Hi @user_not_found
Welcome to Connect
You have asked a valid question.
Irrespective of the translation to English,
Yes, you can ask other local guides to gather at a place of interest in your area and eat or just chat there.
No, If you only ask other local guides to check out a place to eat.
Yes, If you have been to a place like a restaurant and write a short or detailed post about your experience and then recommend other local guides to visit that place.
Hope that answers your queries.
And I recommend reading these amazing tips to connect with local guides in your neighborhood.
I appreciate your answer. Thank you.
Yes indeed, I will post reviews as I’ve been doing up to now! I’m glad it’s ok.
One more thing to ask, but as you answered to Japanese language questions in English, should I post anything in English here?
It seemsthere is a few Japanese here, so I think I should.
Absolutely not necessary.
I’d recommend continuing posting in your language and Google will take care of the translation
I would like to tag out community moderator @HiroyukiTakisawa who is from Japan and will guide you better in this regard.
既に @TusharSuradkar さんから返信がある通り、お誘いの投稿も問題ありません。一般的にそういった投稿はミートアップとして投稿していただくと良いと思います。他の方の投稿も参考にしながらミートアップを開催してみてください。
I got it!
Thank you very much for your kind answers!
Hi, @TusharSuradkar Thank you for tagging me, and your support;)
Hi @user_not_found
A small friendly tip that I would like to share with you
I would suggest using the @ tool to address people when replying, as I have done above.
This sends a notification to people about your message and helps keep the communication streamlined.
Have a nice time on Connect and enjoy sharing…
Don’t forget to introduce yourself to the local guides community and get to know other local guides by commenting on this post.
Oh sorry, I thought it sends notification without mentioning.
I will post my self introduction as well. Thank you!