWATCH is an acronym for the Research Institute of World’s Ancient Traditions Cultures and Heritage. It’s a non-profit research and community-based organisation that shows cultural empowerment of ethnic communities is essential for long-term prosperity. It has a very unique appearance both in terms of its design and how it is presented. The museum houses numerous unique and rarely-seen artifacts.

So, what makes this museum unique?

RIWATCH is a “People’s Museum” in the truest definition of the term. The fact that the majority of the museum’s artifacts have been donated by locals for free is something I haven’t seen anywhere else. The Dalai Lama himself had donated some precious pieces to the museum. The museum also features an extensive collection of historical weapons, including tools made of stone that are 80 years old and an earthenware pot that dates back nearly 200 years. Surely, it hopes to be one of the places where our ancient history, culture, science, and technology are preserved for future generations.

You can check my review by clicking the link.

** @DeniGu **thank you for your guidance.

I’d like to submit the two photographs that were already addressed in the comment.

Why do I want to nominate the first photo?

The museum’s entrance is depicted in the first image. From the outside, it appears to be pretty basic. Once inside the gate, though, we were awestruck by what we found in their collections.

Why do I want to nominate the second photo?

The second picture is from the museum’s interior. Two people from the Mishmi tribe are depicted in this statue. The figurine’s detailing astounded me. Everything from their eyes to their wrinkles to the feel of their muscles is full of life. There’s no way to tell if this is natural or not.


Hey @MortenCopenhagen , photos of galleries are certainly welcome! Side note: working at a museum sounds reeeally awesome.

Hi @Bongyatri , thank you for your entry introducing this unique museum! Which of the two photos are you nominating for this challenge and why? You can edit your comment to add this information by clicking on the three dots → Edit reply. :blush:


Wow @Ivi_Ge

Nice to have new activity like this to rekindle our interests as local guides. Thank you for the initiative,I like it. Am a lover of Museums and historical places in general.

I have visited a few museums in my own country and even other countries I’ve visited. Seeing you said recent, those wouldn’t qualify for an entry,or would it?

For instance I wrote on post on Exploring-Ibibo-National-Museum-Uyo that was my last and most recent visit to a museum. It’s situated in the South South of Nigeria. I wrote a very elaborate Reveiw on it. I loved the location and very Serene environment it’s located. The very nice and descriptive images in the museum. My review of the place says it all. Does this qualify or do I have to visit a new one.? Please kindly let me know.

Anyway this is a very busy period for me and it’s not much time for new visit.

Happy guiding



The Biennale Of Children’s Art is a very small Children’s museum. It was opened, or rather reopened, just two weeks ago. I was at the opening, and I had the opportunity to speak with the director of the museum, a retired teacher who wanted to dedicate her experience to create a unique thing, dedicated to Art created by children together with teachers.

Currently the place has only two reviews . Mine is unfortunately hidden. “Proprio ieri sono stato alla riapertura della Biennale, nella sede di Villa Guidini. Un progetto fantastico, con un enorme lavoro dietro, per presentare i lavori dei bambini e delle scuole. Un luogo in cui l’Arte con la A maiuscola la fa da padrona. È stato piacevole passare qualche minuto con la ideatrice del progetto. Assolutamente da visitare. Bravi.” Form Submitted

Here is the link to one of my (fortunately visible) photos

The museum will be the subject on one of the next adventures of Flat Stanley.


Oooops !!! my good friend flat Stanley participating here again :sweat_smile: . I wish he could win the badge. At least he is better than the AI. We love him !!!

Now @ErmesT that’s a very good photo and visit. It’s looks interesting and cool. Were there any kids visiting around when you visited? Good luck.



@Ivi_Ge y @DeniGu desde Buenos Aires me sumo al Challenge

Les presento el Museo Fernández Blanco-Palacio Noel.

Este lugar tiene la característica de mostrarnos una historia importante del Virreynato del Río de la Plata.

Cuenta con muestras de plata,vajillas de época y un jardín andaluz escondido en su interior que es maravilloso para ir a visitarlo.

Además mí Reseña . También realizamos un meetup con la comunidad argentina y fue muy interesante visitarlo.

Influencia Hispanoamericana en Argentina


Thank you for the challenge @Ivi_Ge - a great opportunity for museum enthusiasts.

Here’s the link to the Museum on Google Maps:

A link to the above photo:

  1. The special feature that I liked about this place is the innovative and artistic arrangement of dreaded objects like weapons that makes the exhibits very interesting.

  2. Also, this museum is accessible for wheelchairs and those who are hearing-impaired by way of personalized audio systems.

Here’s a collage from the weapons museum in Bikaner Fort in Rajasthan.




Wow…! worked at a science museum … and for 5 years.

I must say the more I come to know about you @MortenCopenhagen the more I am amazed, not counting your brilliant photography and store front tips among the other expertise.

How is life working at a science museum…? that would be interesting to know though this discussion thread may not be the best place for it :blush:


Hi @TusharSuradkar

Shortely after I graduated as a nutritionist a foundations in Denmark decided they wanted to create a hands-on science museum in Dennark modeled after the Exploratorium in San Francisco.

Hand-on museums teach by letting guests play and experiment with exhibits. So just showing photos and texts are not what you will find at the then new Danish museum called Experimentarium.

I made exhibits on nutrition (my first exhibit was named Restaurant Joule where guests could test and get feedback on their dietary choices. 72 photos and two computers screens).

Later I also developed interactive exhibitions on cancer prevention, air pollution, and meteorology.

I really loved this work. Lots of fun, learning to make effective and interactive communication.

