10th Anniversary Design Challenge - A logo to represent this amazing milestone

Happy New Year and welcome to 2025!! :tada: :man_dancing:

As you may already know, we have the 10th Anniversary of the Local Guides program on 15 January and the 20th Anniversary of Google Maps on 8 February!! These are amazing milestones that definitely deserves recognition and celebrations!

@NareshDarji has kicked off 2025 in amazing style with his rally for meet-ups to celebrate the milestones and he’s also provided fantastic designs to print out and use for your meet-ups!

The rest of the Connect Moderators are also putting together a plan for… not one, not two… but 12 months of celebrations! 2025 is definitely going to be a very exciting year! We’ll be releasing further information soon so stay tuned! :sunglasses:

For the month of January, I’ll be kicking off two design challenges for the community; a logo and a t-shirt design challenge.

:shield: Logo Design Challenge
The logo should reflect the spirit of the community and the Local Guides program, and also to celebrate the 10th Anniversary. We want this logo to be used proudly by the community throughout 2025!!

We are looking for a versatile design that can be used on its own or combined with other designs e.g. printed out as stickers, used as a watermark for banners or on cover photos for posts, printed on cards, mugs, badges or even incorporated into the winning t-shirt design.

Design requirements:
Update (14/1): I’ve been consulting with the Local Guides team and the judging process has been slightly tweaked. Also, the submission form is now available. See highlighted text for updates

  • the logo must fit within a circle of 100mm diameter; the design could be scaled down to as small as 30mm diameter, so you must ensure that any text or elements in your design are clear and legible. The logo can be of any shape as long as it fits within the 100mm diameter

  • do not use any elements/images/icons/fonts that are copyrighted. Please make sure that your design is fully yours and if you do use element/images/icons/fonts from a third party, you have the rights to use them

  • Entries must be in .PNG or .PDF format. If you’re using a specific software to do your designs, please keep a hold of your design files. We may need to do some minor changes to ensure that the winning design can be easily shared to everyone in a format that is easy to edit and print

  • do not use just the standard Google logo colours, to avoid any close association to that trademark. You can use different tints/tones/shades of the Google colours and add other hues to keep your design fresh and original

  • do not use the official logos of Google (or the text “Google”), Google Maps or the Local Guides program. You can use the Local Guides community logo

  • you may include the text “Local Guides” but it is not necessary if you’re using the community logo. It should have “10th Anniversary” or “10th” or “10” to symbolise this special milestone. You can also add #letsguide to your design too

  • as a logo, the design should be kept simple! Don’t try to cramp in too many details/elements. It should be bold but clear and easily read and recognised

  • [Optional] If your design can also easily exist as a ‘watermark’ version (single colour), that would be great. I’ve made a simple example to show a standard design plus what a ‘watermark’ version would look like:

And here are some examples of where the logo could be used:

Judging process:

  1. Connect Moderators that are NOT participating will help to pick the top 10 entries
  2. The Local Guides team will then help select the top 3 entries from the top 10 pool
  3. The top 3 entries will then go to a community vote to select the final winner!

We felt that this is the best way to help narrow down the options and it also made sense that the winner of a community-led challenge would be decided by the community themselves! Please note that the numbers above may change depending on how many designs we get!

:warning: Important info

  • Deadline: Up to and including 31 January 2025
  • Results: Voting will take place in early February
  • You can participate in either the logo or t-shirt design challenges or both
  • You can submit no more than 5 entries per person for each of the design challenges
  • Submission form: https://forms.gle/i54NC2NBai5DhNs46

We hope that you are all excited with this design challenge. The logo is going to be rather special as we want all the various communities to use it in their media for 2025! Imagine seeing your logo spread far and wide!!

We know that there are very talented and creative folks within our community and we look forward to seeing your designs! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments below. And don’t forget to check out the t-shirt design challenge too!


