Despite the rain, the Street Market Walk was interesting and funny at the same time.
We walked around the city with coloured umbrellas, we discovered the local products, like the Radicchio Tardivo, we explored the Historical hydraulic system that control the flow of the rivers and finally we had fun in a bar.
That’s all, the recap could end here but ….
…… but you would miss the fun, the pleasure, the joy of meeting Local Guides coming from around Europe. So, you will have to continue reading ?
A bit of history
The mercantile activity is one of the most widespread and ancient activities in Treviso. The position of the town was in fact ideal, in the Middle Ages, for connecting Venice with Austria. Treviso was part, like Venice, of the Austro-Hungarian emperor, from 1814 to 1866.
The entrance of the street market is located on Porta San Tomaso, the city gate where the road to Austria starts
Treviso Street market still be quite big, as you can see on the map: In brown you can see the actual area of the street market
We met at Porta San Tomaso, and immediately it started to rain. Our first shopping was … umbrellas!! That’s the interesting part of a walk on the street market: if you need something, you can buy it in there.
I arrived on the place 20 minutes earlier, to be sure to be there in time. It is beautiful to see the others arriving. Most of us are already friend, we met already more than once. 10 of us attended one or more official Local Guides events in California, with most of the others we were virtually friends in Connect, for others was their very first meet-up.
Rain is not the best friend, during a Meet-up. My hope was Paolo’s power, because usually he’s the person that bring the sun with him, but this time fate had the upper hand.
We moved in any case, even if I decided to short a bit the walk.
All of us with his own umbrella, we started to cross the market, walking through the Food Area.
My aim was to show them the “Treviso red Gold” better known as Radicchio Rosso Tardivo, or also “Treviso’s flower”. Later we had the opportunity to taste it, in several different ways.
After the Food Market, we walked on the City Wall, to reach Frà Giocondo Bridge.
Frà Giocondo (from the name of the hydraulic engineer who designed it) is much more than a simple Bridge. In there, a serie of weirs splits the river it in different channels and control the flow through the city
From There, crossing the park Giardino Diritti dei Bambini (Garden for the rights of children) built in an island in the river, we reached the city center. Our target was another island, the Seafood Market on Isola della Pescheria.
Due to the rain, we decided for a “Pit Stop” just before to reach the island. After so much water, a bit of wine was really wanted.
Our choice was for a place called Proseccheria dell’Oste, of course for a bit of Prosecco.
Our passage changed completely the business listing in Maps of the place, as you can imagine. 18 Local Guides all together in a POI is the dream of every business owner.
They got a lot of photos and reviews (here’s mine), and a lot of fun, with the business owner over a chair rotating a selfie stick over his head, to capture the famous “matrix effect” that is actually the trademark of the couple “Luigi and Emanuele”.
From there, we finally reached the Seafood Market.
It was late, so we decided:
To close the morning meet-up in there, without reaching the starting point again.
To find a restaurant, where to gain a bit of warm and energy, before to start the next meet-up.
With a couple of call we found a restaurant at 10 minutes walk from there, where to have an authentic, original Italian pizza, or pasta.
Isn’t it, guys?
Next step: Wine Meet-up
This post is part of the recaps of “La Dolce Vita, Italian Style of Fun,” series.
A 2 days - 4 meetups event organized in Treviso on November 23rd and 24th.
Here below the links to:
The main post, that introduce the event
The Treviso Wine meet-up 2019 - Recap
The Treviso Food Crawl meet-up 2019 - Recap
The Treviso 360 Photo-walk meet-up 2019 - Recap