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Level 10

[RECAP] Worldwide Photowalk Surabaya Zoo

Meet-up kali ini menjadi bagian dari Worldwide Photowalk Meet-up yang diinisiasi oleh @AlejandraMaria dari Spanyol dan merupakan rangkaian dari Worldwide Meet-up yang sebelumnya juga sudah digelar oleh:

  1. Samson Rohan - Worldwide Map Edit Walk Meet-up
  2. Osama - Worldwide Geowalk Meet-up
  3. Budiono - Worldwide Food Crawl Meet-up

Rencana awal kami di Surabaya akan mengadakan meet-up di Food Junction Grand Pakuwon di Surabaya Barat, namun mendekati hari pelaksanaan, setelah mendapat masukan dari banyak calon peserta, lokasi meet-up kami pindah ke lokasi yang lebih mudah dijangkau dari segala arah, yaitu ke Kebun Binatang Surabaya yang lokasinya berada di tengah-tengah Kota Surabaya.


Sura (Shark) and Baya (Crocodile) statue in front of Surabaya ZooSura (Shark) and Baya (Crocodile) statue in front of Surabaya ZooKebun Binatang Surabaya merupakan salah satu kebun binatang terbesar di Indonesia. Memiliki koleksi binatang yang sangat lengkap dan wilayahnya sangat luas. Di depan Kebun Binatang Surabaya terdapat monumen yang menjadi ikon utama Kota Surabaya, yaitu monumen Sura-Baya.


Sabtu 24 Februari 2018 mulai pukul 08.00 kami berkumpul di dekat monumen Surabaya tersebut. Pukul 09.00 semua peserta sudah datang, dan kami membeli tiket masuk yang harganya sangat murah, Rp.15.000; atau sekitar 1,1 US$.


Sylvia Natalia - our ticket coordinatorSylvia Natalia - our ticket coordinator

Total ada 17 peserta yang hadir dari 35 peserta yang mendaftar. Mereka yang hadir dalam meet-up kali ini adalah:

  1. Arief Amar
  2. Alif Rafa
  3. Sylvia Natalia
  4. Nicodemus Yusenda
  5. Budiono
  6. Oeirika
  7. Hamid Arif
  8. @NunungAfuah
  9. Daduadi
  10. Arief Anshori
  11. Novita Ayu
  12. Rahmah Chemist
  13. Salfa
  14. Prisa Kandora
  15. Fadlan El Yudith
  16. Rorohais
  17. Ismik

Ketika baru masuk ke dalam Kebun Binatang Surabaya, saya memberikan sambutan singkat kepada seluruh peserta tentang apa itu meet-up dan bagaimana memanfaatkan meet-up kali ini untuk mendapatkan banyak poin dan menaikkan level Local Guides.


Traditional Maps of Surabaya ZooTraditional Maps of Surabaya ZooTidak lupa kami ucapkan selamat kepada Nunung Afuah yang baru saja diangkat menjadi moderator di Local Guides Connect. Kami juga berterimakasih atas kehadirannya ke meet-up kali ini karena sebenarnya dia tinggal di Blitar yang jaraknya 160 kilometer dari Surabaya. Dalam sambutan singkatnya, Nunung Afuah mengajak para peserta untuk aktif di Local Guides Connect.


Nunung Afuah and I at front of Surabaya ZooNunung Afuah and I at front of Surabaya Zoo

Kemudian kami menyusuri setiap sudut di Kebun Binatang Surabaya. Mengenal binatang-binatang yang ada di dalamnya. Sepertinya Kebun Binatang Surabaya ini sedang berbenah untuk menjadi lebih baik lagi dalam melayani para binatang yang ada di dalamnya dan menyediakan fasilitas yang memadai untuk para pengunjung.


There are many kinds of birds in Surabaya ZooThere are many kinds of birds in Surabaya Zoo


Sit back and relaxSit back and relax


What are they doing?What are they doing?

Waktu sudah menunjukkan pukul 12.00 namun kami belum menyelesaikan seluruh rute yang ada. Kebun Binatang Surabaya ini sangat luas. Kami perlu berkunjung lain kali untuk menuntaskan seluruh tempat yang ada. 


Google Local Guides at Surabaya Zoo Photowalk Meet-upGoogle Local Guides at Surabaya Zoo Photowalk Meet-up


Google Local Guides at Surabaya Zoo Photowalk Meet-upGoogle Local Guides at Surabaya Zoo Photowalk Meet-up

Sebagai host, saya ingin mengucapkan terimakasih kepada seluruh Local Guides yang hadir dalam meet-up ini. Seperti pesan saya kemarin, setiap kalian boleh mengadakan meet-up dan kami siap mendukungnya!


