Back to the roots as a Local Guide: from Argentina to Spain

For many of us Argentinians, Spain is one of those countries where most of our ancestors once came from as immigrants. In my case, they arrived about a hundred years ago from a small city called Morón de la Frontera in Andalucía.

At the beginning of this year I was travelling around Spain and decided to grab the opportunity and visit the place. I took a bus from Sevilla with very few passengers and about an hour and a half –and beautiful landscapes- later I arrived. Needless to say, the mere fact of getting there was already touching and brought about an array of emotions. Although I barely met one of my greatgrandparents from this land when I was a child (they were both from this city), the different anecdotes present in my mind and the feeling of “this is the place were it all started” were of course moving. After all, roots are roots. I had some family references on streets that were supposed to be important and which I could easily find and wander around thanks to Google Maps. Unfortunately, we could not trace any specific addresses. Still, some churches and the famous rooster statue referring to a local fable of streets were some of the musts.

I was greatly received in the local Town Hall and they promised to make a research and send me an email if they happened to find any information. A few weeks later, when I was already back home, that email arrived with the precise addresses where both my greatgrandparents lived and I was utterly excited to be able to find their houses on Google Maps and take a look at them thanks to Street View. I was also very proud of sharing some of my impressions on Morón de la Frontera with the world as a Local Guides.

Without any doubts, the story does not end here!

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