Disclaimer: These are my personal design preferences. They may not be correct or you may not agree with them but hopefully, they are useful for consideration

  1. What is the message that your logo is trying to convey? Do you represent that message as a text or as an image or a mixture of both?

  2. A logo needs to be simple. Do not add too many things to your design. Consider which aspect of the message is important to convey. Can it be simplified (less text, simpler images)?

  3. Choose your colours carefully. Less (2-3 colours) is usually best. Make sure that the colours contrast each other well so that your text/image is legible.

  4. Choose your fonts wisely. Ideally, use only 1 font type. Avoid using lots of different font types as they can look messy. Make sure your font type is legible.

  5. Avoid a complex background. Try for a solid colour or a gradient instead. If you must use a complex background, make sure your text is still legible

  6. Research! Search online for examples (company logos, button badges, 10th anniversary etc). Get inspired by them!

  7. AI generated designs will not be accepted. You can use AI tools to generate ideas for inspirational purposes only


Wow, a year-long celebration! That’s incredible! The logo and t-shirt design challenges sound like a fun way to kick things off. I’m excited to see what everyone creates and contributes to the celebrations.


@AdrianLunsong Super excited :star_struck: to participate in the logo and t-shirt challenge! The 10th anniversary is just the beginning of the fun. Let’s get creative!


This is amazing @AdrianLunsong would love to design and share some logos :heart:


@NareshDarji It’s going to be a crazy year and we’re all looking forward to what the community can come up with!


@MathanVibranarayan @Manishhh Looking forward to your entries! There’s no rush so think about it properly… come up with a few options to try and then submit your best 5! Enjoy!

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@AdrianLunsong I have created logo just waiting for your submission link :smiling_face:


@MerlinThomas @MathanVibranarayan @Manishhh

Please take note of the slight update to the post. Thanks! :blush:


Tagging a few folks from the various communities to help spread the word!
@PaDeSSo @HiroyukiTakisawa @SholaIB @MahabubMunna @TravellerG

Please share the design challenges to other Local Guides! Thanks!


Thank you very much for placing confidence in me, my dear friend @AdrianLunsong
However, there are young bloods who are much more active in this activity like @Shubhu1, @ShreyaMusings, @Praniketmore @Rakshith_LG @Supriyadevkar @KetanChhaniyara , etc. I’m requesting them to contribute…
Regards with thanks, once again.


Thank you so much for mentioning me @TravellerG sir your kind words always motivates me . It’s great to see the logo challenge on the tenth anniversary. I also thankfull to you @AdrianLunsong on establishing challenges like this that are interesting and motivating for the community.


@TravellerG Thank you for mentioning me sir. :pray:t2: @AdrianLunsong And also thanks for conducting a logo design challenge. Many people have interest on logo designing and now it’s the best opportunity to show there talent here. And I am waiting for the Submission Form. :handshake:


@AdrianLunsong Many Congratulations :tada: and Kudos to you :cherry_blossom:


wow !!! what a fun activity !! Very impressive


You are always welcome…
You are already a winner :trophy:
Best wishes… dear Praniket…


You are welcome, dear Rakshit…
Wish you all the best…

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This sounds fun and interesting! As a digital artist i think i can be able to create something. I’ll be definitely participating. Thanks for the opportunity. @AdrianLunsong


I’ve got mine already, can’t wait to send it! :smiley:

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@AdrianLunsong تحياتي الزميل الموقر.انه عمل عظيم ومحفز لنا جميعا.ارجو لك النجاح.وارجو الله ان اقدر اشارك هذا العمل الرائع.انها منافسه جميله ارجو من الجميع مشاركتها.لنختار الاجمل والاقوى تعبيرا والتي ترمز لمنتدى الادلاء ١٠ اعوام على انطلاقه.مره ثانيه شكرا لك وللكل من الاخوه الادلاء .تقدموا امامكم المجال فلنبدع لاجل جوجل والمنتدى العظيم

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