I was challenged by @Cecilita to share how we do our bit for our planet through recycling. I had meant to share these ideas for some time, and while World Recycling Day is way past gone, I still felt it worthwhile to share my ideas.
Here in the photos are four ways in which I repurpose some old containers.
The first one is an old soya sauce bottle which has a very nice shape. As you can see, I have turned it into a vase for some seasonal flowers.
The second are some old yoghurt containers. I found that if I take just the right pointy screw driver (sorry I’m very “technical” here I know) to the bottom of the containers, I can create just the right sized holes without cracking and splitting the containers. So now I have some very useful pots for my orchids.
The third item are some bread tags. There is a group that specialises in turning breadtags into wheelchairs! How is this done? You can read more about it here: https://www.cleanup.org.au/bread-tags-for-wheelchairs?gclid=Cj0KCQjw24qHBhCnARIsAPbdtlJ8zbxVCjQNIEYUSEvGHE60eQ3w2hlY0PRb9Dkrp6QwClsevJOUzHAaAizjEALw_wcB I’m still collecting breadtags. When I get enough I’ll send it to them.
The last idea I have is repurposing ice-cream tubs for gardening containers for my gardening gloves. I don’t like to find any “nasty surprises” with eight legs (or more!) in my gloves so I keep them safe in sealed containers that cost me nothing.
So there you have it, just four simple ideas for repurposing simple everyday objects. We can all do our part for a better planet.
I hope you’ll share with me your ideas too.