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Level 10

Re: International Day of Culture

Hi @BronwynV


I am sure it is lovely wherever you are living. We will miss you at the meetup. 


Anytime you are coming to Sydney and want to have a Google Maps Local Guides Connect meetup, Please let us know. 


Best wishes




Level 10

Re: International Day of Culture

Hi @AustinCO


Thank you for your kindness and support. It will be a fun event and all the international cultural days from Worldwide will be excellent to see and share everywhere. It will be especially great with our Google Maps Local Guides Worldwide International Day of Culture event having YouTube Live-Streaming via Hangouts as well! Everyone will be having interactive chats across the nations to exchange cultural traditions and events! I hope we will see you there! 


Best wishes


Level 10

Re: International Day of Culture

Hi @BishowvijayaP


Thank you so much for all your kindness and extra work you are doing with this event with all your own personal exams too! Wow! You amaze me! Multi-talented. Cheers! 


Best wishes


Level 10

Re: International Day of Culture

The time enforces me to become multi dimensional @Justine2807. I can't miss to mention your great help beyond the scene. You deserve more thanks than me. 😃