10Y Local Guides Program Celebrations - February activities

We’ve had a great start to 2025 with the 10th anniversary of the Local Guides program, a call for celebratory meet-ups for January and February, a logo and a t-shirt design challenge and a grand proposal for 12 months of celebrations amongst so many exciting topics posted on Connect!

As we move into February, we wanted to remind you of the upcoming 20th anniversary of Google Maps on 8th February! And there are quite a few interesting meet-ups happening that weekend!

Do check the Meet-up category for more meet-ups to discover and join in!

Also for February, do check out a new series called Women Inspirer by @Globe_trotter_Ish with the aim of putting a spotlight on inspiring women Local Guides! There is a call to nominate women Local Guides that meet the criteria and the deadline for nominations is 12th February! Check out the post for more info!

Coming in March, we will be looking forward to TRAC (Thousands Road Added Challenge) headed by @SholaIB with the aim of getting as many Local Guides involved in adding new roads on Google Maps! So, get in touch with Shola to find out how you can participate!

And in April, the focus is on the Local Guides Clean The World campaign, where you can also take part by hosting a meetup in your area. All details can be found in this post by campaign leader @ErmesT.

Lastly, don’t forget to take part in the official 10th anniversary challenge quiz where you can win a limited edition Connect badge! The deadline is 16th February.

Are you excited with all the buzz for 2025?! What are you looking forward to the most and what more can we do to create a great year of celebrations? Suggestions and feedback in the comments!


PS: 1000x thx to @AdrianLunsong for helping to compose this post!


Thank you @JanVanHaver for giving us a insights into February activities. I think febuary and March is going to a busy months for Local guides :grin:. I think we as a Community can spotlight some local guides couples on February 14th and I am planing to do so!

Also coming in March 8th, @Globe_trotter_Ish is doing something big I think (:crossed_fingers:).


Danke für diese Übersicht @JanVanHaver es ist auf jeden Fall ein spannendes Jahr :sparkles::champagne:

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Yayyy! Thanks Jan, for the February upcoming celebration updates. Can’t wait to see them taking place.
Huge thanks to @AdrianLunsong as well for coming up with wonderful ideas, as usual.

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Wow @JanVanHaver , the lineup of activities for February is truly exciting! I’m particularly looking forward to the 20th anniversary of Google Maps on February 8th and the various meet-ups planned around it. The Women Inspirer series sounds inspiring, and I’m eager to see the stories that will be shared.

Thanks for keeping us informed and engaged!

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Happy Anniversary to us all

Hello @JanVanHaver

Thank you for getting the party started. We are all set for it. Roll out the drums and the bottles…Lol

As for March everyone is welcome feel free to join TRAC. Its getting interesting already and it will even be more fun. Look out for the posts and form to be filled.

Interesting meet-ups !!!

Thanks @AdrianLunsong



The overview of the upcoming meetups and other activities in February and March is very helpful @JanVanHaver :smiling_face:.

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Great idea @Rahul001 to put the spotlight on LG couples on Valentine’s Day - I look forward already to discovering some things I probably don’t know yet.

But please make sure that the local guides you mention in that context are absolutely fine with being mentioned there. After all, it is of course personal information and I would not like to see you getting into trouble.

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@JanVanHaver Feb looks much more fun and promising. Thanks for sharing.

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