Support Local Businesses, Chai Pe Charcha : Tea Point

Hy Local Guides,

Thanks to @TusharSuradkar’s initiative Chai Pe Charcha (Talks over Tea), I now stops at most tea shops in my area. After I completed my shift for today, I came across TEA POINT on my way back home. Actually I saw this spot but couldn’t visit as it’s in a one-way section of the road and there was no parking area near the road for me to park my vehicle and cross. So today I went to the end of the road and turned back at the intersection to arrive at this tea spot.

Owner was friendly when I asked him whether I can take Store-Front Photos to upload as there was only one photo in their profile. He was happy when I ordered a chai :grin:.

Also I added a menu photo to their profile with the caption “menu”.

Wheelchair accessible :wheelchair: as it’s near the road. Have high tables and small chairs :chair:

Bonus : found this photo at Cafe brewings.


Good post @Rahul001 keep supporting small businesses :pray:


Glad you are supporting Local Business @Rahul001 . Keep on guiding


Indeed…! a small business with a big attitude - I love their confidence.

Amazing tea point and superb photos @Rahul001 :+1:

The tea color seems perfect :tea:
The storefront and the outdoor standing area are fabulous.

Also I noticed that most of the photos are contributed by you - that is remarkable :handshake:


Thank you @Gouri_S_Prakash for your valuable comment and your support!

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Thank you @IgbinedionDan for your valuable comment and words!

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Thank you @TusharSuradkar for your valuable comment and words :pray:!

When I visited the shop, I checked in map and found they claimed it and only have one photo. As you said in your store-front challenge, store front are important as it’s helps in Accessibility and what store looks like before visiting.

Thank you Tushar. Most of tea shops have no store-front photos (just some tea or snacks photos) in my area or Kerala. Glad to Help local businesses.

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Such a great initiative

Good work @Rahul001 bro…
Keep supporting local businesses.

What a great work, you’re doing @Rahul001 bhai. Keep contributing, keep supporting small businesses. :+1::handshake:


It’s a great post … @Rahul001 supporting local business and trying out tea is great… :star_struck: