Torna fort

trekking at Torna fort


Thanks for sharing a photo of this renowned fort @Ajitbirajdar

Did you go there frequently? Does it require an overnight stay at the fort?

By the way, you need to rotate the pic and make that vertical so that other readers can appreciate the strength of this immense fort.

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Hi @C_T

II am not going frequently, only occasionally. Because Torna fort is located at the height of of the toughest Fort in Maharashtra

Hi @Ajitbirajdar ,

Welcome to Connect!

I’ve tried to find Torna fort on Google Maps but didn’t find it. Could you please to tell us more about it and maybe to link the place?

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I recommend you to rotate the photo to be more visible for the other Local Guides as well.

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Hi @PoliMC

Torna fort(killa in Marathi) is approximately 90 km from pune.

Torna killa.

Rajgad - Torna Trek Path, Charhat Wadi, Maharashtra 412212

Please check the above link

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Hi @Ajitbirajdar ,

Thanks a lot for your reply!

I’ve checked it, thanks a lot! It would be great if you add more details to the photo as well. You can add for example history of this place.

Hi @PoliMC ,

You are always welcome, I will definitely add more details in my next post. Thanks for your support :blush:

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