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Amazing Local Guides World! The recap of #monthlytopic 2021🎊


Hello, I'm Hiro, the proposer of #monthlytopic challenge. Do you know #monthlytopic? #monthlytopic is a very simple challenge where I simply suggest a topic of that month and people post about it. This challenge was started for making a little clue for newbies to begin posting. But eventually many local guides regardless of newbies or not joined this challenge and were able to enjoy reading each post.


I've been suggesting topics every month from June 2019, and many many Local Guides have joined #monthlytopic. Their posts are interesting, beautiful, impressive, and sometimes touching. I believe they have definitely motivated Connect and our connection. Thank you to all the participants. All of you guys are amazing attainers!


Today, I will present some awards and records about our #monthlytopic in 2021. I hope you will enjoy reading this post🎊


🏆 The total number of the posts in 2021 🏆


This year, we posted 98 posts to #monthlytopic! Congratulations🎉🎉🎉 And thank you for all participants, readers, and fans🙏


🏆 The post that received the most likes in 2021 🏆


@Sophia_Cambodia 's A great place to escape during hot day #monthly topic" received 170 likes. Amazing👍👍👍👍👍 Did you read this? This is a really beautiful post and photos, and so please check it out by all means.


🏆 The local guide who posted the most articles in 2021 🏆


As you guess, it is @yamamo_cchi . He posted21 posts to #monthlytopic. It means he continued posting almost two posts to #monthlytopic a month, and especially, he posted 5 times in April. Thank you for your big passion💪 


🏆 The most memorable photo in 2021 🏆


A Beverage with two sides (Palm wine)” by @Austinelewex 


In fact, when I narrow downed memorable photos to only two candidates, both were Austin’s photos. Austin’s photos always seem to be attractive to me💘 By the way, I'm looking for a good palm wine in Japan now but I know I will not be able to drink it with such a nice cup. I must go✈️

🏆 My favorite story in 2021 🏆


Sobre el Café, Baristas y Arte....#Monthlytopic of October-Coffee” by @Nosaint2_Rafael_Fe 


It is well known that I love coffee, but I didn't know much about coffee in Puerto Rico. That was a really interesting and informative story for me. Thank you for sharing this

🏆 The tastiest photo in 2021 🏆


"monthlytopic 意外と町田市ではオリジナルアイスクリームを見つけることができます by @Izumi 


One of the most popular topics in Connect is food. Therefore, many many delicious foods articles and photos were posted to #monthlytopic too. So selecting only one photo was a huge task for me. 

This ice cream looks simple but should be tasty because this ice cream contains Wasanbon (is a fine grained Japanese sugar that is made from sugarcane in Shikoku region.). That mild sweetness is my favorite! And the pudding under the ice cream also looks yummy!!

All the summary and the lists of the posts in 2021 are below.

  1. #monthlytopic of January 2021 - A way to get good beverages in your region🍹🧉
  2. #monthlytopic of February 2021 - Edible jewelry, Chocolate🍫
  3. #monthlytopic of March 2021 - Examples of accessibility in your region
  4. #monthlytopic of April 2021 - A spa for refreshing your mind♨️
  5. #monthlytopic of May 2021 - A shop where you can have breakfast
  6. #monthlytopic of June 2021 - We love Ice cream🍦🍨🍧
  7. #monthlytopic of July 2021 - A good place for a HOT day 🌞🌡🌞
  8. #monthlytopic of August 2021 - Bread in your region🍞🥖🥯🥐
  9. #monthlytopic of September 2021 - Your favorite veggies (or a dish using veggies)🍅🥕🥑🍄
  10. #monthlytopic of October 2021 - Coffee story & Happy International Coffee Day 2021🎉
  11. #monthlytopic of November 2021 - Dairy products🥛🐄🧈
  12. #monthlytopic The summary of November 2021 and announcements


What was your favorite post? (Include your own posts too.) Please share your favorite/memorable/impressive posts here!


🎅Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 🎆

[Japanese] 2021年 #monthlytopic 総まとめ!

みなさんこんにちは、#monthlytopic の主催者、たきさわです。毎月出されるお題に沿った投稿をする、というだけのお手軽企画、#monthlytopicはもともと新しく参加したローカルガイドの方に投稿のネタ(きっかけ)を提供するために始めたものでした。今では新人であるかどうか関係なしにたくさんのローカルガイドが世界中から参加して、お互いの記事を読み合っています。






🏆 2021年の投稿総数 🏆

98もの #monthlytopic に関する投稿がありました👏


🏆 最も多くのLikeを取得した投稿 🏆

Sophia_Cambodia さんの "A great place to escape during hot day #monthly topic"が170のLikeを取得しました👏


🏆 最も多くの記事を投稿したローカルガイド 🏆



🏆 私が最も好きな記事 🏆



🏆 最も思い出深い写真 🏆

AustinelewexさんのPalm wineの写真でした👏


🏆 最も美味しそうな写真 🏆




Level 9

Re: Amazing Local Guides World! The recap of #monthlytopic 2021🎊

@HiroyukiTakisawa さん




@Izumi さんの写真はたしかに美味しそうでした。


Level 8

Re: Amazing Local Guides World! The recap of #monthlytopic 2021🎊

「最も美味しそうな写真」に私の写真を選んでくれてありがとうございます @HiroyukiTakisawa さん。🙏



@yamamo_cchi さん 



@Sophia_Cambodia  @Austinelewex  @Nosaint2_Rafael_Fe と、LGの皆さんにとって2022年が良い年になるように、私は祈ります。🙏

Level 9

Re: Amazing Local Guides World! The recap of #monthlytopic 2021🎊

To my greatest surprise, I am impressed by such an amazing post @HiroyukiTakisawa 

Thank you so much Hiro for choosing my post as the most memorable photo of 2021 in Monthly topic. I am so pleased and grateful. 

I know this year, I haven't participated much on connect generally and in Monthly topic which I am so much interested in. I hope and pray that next year will be better. This year I have been heavily involved on construction projects and my Post Graduate degree program. However, I am done and I am a little bit freer now.


Merry Christmas @HiroyukiTakisawa , Merry Christmas @Izumi , Merry Christmas @OlgaKlimchik and Prosperous New year to you all and the entire Connect Family.


Best regards. 🎊🎉🌲🍾🥳🥳

Level 10

Re: Amazing Local Guides World! The recap of #monthlytopic 2021🎊

@HiroyukiTakisawa Wow, amazing total contributions from so many friends from all around the world. 2022 will be even better for sure. 

Congrats @Sophia_Cambodia@yamamo_cchi@Austinelewex , @Nosaint2_Rafael_Fe , @Izumi 

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Re: Amazing Local Guides World! The recap of #monthlytopic 2021🎊

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Re: Amazing Local Guides World! The recap of #monthlytopic 2021🎊

@Izumi san, happy new year of 2022 to you too, I wish you and your family all the best!

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Re: Amazing Local Guides World! The recap of #monthlytopic 2021🎊

Thank you dear @HiroyukiTakisawa san for your wonderful collection - a very good one, hope to join more later in 2022. Very glad to be the top one in terms of LIKEs and Comments 🙂

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone here the best new year celebration 🙂

@Austinelewex @Izumi @yamamo_cchi @StephenAbraham and many others I haven't mentioned the names here 🙂


Level 8

Re: Amazing Local Guides World! The recap of #monthlytopic 2021🎊

@Sophia_Cambodia  @StephenAbraham 

Thank you.🎍  😄🙏 🎍