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Level 5

Re: Introduce Yourself — April 2018

Thank you. Its great meeting you all 🙂

Level 5

Re: Introduce myself

Good day and thank you for the help and acceptance.

Hope to see you soon. 🙂

Level 9

Re: Introduce Yourself — April 2018

Grazie per I suggerimenti. 

Level 5

About myself


My self Kashan ali from India I have a great experience with Google map and I love to contribute to it to do the help of people and I love google map.

Level 10

Re: Fuvad - Smile of Kerala

Beautiful post @FuvadShah and perfect application post for Connect Live application. 

Best wishes

Level 6

Re: Introduce Yourself — April 2018

Hi!! Introducing myself;

Name: Alexis Escobar.

Age: 27.

City and country: Caaguazú, Paraguay.


I am here because I love travel, know new people and places. I love share my experiencies with another people, and guide them to amazing adventures, troughout our country. I have loaded Photos to Google Maps very much before Local Guides program exists, and I did and continue doing because I love it. I really wish some day meet with another Local Guides for continue sharing and learning!

Level 6

I'm new

  1. Name: Sai Charan Kumar pakala
  2. Location: India, Andhra Pradesh, nellore
  3. What do I love about being a Local Guide: Feeling happy to share my wonderful moments and beautiful sight with others. Not only I can help others in finding the right places to go but also meeting new friends home & abroad.  I always love the local insights shared by Local Guides about their city.
  4. I love to share:  everything
  5. How did I hear about Local Guides: I heard it on Google maps, I became local guide this year 2018
  6. Fun Fact About Me: travelling, photography, eatting and meeting new people around me.
Level 6

Re: Introduce Yourself — April 2018

  1. Name: Vasanth
  2. Location: Chennai
  3. What do I love about being a Local Guide: A satisfaction that I helped unknown faces find the right places
  4. I love to share:  Images and reviews
  5. How did I hear about Local Guides: Saw and edit button on Google maps app in phone and that started the journey
  6. Fun Fact About Me: I love clicking pictures of food
Level 6


Hi guys I am Martin from Zambia. I am an IT expert but enjoys checking out new places and keeping memories. Having been guided once to a very good place once I made it an objective to help other people know places and the experience they should expect by becoming a Local Guide.

Level 5

Re: Introduce Yourself — April 2018

Hey everybody, just a quick intro from me!


  1. Name: Satyajit Deb
  2. Location: Kolkata, India
  3. What do I love about being a Local Guide: I love to travel and explore new places. While travelling I got help from some very kind souls, my motto is to return the help. Keep spreading the love, help and support to all who need. Love helping out people with direction and information that I have.
  4. My favourite cusine to explore: Love Indian food, Indian is very rich in its culture, people and its food, so love to explore all types of food from different parts of the country.
  5. How did I hear about Local Guides: I am a heavy user of google maps, got to know about local guides by accident while using maps :).
  6. Fun Fact About Me: None, I am not funny, acually I am grumpy.


Hope to meet a lot of new interesting people from all around this world.