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5 Oldest Islamic Boarding Schools in Java

When talking about Islamic boarding schools, Islamic boarding schools are the first place of education before there is a school or madrasah education as modern education, Islamic boarding schools are traditional Islamic education in Indonesia, where students can learn and must be occupied by santri in the complex which also provides mosques for worship, study room and more. religious activities. This complex is surrounded by rules and regulations for students in accordance with applicable regulations. Islamic boarding schools are two terms that show one understanding. Islamic boarding schools are based on their basic understanding of student learning places, while huts mean simple houses or residences made of bamboo. In addition, the word cottage might come from Funduq Arabic, which means a hostel or hotel. On Java, including Sunda and Madura, terms and conditions are generally used, while in Aceh it is known as the Dayah or Rangkang or menu, while in Minangkabau it is called Surau.


The following is 5 lists of the names of the oldest Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia as well as the founders and years of their establishment. Until now, this oldest boarding school still exists and continues to innovate and develop according to the times.


1. Al-Kahfi Somalangu Islamic Boarding School, Kebumen, Central Java


 The early history of the establishment of the Alkahfi Islamic Boarding School Somalangu is one of the oldest historic Islamic boarding schools in Southeast Asia that still exists today, in the village of Sumberadi, Kebumen, Central Java. This boarding school was founded on Wednesday, January 4, 1475 M. Its founder was Sayid Muhammad Ishom Al-Hasani or known as laqob Sayid Abdul Kahfi Al-Hasani, a clerical figure from Hadhramaut, Yemen, who was born on the 15th of Sya'ban 827 H in the village of Jamhar, Syihr.


Caption : A photo  Al-Kahfi Somalangu Islamic Boarding School, Kebumen, Central Java (local Guide Abdur Rouf)Caption : A photo Al-Kahfi Somalangu Islamic Boarding School, Kebumen, Central Java (local Guide Abdur Rouf)2. Buntet Islamic Boarding School, Cirebon, West Java


The early history of the establishment of Buntet Pesantren was inseparable from the struggle against invaders, one of the oldest Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia, first established in the 1750 AD, by KH. Muqoyyim bin Abdul Hadi, or the Buntet call it Mbah Muqoyyim. He is an official of the Mufti (Official Religious Court) of the Palace.


Caption : A photo  Sport Centre of Buntet Islamic Boarding School, Cirebon, West Java (local guide  Ugit Rifai)Caption : A photo Sport Centre of Buntet Islamic Boarding School, Cirebon, West Java (local guide Ugit Rifai)

3. Sidogiri Islamic Boarding School, Pasuruan, East Java


There are two versions of the year of the establishment of the Sidogiri Islamic Boarding School, namely 1718 or 1745. In a note written by Panca Warga 1963 it was stated that the Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri was established in 1718. The note was signed by Almaghfurlahum KH. Noerhasan Nawawie, KH. Cholil Nawawie, and K. A. Sa'doellah Nawawie on October 29, 1963.


Caption : A photo  Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur local guide Dhani Brian)Caption : A photo Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur local guide Dhani Brian)4.  Darul Ulum Banyuanyar Islamic Boarding School, Pamekasan Madura


The Banyuanyar Islamic Boarding School originated from a small langgar (musholla) which was founded by Kyai Itsbat bin Ishaq around the year + 1787 M / 1204 H. He was one of the charismatic scholars known for his zealousness, wisdom and wisdom which gave birth to community leaders and caregivers Islamic boarding schools on Madura Island and Java Island.


Caption : A photo  Darul Ulum Banyuanyar Islamic Boarding School, Pamekasan Madura local guide  Bang Ipul)Caption : A photo Darul Ulum Banyuanyar Islamic Boarding School, Pamekasan Madura local guide Bang Ipul)

5. Jamsaren Islamic Boarding School, Surakarta, Central Java


The history of the establishment of the Jamsaren Islamic Boarding School is inseparable from the struggle for independence of Indonesia and Pangeran Diponegoro, the boarding is located on Jalan Veteran 263 Serengan Solo. This Islamic Boarding School was first established around 1750. In its history, this cottage passed two periods, having experienced a vacuum of almost 50 years, between 1830 - 1878.


Initially, the Islamic boarding school which was established during the reign of Pakubuwono IV was only a small surau. At that time, PB IV brought in scholars, including Kiai Jamsari (Banyumas, Central Java). The name Jamsaren was also taken from the name of the residence of Kiai Jamsari which was later enshrined until now.Caption : A photo  Jamsaren Islamic Boarding School, Surakarta, Central Java (local guide   Suntoro)Caption : A photo Jamsaren Islamic Boarding School, Surakarta, Central Java (local guide Suntoro)


Java, Indonesia
Level 8

رد: 5 Oldest Islamic Boarding Schools in Java

@Mukroni  شكرا هده المشاركة الطيبة والمفيدة بشرح المفيد والمفاصل لمدارس الإسلامية وصور الرائعة لمدارس الوصف الدقيق أنك 10/10

Level 4

رد: 5 Oldest Islamic Boarding Schools in Java

Religious education such as Islamic boarding schools is an effective way to teach moral and spiritual values to children and help them to become people of morality and integrity.