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Google Maps Lists - It's Crazy, Public is not Public!

We all appreciate that being able to share and follow lists on Google Maps is a great feature.  However, I believe there's something wrong with Google's current implementation!!!  Let me explain....
So you decide to create a List and share some of your favourite POIs with the world.  You start by giving it a nice description.  You then add a place and give it a description.  You add another place and give it a description, and so on.  You then make your List Public because you want others to experience the benefits of your List.  Yes a great idea!!!  So you make your list Public. 
However, unless I'm missing something, even though you've made it Public, no one will be able to find your list unless you share its link with them!  So, I have to ask, what's the difference between Public and Shared Lists?  I believe that people need to be able to find your lists without you having to share a link to it and that's what Public means.  Interestingly, people can find your lists on mobile, but not on desktop!  So my suggestion is that Lists marked as Public need to be able to be found by the general public without them having a link 🙂
EditedAlso, as per the first comment below, if I create a list then the photos that I add on my list are the ones that should be shown when that list is found and viewed by the public!  At the moment, my list with my descriptions is shown with the photos of others 😞
Appreciate your thoughts @Andrew_C and @sonnyNg 

Leaderboards of Top 100 Local Guides from over 100 different countries!!!
Connect Moderator

We go to the trouble of creating a List, we give the List a great description, add all the POIs and add descriptions for each but then when the List is viewed on mobile, you see your photo and name on the List, you see your List description and your description for each of the places on the List, BUT you do not see your photos!!!  The featured image is not necessarily yours and the carousel of photos on each POI are also not necessarily yours either.  I think that's crazy!  I mean think about it!  It's my List, my descriptions so my photos should be shown on the List.  The way it is now, inappropriate or poor quality photos can easily be shown on your own list.  My idea here is simple.  If I create a List then my photos must be shown on that List.

Leaderboards of Top 100 Local Guides from over 100 different countries!!!
Former Google Contributor

Hi @AdamGT,


Thanks for sharing with us!


For the moment, we will clarify as soon as possible and get back on the suggestion. : ] 


Just to let you know, your post is now available on Connect. I would like to apologize for your post being marked as spam. Our filters run 24/7 and they can be a little harsh at times.


You can visit this article to learn more - Why was my Connect post marked as spam?

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Connect Moderator

Thanks @sonnyNg for letting me know and I look forward to hearing back about this.

Leaderboards of Top 100 Local Guides from over 100 different countries!!!

Yes!  I would love to look at other lists but I can't find them!  

Level 10

When I was trying to find what is the "google map list" about a month ago (around end of March 2019) i also could not find a list from the public. Now, I  readind this comment  and I'm thinking about your thought.

Connect Moderator

Hello @happycamperlife and @Annie412 


As you can see @sonnyNg is looking into this so in the meantime we should get as many Local Guides behind this issue and vote this up so spread it amongst your LG colleagues.

Leaderboards of Top 100 Local Guides from over 100 different countries!!!
Level 6

Thanks - good post and hope we get this improved. A list of most viewed/most saved lists would be incredible when visiting a city. 

Level 7


I have also had the problem that I get a Spam message when I make a post, and now I do not see my post anywhere 😞

Level 6

This would be interesting, and would give others so many ideas of places to travel they’ve never thought of before.


The List functionality in general needs some work overall.

Margaret L Delongchamp
Google Moderator

Hello @AdamGT,


Thank you for sharing with us, I would like to let you know that I am merging this post to your previous post about the same topic, to prevent any confusion. 

Due to the volume of private messages Google Moderators receive, I do not read or respond to private messages. Please post publicly so others may benefit from your discussion. If you require urgent assistance, please tag a Google Moderator. Thank you!