The Guide to visit Mexico, A real paradise

Mexico, a Real Paradise to Visit

Hello everybody, I’m Samuel and I’m Google guide since 2 years ago, and this has been a really amazing experience because I can express my feelings about a place and help anothers to take a good decition when they will visit or know a new place. I’m from Mexico a Big, Multi-faceted and beautiful country when you can experiment nature, a big city to take a drink or dance in a nice bar or club and go to a beautiful forest or beach and eat the best Mexican food.

Puente de Dios (God’s bridge) Sierra Gorda Queretaro México

Google maps it is the Biggest tool to find or evaluate a place to visit

I’m from Cuernavaca Morelos, called the place of the eternal spring beacause its weather, and it’s a small city that you can travel in one day, so when I decided to move to Mexico city I was very afraid, because is a Big city where you can get lost, but when google maps I could reach all my goals, I could find my new gym, new favorite places to eat delicious food, some places to get fun like museums, clubs, bars, pubs where I met knew people, I made friends and a new family. I’m very convinced that we like google guides have a big responsibility to guide anothers to one big experience or avoid bad experiences. Here In Mexico you can find a lot of posibilities to visit, I love my country and I want to teach to the world to discover my place.

Laguna de la luna (Moon lagoon) Toluca, Nevado de Toluca Mexico

Cascada Chuveje en Sierra Gorda Querataro México

My Passion about travel, taking photos and going new amazing and wonderful places

Now, I’m a Local guide but an user too, so when I go travel to a new place, I plan my trip before I leave, so I have a look of the places I may visit, I love to visit museums, beaches, the forest, restaurants, and places to take a drink, it’s very important to take the best pictures and capture the best photos, so I have the objective to sell a new professional camera, and help another with my best comments and observations, like costs, recommendations, and observations

I’m sharing some photos of my travels around Mexico and Im looking forward to go abroad

Tips and advices to visit Mexico

Fist of all you have to decide what you want to visit, a beach, a city, a town, a forest, then you can book in a hotel or use some apps like AIRBNB, booking, etc., I recomend you to have Didi or Uber to travel and look for you want to visit or know, mexican food, a restaurant, a coffee, a gay club, a great place to eat pizza, a museums, and enjoy your travel.



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