Sampai jumpa di meet-up selanjutnya!

Level 10

Re: [RECAP] Worldwide Photowalk Surabaya Zoo

English Version


This meet-up is part of the Worldwide Photowalk Meet-up initiated by @AlejandraMaria from Spain and is a series of Worldwide Meet-ups that have been previously held by:

  • Samson Rohan - Worldwide Map Edit Meet-up Walk
  • Osama - Worldwide Geowalk Meet-up
  • Budiono - Worldwide Food Crawl Meet-up

Our initial plan in Surabaya will hold a meet-up at Food Junction Grand Pakuwon in West Surabaya, but nearing the day of meet-up, after getting input from many prospective participants, our meet-up location moved to a more accessible location from all directions, Surabaya Zoo located in the middle of Surabaya City.


Surabaya Zoo is one of the largest zoos in Indonesia. It has a very complete collection of animals and its vast territory. In front of the Surabaya Zoo there is a monument that became the main icon of Surabaya, the Sura-Baya monument.


Saturday, February 24, 2018 starting at 08.00 we gathered near the Surabaya monument. At 09.00 all the participants had arrived, and we bought tickets that were very cheap, Rp.15.000; or about 1.1 US$.

A total of 17 participants attended from 35 participants who signed up. Those present at this meet-up are:

  1. Arief Amar
  2. Alif Rafa
  3. Sylvia Natalia
  4. Nicodemus Yusenda
  5. Budiono
  6. Oeirika
  7. Hamid Arif
  8. Nunung Afuah
  9. Daduadi
  10. Arief Anshori
  11. Novita Ayu
  12. Rahmah
  13. Salfa
  14. Prisa Kandora
  15. Fadlan El Yudith
  16. Rorohais
  17. Ismik


After entered the Surabaya Zoo, I gave a brief welcome to all the participants about what the meet-up was and how to use this meet-up to get many points and raise the level of Local Guides.

We also congratulate Nunung Afuah who just selected to become moderator at Local Guides Connect. We are also grateful for his attendance to the meet-up this time because actually he lives in Blitar which is 160 kilometers from Surabaya. In her short speech, Nunung Afuah invites the participants to be active in Local Guides Connect.

Then we walked to every corner of the Surabaya Zoo. Know the animals that are in it. It seems that the Surabaya Zoo is in the process of improving in serving the animals in it and providing adequate facilities for the visitors.

It was 12:00 p.m but we have not completed the entire route. Surabaya Zoo is very wide. We need to visit next time to complete the entire corners.

As a host, I would like to thank all the Local Guides who attended this meet-up. Like my message yesterday, every Local Guides can hold a meet-up and we are ready to support it!

See you at the next meet-up!

Level 8

Re: [RECAP] Worldwide Photowalk Surabaya Zoo (It Was Fun)!

For the the sake of truth, this is my first time go to KBS after 30 years of my life. Next friday i'll decided to bring my son here, because the last time he's cranky while Photowalk still ongoing, so i have to leave event. such a shame anyway.

Thanks Cak Budi for host this event. Thanks everyone for the time. Till we meet again (soon)

I hope next event (in march) is Foodcrawl.cak budi sedang vlogging di depan sangkarcak budi sedang vlogging di depan sangkar




Level 7

Re: [RECAP] Worldwide Photowalk Surabaya Zoo



Really wonderful that I could join this World Wide Meet Up for Surabaya chapter. Actually, this is my first experience to know more and more about @localgudiesurabaya. Especially thanks to Om @BudionoS because of giving me (and my little daughter) chance to be participant. I have enjoyed and make some addition of my gallery of KBS (Kebun Binatang Surabaya) or Surabaya Zoo. Thanks for the new experience in my life journey. 

Level 6

Re: [RECAP] Worldwide Photowalk Surabaya Zoo

Ini Worldwide Meet-up ke-2 yang pernah saya ikuti setelah sebelumnya juga sempat ikutan Worldwide Food Crawl Meet-up yang digelar kak @BudionoS. Dan, buat saya, Worldwide Photowalk Surabaya Zoo kemarin beneran seru! 17 peserta yang ikut  gokil abis dan bikin acara Photowalk kemarin jadi menyenangkan. 


