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Level 10

Re: Introduce Yourself — [December 2017]

Wa alaikumussalaam Ya @OSAMA,

I very happy too can joint again with you and our world LG Volunteer Family.

Best Wishes for 2018

Level 10

Re: Introduce Yourself — [December 2017]

Hello local guides in connect,welcome to the newbies ,here is a short intro of who I am ,remember my name ,I would be the first guy to appreciate your beautiful work. 

I have been in connect quite a while back,since Feb 2017 .

This is a gist of who i am .

  1. Name: Naren Chandra
  2. Location: Hyderabad(India)
  3. What do I love about being a Local Guide: I love contributing to the society in every possible way and being local guide has provided a mean to do that.
  4. What i do other than local guide:- I have just completed my graduation and is in search of a suitable job , i play cricket and football a lot . I sell products on amazon and design Logos , work a bit with Blender and Adobe after effects.. 
  5. How did I hear about Local Guides: I was playing Pokemon Go ,walked a lot of distance to collect perks , and while doing that there are several places we need to visit , the images of the places were not available or not so clear. I seared in the internet about them and found that the game depends completely on Google maps and these images are uploaded by local guides . Then i started adding images to those places , my views were increasing , started reviewing places ,editing,adding places.Now i no more play Pokemon Go. I proudly announce myself as a local guide and will be one for life. 
  6. Fun Fact About Me: I love to eat all the time, and burn the calories. People start liking me so 

Me At 10 K cycle rideMe At 10 K cycle ride

Level 10

Re: Introduce Yourself - December 2017

Hi @Briggs

We all know that you are a genius and creative person, these 2 additional questions or options  (3 words to describe and resolution for 2018)is a great addition in introduction thread.

There is an other post about December introduction from Osama, where I introduced myself already. Let's Googlers merged these post together and I will write about these new options. 


Level 8

Re: Introduce Yourself — [December 2017]

Yes Bro @OSAMA


We are your family in Brazil. 🙂






Level 10

Re: Introduce Yourself — [December 2017]

Hi @NarenChandra

May be next times we can ride bicycle together, sporty photo, i like it







Level 10

Re: Introduce Yourself — December 2017

Hi and welcome to the last month of the year @OSAMA @NareshDarji @BishowvijayaP @Briggs

Its nice to have you guys here.

That photo of @NareshDarji is my favourite photo as well @OSAMA I really like that.

Let's merged these posts in 1 place and we have 2 new options created by @Briggs ,so we have lot to discuss about that.

Thanks and have a good day 

Level 10

Re: Introduce Yourself — [December 2017]

@PaDeSSo sure , i love riding cycle alot , i go to work using cycle , it reduces pollution , saves time and keeps us fit ,

on an avarage i ride for 2500 kms in a year .

in nov i cycled for 500 kms .

Connect Moderator

Re: Introduce Yourself — [December 2017]

@AGarner How nice introduction...

@PaDeSSo You are most welcome to the Local Guides Community..

Happy Guiding!!! 

Level 9

Re: Introduce Yourself — [December 2017]

We like you bro @NarenChandra :-))))

Connect Moderator

Re: Introduce Yourself — [December 2017]

@NarenChandra Its a nice introduction about you.  Very helpful information...


Happy Guuding!!