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Connect Moderator

Re: [RECAP] Worldwide Photowalk Surabaya Zoo

@nyahkece and @NicoDe, you guys are very cute. I wonder we will have a fun meet up very soon! 🙂

Indonesia Local Guides
Level 9

Re: [RECAP] Worldwide Photowalk Surabaya Zoo

Hello @BudionoS
di kl kita orang panggil cerita2 macam ni 'cantik giler bro'

Love all your pictures & happy faces around @NunungAfuah also looks cool, best of luck in all your future endeavors 

Level 9

Re: [RECAP] Worldwide Photowalk Surabaya Zoo

Hello my dear @BudionoS,

We can see all of you had an incredible meet-up, smiles on every faces 😉 And lovely photos like the one with  Sylvia Natalia your ticket coordinator.

And a lot of participants!!!!

We can see the fantastic vegatation you have in Surabaya, probably because of the rain and warm weather.

You and @NunungAfuah are fantastic in the pic :))))))

I am really happy to see that you have and incredible meet-up.

Thanks for this travel to Surabaya 😉 It´s Beautiful with happy  warm people.

Good Night from the South of Spain,




Level 8

Re: [RECAP] Worldwide Photowalk Surabaya Zoo

Thanks Gus @BudionoS for this event. Lovely place we have chosen. Surabaya Zoological garden is the most valueble place for recreation. Also, the cheapest one. and in

capital of East java.





and... this is me




You can find small lake in this place... heuheu




And in that time, there were also a lot of kindergarden student who has a contest among their school







and the place is also clean and shady




speech for the boss




so.... in a few moment, sometimes we get bored, selfie is able to upsize the mood




And kids also can take a nice little boat in the mini pool




and if you get tired, u can rent a mini electric motorcycle


Kebun Binatang SurabayaKebun Binatang Surabaya


And mini swimming pool is available for kids


Kebun Binatang SurabayaKebun Binatang SurabayaKebun Binatang SurabayaKebun Binatang Surabaya


Level 8

Re: [RECAP] Worldwide Photowalk Surabaya Zoo

Here' some additional picture inside and around KBS.

Sleepy child among entry line ready to enter the zooSleepy child among entry line ready to enter the zoo


Pelikan bird.Pelikan bird.


Feeding timeFeeding time








He's Mad!He's Mad!




Om ngelamunn aja udah ngopi blon?Om ngelamunn aja udah ngopi blon?




Connect Moderator

Re: [RECAP] Worldwide Photowalk Surabaya Zoo

It's nice meetup in Surabaya zoo @BudionoS congratulations for your successful photo walk.

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Level 10

Re: [RECAP] Worldwide Photowalk Surabaya Zoo

Dear @BudionoS and Surabaya Local Guides, hope all's well. Great to see you all getting together. Thank you for sharing your beautiful city. Kind regards from Osaka78 🙂

Level 10

Re: [RECAP] Worldwide Photowalk Surabaya Zoo

Hello  @BudionoS

What a wonderful Google Maps Local Guides Connect Worldwide Photowalk to showcase the beauty of your city to the world meetup event we all had. I would like to thank you for taking the time to share the  Surabaya Zoo  with us. You all look like you are having a sensational time together. The animals that you have in the zoo are looking really good for their love. Thanks again for this showcase as it is a great part of the beauty of Surabaya, Indonesia. 


Congratulations to Nunung Afuah for just being appointed moderator at Local Guides Connect. That was a huge effort that Nunung travelled so far, 160km to get to be part of your meetup! Great work! 


Thank you all for making this an excellent meetup and many thanks again to you Photowalk at Surabaya Zoo! Google Local Guides in Indonesia!

I have shared it to Google+ here and here as well, Please feel free to Plus 1+ , comment and reshare from there too! 


Best wishes







Level 10

Re: [RECAP] Worldwide Photowalk Surabaya Zoo

This is great @BudionoS! I love the photos you've taken, everyone looks so happy! You had a great time 🙂 It would be amazing to visit this place one day!

Congratulations on your amazing meet up and thanks for sharing your recap with us 🙂



Argentina | Follow me on Maps! | IG
Level 10

Re: [RECAP] Worldwide Photowalk Surabaya Zoo



OH, thanks very much for the English version as well! 🙂


Argentina | Follow me on Maps! | IG