Recycling Locations

I have submitted about a hundred new places. 60 place have been approved and added.
Some places haven’t been approved.

During this time of Quarantine, people have been looking for places to continue their basic needs. Our regular local Recycling centers have been shut down for residential drop off.

No place to turn in your pop cans and cardboard. The City of Richland does maintain locations where citizens can tip off your recyclables.

I’ve been using my photos and the City’s website in the suggestion post to verify locations.

I’ve been trying to add these locations with no luck. Maybe it’s not luck but a better way to suggest these points on the Map.

I add the suggestion of location with photos but those photos are not getting approval.
I go back and shoot photos that closely match Street View and still no approval.

Some of these suggestions even appear in my Contribution feed as ‘Unknown Location’
even 1 with one with over a thousand views.

Should I switch to Street View to post these locations or continue to use Google Maps to Suggest & Contribute?


Do these locations have persons to receive the recyclables @CavemanSavant ?

Nevertheless, as per my understanding, the Street View app doesn’t have any functionality to add new places. You need doing so through Google Maps only if and only if the current policy permits.

As per my information through some earlier discussions, a POI (other than a tourist attraction) is expected to have a person to attend the customers at least for some duration in the day.

Hi @CavemanSavant great that you are trying to help. Getting things added can be an interesting process and not all additions go through. Make sure you’re using “Recycling drop-off location” as the category if it is available locally in your region rather than “Recycling centre”. The former is for unattended drop off points and the latter is for attended places with office hours. I’m glad you’re using your own photos in the verification.


Here’s an update …
I’ve gone back and re-shot some photos. Then using the addresses from the City’s webpages (
suggested ‘Missing Places’. I’ve added several photos and info for each location.

For example:
1378 Lee Blvd, Richland, WA 99352

But I still get "City of Richland Drop Box Recycling - Fran Rish

NOT APPLIED · Place creation
Google couldn’t verify your edit"

Should I keep trying? Call the other Local Guides in Richland to help?