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Many Local Guides share their points achievements in individual posts here on Connect’s Achievements board, a board specifically set up to brag about our achievements. However, hundreds of Local Guides share their points achievements collectively on the Points Leaderboards post where you get much more than the opportunity to brag about your points achievements because:
- You get a much better and easier comparative analysis of your points achievements with your peers, that is, Local Guides at your own Local Guide level.
- You can gain a way to better monitor and chart the progress of your contributions over time.
- You have access to a deeper analysis of your points achievements, and
- You can quickly gain an as-you-go health check that can highlight issues with your contributions.
- To learn more see this article.
And, you don’t have to be a “top gun” Level 10 Local Guide with millions of points to participate! There are leaderboards for each Local Guide level so anyone can join in and yes, you can too and it’s simple to do, just hit this link to register or if you want some help then add a comment in this post and someone will jump in to help you. You will quickly learn that as well as the inherent competitive and fun element to the Leaderboards, there’s more here than meets the eye! You see, the Leaderboards are more than just about rankings of Local Guides! We hope you’ll join up soon.