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Level 9

Re: Connect Live 2018: questions, comments, & application ideas

Thank you @brittym for being on standby to provide clarifications!


Weldon Sis.

Level 8

Re: Connect Live 2018: questions, comments, & application ideas

Thanks for your reply, @BishowvijayaP. Although I meant rather to let people (even those that won't apply) to see how other local guides present themselves this year - could be like watching a sports game 😉

Concerning examples, I've been shown one by @IlankovanT, that is truly worthy.


Level 8

Re: Finally Connect Live 2018 is here. Apply Now❗️

Hi @brittym

Thanks for the explanation, it makes sense now. The flexibility in the approach is very good I think.

I bet however that most of the applicants will compile a new post anyways 😉 It's worth the fuss for sure, don't you think?

@brittym wrote:

@DavidTito @iyudhi @Anonymous @LucioV @CaptainHook @YK1001 @JoeSterne


Hi everyone! Lots of questions regarding the post on Connect to be submitted in the Connect Live application form. I've included a screenshot of the question here.


Screen Shot 2018-04-13 at 11.30.55 AM.png


The post does not need to be a new post, nor does it need to be in an "Introduce Yourself" thread.


You can share travel tips; more about your culture and country; what you like to do; tips for working with Google Maps; or insight and observations about the world around you. And/or, you can write about something that defines your experience with Local Guides, such as why you're involved in the program; the meet-ups you've hosted; the difference you've made; or the friends you've met. 


There is a lot of flexibility here that can be accomplished in an "Introduce Yourself" thread, in a General Discussion thread, or even in a Travel & Advice thread. What you submit is really up to you, as long as what you submit is authentic and highlights YOU! 🙂 The sky is the limit with this question on the application form.



Former Google Contributor

Re: Attending local guides connect

@Ahsan_habib_imrose We're glad you became a Local Guide and that you found our community on Connect! To apply to attend Connect Live in San Francisco, you must be a Local Guide Level 5 or higher.


I see that you're currently a Level 2. You can earn points by adding places on Google Maps, contributing quality photos to locations, answering questions, adding missing information, submitting edits to incorrect information, or writing reviews. Reviews longer than 200 characters are worth double the points.


Applications are due in 17 days, so if you aren't a Level 5+ by then, you can always set it as a goal and focus on contributing more this upcoming year! 


This was a great question, so I'm merging your post into the thread for questions & comments about Connect Live to help others who may not be a Level 5 yet.

Level 6

Re: About application video for Local Guide Summit 2018


Of course , how can i help you dear @Aouatef

Level 6

Re: About application video for Local Guide Summit 2018


Thank you dear friend for your sharing , i hope to all videos posted help the LG to create a video for apply to summit

Connect Moderator

Re: About application video for Local Guide Summit 2018

That was a helpful video @Asmageek. That is so nice of you to volunteer to help your fellow Local Guides in teaching them how to create and edit their #ConnectLive Video application submissions.





@Asmageek wrote:

Hi all LG .


First thank i want to thanks google for the great opportunity of all LG every years . Im so happy when i see my video also shared in this amazing LG community "Easy tips and tricks to make Video for Local Guides applicants ! . Thank you so much @TraciC 



If you any LG need to create a video and need to know something about editing or anything , i ll be glad to help you .Just mention my name in this post with your inquires or question about editing or create video.




Connect Moderator

Re: Connect Live 2018: questions, comments, & application ideas

@brittym, I have a question. I don't know if it has already been asked with regard to 1-minute video application.


What makes a good application video?

We're looking for Local Guides to give us a glimpse into their personality to share why they are a Local Guide and why they want to attend this year’s event. You do not need to create a video with special effects or video treatments, just be yourself!


Is it okay to have our video applications be voiceover only with just photos (no video)?  My last year's video application was solely voiceover only with background music.  I don't own a microphone or have access to fancy video / DSLR equipment, just my iPhone and iPad. And where I live I have a lot of background noise no matter what time of day, even indoors!  






Connect Moderator

Re: Connect Live GIFt Series - Episode 1/4: Summit Rename (GIF Post)

@RobAo, you crack me up! Where was I last year, I never read your two previous posts either.   I can say this - "You have way too much time on your hands! You need to get going and start creating your #ConnectLive 1-minute video!" 


Thanks for tagging me. Hope to see you again soon! We have to get some tiramisu with @InnocensiaO, @AlMutebi, and let @ErmesT tell us if it's authentic or not. 




Connect Moderator

Re: Tips on writing post to support your connect live application

Woww @AnuradhaP, thanks for sharing your Local Guides story and telling us the 'backstory" of how you met Local Guides Legend @IlankovanT for the first time.  All by chance meeting in a government building lobby.


Good Luck! I'm sure your #ConnectLive video application is going to be even better than last year's #LGSummit17 one.  = )


