Russian national handicrafts.

Today I would like to tell about famous Russian National handicrafts.

Polkhovsky-Maydanskaya painting

Masters painted dolls--MATRYUSHKA, children’s toys, mushrooms, Easter eggs, while using only four colors – green, blue, yellow and red.

Palekh painting

The peculiarity of the painting is that artists create not just ornaments, but draw the whole subjects, compositions with the smallest details.

Perhaps the most recognizable Russian folk craft is the Khokhloma gold painting. It was born in the late seventeenth century in the Nizhny Novgorod region, when the fairs in the village of Khokhloma sold wooden products painted by local from the surrounding villages.

Zhostovo painting

In the early 19th century in one of the suburban brothers lived Vishnyakov, and they were engaged in painting lacquered metal trays, sugar bowls, pallets.

And of course ,Russian valenki.)


Hi @helga19 ,

I’ve been looking forward to read your next post for a while. Thank you for showing us these colorful Russian handicrafts.

When I was a child I loved to play with Матрёшки (Matryushka). A few years ago I bought myself a few from Moscow. Actually it was hard to find those real handcrafted ones. Most were really not expensive, but weren’t so beautiful as those that are painted.

There’s something funny I’d like to share about those wooden, painted spoons. When I was a child my great grandpa used to eat Borsh with that kind of spoon, and I wasn’t allowed (don’t remember why). I was dreaming to grow up and use it. Nowadays, I’m obviously allowed, but don’t have a spoon like this.


Thank you dear @MashaPS for you nice story from your childhood!

I also love wooden dool Matryoshka ,many children like to play with it.

Do you know ,that Matryoshka is a symbol of family ,because in one big doll there are seven small dolls.

Russian word-СЕМЬ+Я.

Our family also have tea and tablespoons Хохлома)

I would like to give you such spoons as a present,if I will have such opportunity.

These spoons and plates are nice.

Best wishes,



Hello Inga, I really like the Russian dolls, I remember as a child my friend had a big Russian doll that when you opened there was another doll inside then another and so on until I got to the tiny baby size doll. As a child I was mesmerised by this. It must be hard to paint the tiny little ones. Also the painted lacquered metal trays are lovely. I think my grandmother had something that looked like this but on a wooden jewelry box. :smiling_face:


Beautiful photos, and beautiful hand-painted works! Incredible skill!

Thanks @helga19 for sharing this!



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Oh @helga19 ,

Thank you very much! This is so kind of you!

I knew that Matryoshka is a symbol of family, bit I didn’t know about this nice word game - СЕМЬ+Я. In fact it sounds logic.


Hi @helga19

These are amazing! Painstakingly created very colorful absolutely beautiful handicrafts. Thanks heaps for sharing :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


অসম্ভব সুন্দর , আমার দেশে ওই পুতুল গুলোর বেশ প্রচলন আছে @helga19 । ধন্যবাদ শেয়ার করার জন্য



RaM ram

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Hi, @helga19

Thank you for sharing beautiful and heartwarming items photos:-)))

I like the Khokhloma painting bowls. Are they just gifts? Can I use them in daily life?


Beautiful Russian handicrafts thank you @helga19 sharing with us…


Great post @helga19

I am enjoying your photos. Can’t wait to meet you again


@helga19 Beautiful…


Hello @HiroyukiTakisawa

Sure ,we can use Khokholoma in daily life-plates , table and teaspoons.

Expecially small kids like use spoons.

But most of all Khokholoma use as gifts.

When foreign tourists come to Moscow they bought Matryoshka and Khokholoma.)

Best wishes,


Thanks @ErmesT !

I am looking forward to meeting you all!)

I have already prepared Russian gifts)



Thank you for telling me @helga19

It sounds good! Someday I want to get a bowl for me and a spoon for my son:-)))


Hello @HiroyukiTakisawa

Thanks for your answer. I would like to give some tablespoons and teaspoons for you and your son as a gift ,but we so far from each other.

They are for you!

Welcome to Moscow somewhere!

Best wishes,


@helga19 outstanding and informative as usual.

Are these paintings in a museum or can be purchased from galleries?

I like the Zhostovo paintings.

The Russian Valenki, what is it made of?

Thanks for sharing…

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Hello @EmekaUlor

Such paintings you can buy in special Art galleries.The village masters made such metal trays Zhostovo in special workshops.

It is national handicrafts.

Valenki is made of sheep’s wool.

They are very warm for cold Russian winter.



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Thank you! @helga19

Those are so cute!:-)))

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