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Dynamic changing the score/rating on Google maps

Hello everyone! Greetings from Taiwan!


I'm Nate, recently I've noticed some interesting issue and I think it might be good to share/discuss with you guys:)


First, I noticed that some restaurants they were not that good before(maybe rating 2.5 something), but after some efforts they made their restaurants better now. Maybe they get average 3.2 now! However, it might be difficult to figure out the real rating of the restaurants by the average ratings. For example, a restaurants got rating like below:





The average rating would be 2.5, however if they become a better restaurant and they have the rating below now"









The average rating of the all time would be 3.25 (which sounds ok, soso), however, if we only look at the rating after 2018, the average rating would be 4 (which is usually considered as good a restaurant).


So, is it possible to make the rating more dynamic? maybe we can only calculate the last 50 percent of ratings (which are considered as newer ratings). This might make the rating more fair for the restaurants which might improve a lot and at the same time we can find out the restaurants which are getting worse. 


Looking forward to hear back from you guys! Hopefully google maps can truly help more people!

1 Comment
Google Vendor
Status changed to: Closed

Hello @Nate-Lo,


We would like to thank you for your idea, but we did not manage to implement it in time. According to our Idea Exchange policies we are going to close it.

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