Apalagi juga bisa ketemu dan  nanya-nanya banyak hal ke moderator di Local Guides Connect, kak @NunungAfuah


Foto bareng moderatorFoto bareng moderator

Ditunggu meet-up seru lainnya yaaa.. pasti ikutan deh!


Para peserta engambil jatah tiket masuk :DPara peserta engambil jatah tiket masuk 😄

Level 10

Re: [RECAP] Worldwide Photowalk Surabaya Zoo

Hi @BudionoS

As the Malaysian language is not much difference then Indonesian language,so I can enjoy reading both versions.

It's a best place for photo walk to capture some wild life photography.

Beautiful photos

Thanks for sharing

Have a nice day

Connect Moderator

Re: [RECAP] Worldwide Photowalk Surabaya Zoo

hi @BudionoS, finally I can meet you in a person after summit last year! It's been a pleasure for me to join your Photowalk with many amazing Local Guides from Surabaya. To be honest, it's been my second time visited Zoo after 20 years ago! 🙂

Indonesia Local Guides
Level 7

Re: [RECAP] Worldwide Photowalk Surabaya Zoo

Hello @NunungAfuah nice to see in person , See you When I See You Again in another meet up. and congratulation being Moderator on Local Guides Connect

@NunungAfuah wrote:

hi @BudionoS, finally I can meet you in a person after summit last year! It's been a pleasure for me to join your Photowalk with many amazing Local Guides from Surabaya. To be honest, it's been my second time visited Zoo after 20 years ago! 🙂


Level 7

Re: [RECAP] Worldwide Photowalk Surabaya Zoo

Thanks @BudionoS for invitation . can't wait another crazy meet up. FYI : i got level up from 6 to 7 after this meet up 

@BudionoS wrote:

English Version


This meet-up is part of the Worldwide Photowalk Meet-up initiated by @AlejandraMaria from Spain and is a series of Worldwide Meet-ups that have been previously held by:

  • Samson Rohan - Worldwide Map Edit Meet-up Walk
  • Osama - Worldwide Geowalk Meet-up
  • Budiono - Worldwide Food Crawl Meet-up

Our initial plan in Surabaya will hold a meet-up at Food Junction Grand Pakuwon in West Surabaya, but nearing the day of meet-up, after getting input from many prospective participants, our meet-up location moved to a more accessible location from all directions, Surabaya Zoo located in the middle of Surabaya City.


Surabaya Zoo is one of the largest zoos in Indonesia. It has a very complete collection of animals and its vast territory. In front of the Surabaya Zoo there is a monument that became the main icon of Surabaya, the Sura-Baya monument.


Saturday, February 24, 2018 starting at 08.00 we gathered near the Surabaya monument. At 09.00 all the participants had arrived, and we bought tickets that were very cheap, Rp.15.000; or about 1.1 US$.

A total of 17 participants attended from 35 participants who signed up. Those present at this meet-up are:

  1. Arief Amar
  2. Alif Rafa
  3. Sylvia Natalia
  4. Nicodemus Yusenda
  5. Budiono
  6. Oeirika
  7. Hamid Arif
  8. Nunung Afuah
  9. Daduadi
  10. Arief Anshori
  11. Novita Ayu
  12. Rahmah
  13. Salfa
  14. Prisa Kandora
  15. Fadlan El Yudith
  16. Rorohais
  17. Ismik


After entered the Surabaya Zoo, I gave a brief welcome to all the participants about what the meet-up was and how to use this meet-up to get many points and raise the level of Local Guides.

We also congratulate Nunung Afuah who just selected to become moderator at Local Guides Connect. We are also grateful for his attendance to the meet-up this time because actually he lives in Blitar which is 160 kilometers from Surabaya. In her short speech, Nunung Afuah invites the participants to be active in Local Guides Connect.

Then we walked to every corner of the Surabaya Zoo. Know the animals that are in it. It seems that the Surabaya Zoo is in the process of improving in serving the animals in it and providing adequate facilities for the visitors.

It was 12:00 p.m but we have not completed the entire route. Surabaya Zoo is very wide. We need to visit next time to complete the entire corners.

As a host, I would like to thank all the Local Guides who attended this meet-up. Like my message yesterday, every Local Guides can hold a meet-up and we are ready to support it!

See you at the next meet-up!


Level 9

Re: [RECAP] Worldwide Photowalk Surabaya Zoo

Nice pictures :))

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