Suggest good vada pav in Noida

वड़ा पाव

Sometimes I crave for a good vada pav in Noida. Please suggest good outlets, even street food options will be good.


Hello @mittalmohit
Welcome to LG Connect :pray: and congratulations on your first post here.

The Vada Pav photo looks interesting.
Did you take that photo? if not I’d suggest removing it.

I recommend active local guided from NCR @AnubhaBangia can help you with this :blush:

Also, please introduce yourself to the local guide community here and get featured on Connect:


Thank you @TusharSuradkar for the comment on the post. I remember getting the image from a royalty free source but I have removed it anyway. Thank you for the valuable suggestion.

Looking forward to connect with more local guides and learn from them :slightly_smiling_face:

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That should be fine @mittalmohit as long you mention the source or credits.

Each post must preferably have a photo, to appear on your profile page.

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Thank you again for the valuable insight @TusharSuradkar . I have edited the post again, please let me know if this is fine :slightly_smiling_face:

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@AnubhaBangia looking forward to connect and learn :slightly_smiling_face:


Looks perfect @mittalmohit

Looking forward to your post about the Vada Pav at a food joint in Noida soon, once you find a good one :+1:

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Thank you @TusharSuradkar Sir for the mention. @mittalmohit , I have no idea about the street food outlets in Noida. Having said that, Haldiram’s do have vada pav. You can give it a try! I am sure you will like it. Regards!


Thank you @AnubhaBangia for your reply. Thank you for the Haldiram’s suggestion, will try and write a post :slightly_smiling_face:

Are you in Delhi NCR?

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** @mittalmohit **

बहोत अच्छा लग रहा है, मुझे बहोत पसंद है बटाटा वडा…

शेअर करने के लिए धन्यवाद…

Thank you for the comment and tag @Shrut19 . Delhi NCR specifically Noida does not seem to have authentic vada pav of mumbai and I crave for it sometimes. I have had it at a few street food joints but the pavs are not that soft also the masala is not upto the mark. I will explore more :slightly_smiling_face:


@mittalmohit Glad that you liked my suggestion! Yes, I live in Gurugram City. I am sure you will like it.

@mittalmohit YUMMY :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:


** @mittalmohit **

वडापाव का जन्म मुंबई मे हुआ है , पर सच कहो तो मुंबई मे भी हर जगह ॲाथेंटिक वडापाव नही मिलता…

बहोत सिलेक्टिव जगह पर और स्ट्रीट फुड स्टॉल का बटाटावडा मुझे पसंद है, या फिर घर पर हि बनवा लो ।

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Thank you @Shrut19 . Please guide for the recipe of the authentic vada pav. :slightly_smiling_face:

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** @mittalmohit **

वैसे तो इनजनरल सभी बनाते वैसे हि पर कुछ चीजोंको विषेश ध्यान देना होता है जैसे आलू के मिश्रण मे

साबूत धनिया का दरदरा मोटा मोटा क्रश किया हुआ,और हरा धनिया बारीक कटा हुआ, तडके मे राई जीरे के साथ हरी मिर्च अद्रक लेहसुन कि दरदरा पेस्ट सभी को एक साथ मिलाने के बाद निंबूरस का छिड़काव…

इनका बटाटावडा तलने के बाद और सबसे जरूरी हे सभी चटनियां…

परफेक्ट चटनियां स्वाद को बहोत हि बढा देती है।

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@mittalmohit please see if you have tried the one in sector 63 Noida near Noida Electronic City metro station gate no. 2, pillar no. 375.

A video of it is here

The google map location is exact and is here

The taste, quality was really good considering its affordable price and the fact that it is a humble road side joint. A total value for money and really flavourful. I am a college going student and almost all of my friends liked it. Do give it a try !

@srajanagarwal2108 It is an old post and I have tried so many joints. Many of them were good. I will give this a try as well. Thank you so much!