One of my adwords clients got a 1 star review with no comment (he has about 100 5 star reviews), I checked their page and they had made over 40 reviews within 1 hour, all just star ratings, this is not good practice, please review their profile, it looks very spammy.
Thanks for reaching us. @handsun
Please read this post to know how to report a Local Guide: How to identify and report fraud on Google Maps
How to report a review? Please read:
In addition, if the listing of your client is in GMB, he should follow this procedure: Flag inappropriate reviews
BTW I also wants to remind you that Local Guides is a program for individuals. Please make sure to check out the program rules
You can be in the program an individuals, while in this moment you appear to be here as a business. If so, you should exit from the Local Guides Program. You can do it from here:
Hi dear @handsun
A warm welcome to Local Guides Connect Community
Have a look at this post: How to identify and report a fraud on Google Maps.
It has some details about how to report spam posts and possible spammers.
Best Regards
Thanks for your assistance! I am in Local Guides as an Individual, I submit reviews on Local Businesses that I do business with. I also happen to own a Google Partner Agency, and had a question about reporting a Guide that is spamming. I did report the review as inappropriate but there is nowhere to submit more info, the fact that that Local Guide submitted over 40 star only reviews in less than 1 hours time. That is spam. The flag option only gives 4 responses and no where to add a comment. That’s why I am trying to get help on this forum. I would think I am not the only Local Guide that also does business with google. Thank you again for your help!
Of course @handsun
For sure a moderator will contact you on business days. On the meantime I want, as you mentioned a client, to be sure that the business and the Local Guide role need to be kept separate. E.g. writing reviews for the business you are working with should be avoided. Even if I am sure that your reviews are free and honest, someone may think that you have been paid for doing that
As an agent @handsun you have access via for reporting fraud.
Thanks @PaulPavlinovich
I did that too, but it only gives 4 options, the most appropriate being irrelevant. The reviewer posted over 40 star only reviews in one hour, that looks like spam to me, there is no where to add a comment in the business reporting.
Hi @handsun ,
Thanks for reaching out.
I will send you a private message with instructions on how to report this specific user so our team can look into this person’s account and take any appropriate action, though we won’t be able to share the final decision as we respect everyone’s privacy. We ask that you do not share any information publicly about the person you think may be violating our policies as we respect everyone’s privacy.
P.S.: Please only tag Google Moderators mentioned in this topic - Meet the Google Moderators.
If you go into the community @handsun it is like this one which is focused on the Local Guides where as that one is focused on business people such as yourself. You can report there. No need to do that as I see one of the Googlers has responded to you here.
Hola. Recibimos comentarios maliciosos, perversos y sin fundamentos ni pruebas de un señor identificado el Local Guides como [Redacted] quien solo busca difamar y perjudicar el buen nombre de nuestra empresa. Llevamos 10 años en el medio y hemos trabajado con cientos de modelos a toda Colombia y con importantes empresas nacionales e internacionales. No lo conocemos ni hemos tenido ningún vinculo con este señor como para que agreda y difame de uno de nuestros empleados, es una agresión y bulling. Estamos investigando a [Redacted] y todos sus comentarios son despectivos y maliciosos, no son sensatos y faltan a la verdad difamando el buen nombre y reputación de muchas empresas.
Hola @IMCol ,
Hemos redactado tu post porque en Connect no recomendamos exponer los nombres y los perfiles de otros Local Guides.
Por favor tómate un tiempo para leer la política de la comunidad aquí. Estoy segura que vas a encontrar muy buenos consejos que te ayudarán en tus futuras publicaciones.
Ten en cuenta que te voy a enviar un mensaje privado con la información de cómo reportar un Local Guide.
Hello Everyone I am new this Google Moderators forum. I would like to know how appropriately can I complain about a Google Local guide who has posted spam on our client’s Maps listing with fake videos and images. Please pardon me if I have made any mistake in posting this. Below is the link to his profile,
He posted videos & images that are not of the business, we have flagged them too. I am also attaching the screenshot of his spammy, I am extremely sorry if I am posting this on the wrong forum, please accept my apologies.
I am sorry for the esperience of your customer, BTW, yes, I see several issues on this post, @Soft78
First of all, this is not the forum of Google Moderators. This is a Forum of Local Guides. As far as I can see you are here as a business, on behalf of another business. This is against the Local Guides Program Terms and Conditions : “Organizations, brands, and businesses are not eligible for the Program.”
You can be in the program an individuals, but not as a business. If so, you should exit from the Local Guides Program. You can do it from here:
Both Local Guides and business owners can report an entire profiles on Google Maps from your mobile device. Read this post to learn more.
Before to close your Local Guide account, for everyones privacy, please edit your post removing the photos and the link to the profile.
Hello @Soft78 ,
I’ve edited your message because we value everyone’s privacy. Sharing yours or other people’s private information on Connect is not encouraged.
Thank you for your assistance
Thank you so much for your assistance. I was going to delete it as suggested