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Local Guides Card

My idea can be strange for some people. But I should write. I propose create Local Guides Card - like Press Card. Sometimes I have a big trouble when I want to take photos or videos for Google Maps. Of course, it depends of countries and cities. But in Ukraine (in Kyiv, capital of my country) I had many situations when it was prohibited to take photos. The store security wanted to call police. I would like to emphasize - it's no tipical situations. Ukrainian laws are very specific. I don't know about situation in others countries. Ukrainian Constitution says: people can collect all information. But law about information says: people can collect just some information. And security can prohibit to take photos and shoot videos.

Of course every time I explain who are Local Guides. I tell about program.

I propose to create Local Guides Card for 8-10 levels.

Level 7

good afternoon,


what we need is an ID card, so that people recognize us when doing our work for google, we dont need certification, ID Card is enough.

the ID card can be simple, Local Guide lvl x and the option for Trusted streetview to be added in the same card, our pic and name.


best regards



Former Google Contributor

Hi @Nunottx,


Thanks for sharing your feedback. This idea has actually been suggested a lot of times in the past. I will move your message to the relevant thread in Idea Exchange. 

Due to the volume of private messages Googlers receive, I do not read or respond to private messages. Please post publicly so others may benefit from your discussion. If you require urgent assistance, please tag a Google Moderator. Thank you!
Level 8

As a Local Guide, we all face difficulties in getting access to a particular place or spot ( in particular, heritage sites) which needs to be mapped and reviewed. In such a scenario, it would be a good idea to provide some sort of official identification like a virtual ID Card from Google / Google Maps, which can be downloaded and printed for confirmation. This could go a long way in permitting us LGs to continue with the very gratifying work that we are executing on a routine basis. Of course, some cut-off criteria could be applied, like a minimum of Level V to be attained in order to get the ID Card. I request all the Local Guides, Moderators  and other officials at Google Maps to please opine on this at the earliest, and respond positively 

Level 7

I agree that some sort of identification would go a long way in gaining the access and trust from a business proprietor. In addition, I think it may generate an increased sense of pride in what the LGs are doing. It certainly would be necessary for those interested to meet some kind of minimum criteria . Otherwise you have the potential of some disingenuous person abusing the privilege, or claiming something absurd, like they work for Google. Great idea!

Level 8

A valid identification would be very useful in persuading reluctant officials to grant permission for reviews and relevant photographs. Besides, this would genuinely help in building a good rapport with those in charge, and gain invaluable information about the history of the place to be reviewed, without of course, violating any rules and regulations.

Level 7

i have also submited that idea and have faced issue in taking photos 

Level 6

Hello local guide's 

   I think there should be a SPECIFIC IDENTITY for Google local guides , the reason is this, in my country due to the rate of kidnapping and thief's, when ever you go to shops, companies, organization, that are not on Google map to take pictures and ask of information like, company number, opening and closing time, e.t.c, they feel you are a spy, so am asking google to create an identity for local guide's in case of any situation of suspects. Thank you. 

Hope you consider my request.

Google Moderator

Hi @Mavis081,

Thank you for your suggestion.


I've merged your post with this one Local Guides Card, as it's the same idea. This idea is closed, please refer to the comments to find out why.

Due to the volume of private messages Google Moderators receive, I do not read or respond to private messages. Please post publicly so others may benefit from your discussion. If you require urgent assistance, please tag a Google Moderator. Thank you!

Connect Moderator

I agree with you @NatalkaR


About me | Guiding Star 2020 | Guiding Star 2020 |  | Follow me on Instagram & Follow me on Maps |   | Happy to Help

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Level 7

In the countries where the laws are very specific, I think Google must provide the local guides with a card.