Celebrate World Milk Day with me

cover photo of celebrate world milk day with me

Hy Dear Local Guides,

June 1st is celebrated as World Milk Day around the world. Theme for 2024 is " celebrating the vital role dairy plays in delivering quality nutrition to nourish the world ".

Dairy products are used in different dishes and drinks. Commonly it is used in tea, coffee, ice cream and other various milk based dishes. Dairy products such as milk have high nutritional value and contains calcium, vitamin D, potassium, etc… Adequate intake of nutrients found in milk helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

Comment your favorite Dairy product dish / milk based dishes or drinks

  • upload the photo.
  • comment on where you took the photo of the dish/drink ( for example like home, restaurant or café ) .
  • say why you like that dish/drink so much.
  • if you know how to make dish/drink you uploaded, it would great to include that also.

photo of Cappuccino from Eve’s coffee café

Photo above is my favorite drink known as Cappuccino in milk based. It contains equal parts of each and is made up of about 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk, and 1/3 foamed milk. Cappuccino from above image is from Eve’s Coffee café situated in Trivandrum, Kerala.

@TravellerG @TusharSuradkar @AjitThite @nikhilinfinity



Pure Milch mochte ich schon als Kind nicht.

In der Form wie auf dem schönen Bild gezeigt schon oder Kakao.

Dafür liebe ich Joghurt oder Quark, also alles außer reine Milch.



Yes, my dear friend @Rahul001

Milk and milk products have a great contribution to the world!

It is important to celebrate World Milk Day! Thanks for sharing this information.

Many people have milk intolerance! Unfortunately, I have lactose sensitivity, but I can tolerate milk in small quantities, especially when it is served with breakfast.

Here is a cup of coffee from a star hotel in Kerala.

Hope you will like it…

I am tagging our team members @AnubhaBangia @Shubhu1 @ShubhamWaman & @Praniketmore

Thanks for your kind feedback…

:pray: :handshake:


Milk with bread has been my favorite food since my school days.

Recently I survived 10 days of overseas trip entirely on milk and local bread when Indian food was not available easily and economically.

Nice post and challenge, @Rahul001 :+1:

I love the banner photo.



Und ich würde mich dann mit Wasser und Joghurt ernähren :blush:


A very nice challenge, @Rahul001 . I am also a big lover of milk and milk by-products. Here are some of the snapshots of my favorite once.

Here you can see many types, such as tea, coffee, sweet Lassi and of course, creamy strawberry milk shake.

Thanks for such a wonderful challenge.



It’s a late reply due to some health issues but participation is must.I share my pics with home made milkshakes and firni.


Thank you @Supriyadevkar for commenting with yummy shakes and firni. Is that a mango shake in right top corner , it looks delicious!

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Mein übliches Mittagessen mit Joghurt


That’s a healthy lunch it seems @Annaelisa .


Thank you @AjitThite for sharing your favourites. Out of all images, I liked the lasi, my grandmother used make one when I was a child.

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Mittags benötige ich nicht mehr dafür esse ich abends eine warme Mahlzeit

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Yes it’s mango milkshake