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Level 5

Re: Introduce Yourself — April 2018

My name is Diana, I'm Portuguese. Sharing experiences with the world is now a part of my life with Google Guides. It makes sense for me to give opinions, share photos and give relevant information about the places I visit.
By the way, do you know our gastronomy? Beaches? Hospitality? If it is not the case still go on time or ... Can always see on Google!
Diana V.

Level 5

Re: Introduce Yourself — April 2018



  1. Name: Mery
  2. Location: Berlin, Germany
  3. What I love about being a Local Guide: I love how easy it is to help other people by sharing information that might be difficult to get otherwise. Also concerning restaurants and small shops, I feel like it's a way to support them by rewarding and acknowledging their work and effort by sharing how satisfied I was.
  4. My favorite thing about google maps: I made it my mission to check out every place, restaurant and cafe to wheather it's kids friendly or not and sharing my experiences. Life with a kid is so much easier when you know, what you're getting into when you're meting friends the next time!  
  5. Fun Fact about me: After watching movies with my husband we use to have longlasting and passionate discussions about what was good and bad about it and how many points it deserves on imdb. I feel like others don't like talking about movies wih us anymore. They're just like 'Relax, it's just a movie' PS: Wakanda forever!

In the picture you can see me saving lives at work as a nurse 🙂 






Level 7

Re: Introduce Yourself — April 2018

Hello Friends!

Welcome to Local Guides Connect. 


Hello Local Guides Community, please alllow me introduce myself: 

  1. Name: Yik Wai (Rico)
  2. Location: Shenzhen, China/ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  3. What do I love about being a Local Guide: Sharing is caring, and in this community, there's always great amount of resources, knowledge and support to help and life each other up. I give and receive here, and I love it.
  4. I love to share:Alternative travel stories to the roads less travelled or not taken at all! And my honest reviews of the pretty diverse places that I've been to all around the world from Pyongyang to a remote village in China.
  5. How did I hear about Local Guides: Accidentally, I must say. Google Maps keep asking me for reviews of the places I go to wherever I go, tried leaving a few reviews and got hooked by it ever since. .
  6. Fun Fact(s) About Me: I co-founded a sport startup called Crowdsukan, but actually shamefully spent most of my time pathetically making sports development policy recommendations instead of doing sports (not a good example, I know!)... I like to fall asleep at odd hours, ALWAYS hungry, some of my crazy adventure travel stories are published on global media such as the BBC, able to have long conversations before (my personal record with a friend is 15 hours non-stop talking...), and  if you appreciate the dog type 'Telemian', send me a message, we can be best friends 😛 
Level 5

Re: Introduce Yourself — April 2018

Hi... I am Lipika from the big country of India.

I am a photo and travel enthusiast and spend my free hours discovering places on foot or on the internet 😀


  • Name: Lipika
  • Location: Delhi, India
  • What do I love about being a Local Guide: 

    By being a local guide I can help fellow seekers and adventurers find facts about places. To be able to guide and help honest businesses grow, local guide in me becomes happy.

  • I love to share:  I love to share photos and travel tips
  • How did I hear about Local Guides: A got a mail from google after one review.
  • Fun Fact About Me: I am very basic in my painting skills, the profile picture of mine is one one of the best paintings I have created.. Simple..I know


Thanks to google and reading, I have a huge list of places I want to discover and experience. So please stay tuned.

I find joy in even finding a hidden burger joint around the corner so I can be your happy local guide. 🤗

Connect Moderator

Re: local guides ,connet live 2018

Buenísimo @Coz17, mucha suerte 🍀 en aplicar al CL2018, ahora entiendo 🤔, lo que pasa es que no leí nada al respecto, en otra ocasión puedes agregar alguna etiqueta como referencia en la caja de etiquites


Saludos Farid

La mejor de las suertes para ti y todos los que están aplicando, mis mejores deseos para ustedes 😀🤞


Level 10

Re: Introduce Yourself — April 2018

Nice introduction

Level 6

Connect Live 2018


Hi All,

I am CV Arun from a city named Coimbatore in India. I travel to a lot of new place. I take pictures and I write reviews on all those places. so, In that way it could be useful for people searching about that same place on Google. I even like to do activities like, Answering question and adding missing information of various places on Google map. Some of my pictures have already gone more than 96000 views.


Level 7

Introduce Yourself — April 2018

1. Name: Rafał  - "ł" pronounced like w in "what" 🙂

2. Location: Lviv, Ukraine, although originally I was born in Poland,

3. What I love about being a Local Guide: documenting the places I discover and sharing opinions about them with others. Whenever I add a new place, I hope that it will make someone's trip more interesting.

4. My favorite places to explore: the ones that are outside of well known touristic routes and need attention so that they are preserved. If a building becomes popular, the local community starts recognizing its value more and treats it with more attention, which only helps to keep it in good shape.

A red-figure technique vase and meA red-figure technique vase and me

Level 5

Re: Introduce Yourself — April 2018



I just found out about this entire community and I'm in awe! How did I not know about this before?!


Here's a summary about me:20180324_141544.jpg

  1. Name: John
  2. Location: Santa Ana, Costa Rica - but originally born in Guatemala.
  3. What I love about being a Local Guide: 
    1. Digital divide. Many people think that "the internet" = Facebook. If I can link digital information with the real world, I could help to bridge that divide.
    2. Foreigner's point of view. I'm not from Costa Rica even though I call it "home". I am a frequent traveler myself, holding 3 different nationalities, so I bring different points of view and can appreciate what works and what doesn't in terms of getting to know a place. I like to help out fellow expats, business travelers, tourists and exchange students, especially here where we don't have street names!
    3. Digital information is either non-existent or frequently outdated here. I am helping my fellow citizens by providing real-time information of the world around them.
  4. My favorite cuisine to explore: Anything LOCAL! Argentina = Asado. Poland = Pierogi. Costa Rica = Olla de Carne. Mexico = Tacos.
  5. Fun Fact about me: I have passports from three different contries, and I have family living in five different countries!


Level 7

Re: Introduce Yourself — April 2018


Hi! I'm Irina. I'm from Kyiv, that the capital of Ukraine.

I joined local experts community not that long ago. Why I did that? Honestly, I really don't remember why I registered. But now I exactly know why I'm here. 

So. The main reason is my own experience sharing. I travel a lot. And I often use Google to plan my trips, develop timetables, and make decisions which places I'd like to visit. I'm sure, many of you faced the situation when leaflets, brochures, and websites weren't entirely truthful describing hotels, restaurants or must-see places, and that was not very nice. Remember? Marketers do their job in the best way, but we would not like to buy pig an a poke every time we spend our money on future impressions. Being local experts we are making the word more clear, more honest, more friendly. Especially for those who just starting his own big journey! May Google be with us! 🙂

Irina Grygoryeva