Later I got a job at the Cancer Society where I developed 3 computer games, and organized a successful public-private partnership to increase the consumption of Fruit and Vegetables.

All the best and thanks for asking



Hi @TusharSuradkar

Wow these are commendable photos and contributions. Haha! Getting this new badge won’t be easy at all :sweat_smile: Lots of local guides and even CMs surfacing with good stuff !!! Thank you for sharing these.

I must say I like whenever connect comes alive like this. It’s interesting what contributions contest or even campaign can do. Looking forward to more contributions and more so this exceptional badge.

Keep the Museums and all coming its interesting.

Happy guiding



Hi @Ivi_Ge !

I love the topic and I love the museums! I’ve visited tons of museums here in my city and the ones I like more are the ones that show the history or are emplazed in old houses.

This time, I want to share with you a photo and my review of the Modern Museum in Buenos Aires City. This is a museum of modern art that suprised me a lot because of the contrast between the modernity of the museum and the antiquity of the neighbourhood where it is located. Casually I shared the photos of this museum in Maps only 2 days ago!

I like this photo because you can see there that the people is enjoying their visit to the museum, taking photos and enjoying the art exposed. I also like it because the pieces of art that are visible in this photo (mannequins and also the green arch) are made with lots of recycled materials. This photo merge the two things I like the most… museums and ecology!! Can it be better? :classical_building: :seedling:

UPDATE: I found this photo were you can see some Local Guides from Buenos Aires under the arc where the recycled objects can be appreciated in more detail.

Here you can read my review of the museum and also see the photo in Google Maps.

Thank you for this campaign! I enjoyed a lot reviewing the museums I visited in Google Maps! :smile:



Me encantó tu foto @Maximilianozalazar !! :clap:


I visited this old airport that has now been turned into a museum. The first airplane to land in the UAE was in 1932.
I was amazed at the aircraft hanging from the ceiling. Lots of old planes, equipment and photos were on display for everyone to see and learn.

I took a lot of photos but these ones are my favorites because they explain how far the industry of flying has progressed.

[Check out this review of Al Mahatta Museum on Google Maps](http://Check out this review of Al Mahatta Museum on Google Maps


What a way to celebrate the day, @Ivi_Ge ! Thank you and the team for this challenge, it’s a great way to get to know museum around the world as well as each other better.

I visited the Malba museum recently with an amazing exhibit about Argentina’s culture. Unfortunately I focused mostly on videos that day so I won’t be entering the contest with a photo from there, but since I found it so interesting I’m leaving the link of my review here so you can see the videos there or in my profile!

The place I am entering the contest with is the National Historic Museum (Museo Histórico Nacional). The photo is about a part of the exhibit and feature I absolutely loved:

At first glance you might think that it’s just a regular part of a museum, and you might even be thinking that it shouldn’t be touched, but it’s quite the opposite! In fact, both pieces seen are tactile models of a historic and protected painting and sword, so people that are visually impaired can enjoy the exhibit just as well. And everyone can touch them too of course, during my time there, everyone enjoyed the accessible feature! They had braille next to them as well, tactile maps, and many more features.
Not only do they include visually impaired people, but the place had a LOT of accessible and inclusive features, so I really loved it and I’m proud of my city/country for having this. Read my review and see my photos to check more of it.


hey @Ivi_Ge thats perfect :blush: :ok_hand:t2: , as a museum and history lover, I would be able to share photos here. Since many civilizations have been established in my country, you don’t have trouble finding artifacts in museums. I’m not sure which one to share, but I’ll share a few pictures from different places. I’m a museum lover. Below I leave you pictures from some of the museums I visited.and I took all the photos myself. If one day you come to Turkey, I am sure that I will guide local guides friends well in the museums. :blush: :+1:t2:

Lüzinyan Evi

Hatay Arkeoloji Müzesi

Odunpazarı Modern Müze (OMM)

Adana Arkeoloji Müzesi

and my favorite photos that i want to participate in this contest.gypsy girl.The reason why it was named Gypsy Girl is that the person who made the work painted the hair of the human figure in the work with braids and colorful colors. According to some, it was inspired by Alexander the Great, and according to others, it was inspired by the Earth God Gaia.She was taken to America by historical artifact smugglers, but she returned to her homeland. Now she is hiding in a very sheltered place. And from any angle, the mosaic is watching you. Just like in Leonardo Da Vinci’s painting, in the Gypsy Girl Mosaic, you can make eye contact no matter where you look at the person in the depiction.

Zeugma Mozaik Müzesi

and mu commemt about here :


@Ivi_Ge wonderful idea! Museums have lots of history sometimes that you do not even imagine.

Really hard to choose just one, to be honest. A few months ago I visited Museo Marítimo y del Presidio de Ushuaia in the southernmost part of the world. It used to be a jail, but now it has 4 museums, one for each pavilion: Maritime Museum, Museum of the Prison (the photo I will be entering the contest), Antarctic Museum, and Marine Art Museum.

The photo I chose was this one, mainly because it reflects and shows how things were, originally. It is like being transported to how the prisoners lived back then.

Here you can find my review in which you can find more pictures.


It is an exciting challenge :smiley: .

I love visiting museums. A museum is a place where there is always something new to learn. It’s a bit of a chore for me to select the best photo but I’ll share with you my most viewed photo which I really like. @Ivi_Ge

I want to share with you a photo of the Dandi Kutir Museum in Gandhinagar City. Looking like a mount of salt from the outside, this museum tells the complete story of Gandhiji’s life.

Here is the photo link:


Hi @Ivi_Ge what an amazing challenge i am on it… :blush: :blush:

Thank you so much for adding this new challenge with the connect badge

Happy Guiding :blush: